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Sabers: Blocking


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What will the blocking systems in JKII be? Will they be like the (useless) ones in Jedi Knight, or like those of the AI in Phantom Menace (block everything, right down to slicing proton missiles in half) or somewhere in between? I read the FAQ at Lucasarts but they didn't mention anything.

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Hey, blocking wasn't useless in JK. Are you refering to the ability to block laser fire? or to block other sabers in Jedi VS Jedi duels? From what is shown on the E3 gameplay video, blocking laser fire is similar to how it was in JK. But in the case of Saber vs Saber, the blocking is almost absolute because in the movie where there was a boss saber fight the blocking animation was fast and every slash that my eyes could see was blocked. So there u go. But as another posted noted above, nothing official has been announced, so take this just as more of a spectulation.

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well, i think SBX 2.0 has pretty good blocking, and even while swinging if i remimber correctly... i dont even play jk w/o it anymore :D but i suppose something along the lines of that would probably be what it is like... whenever twosabers pass through each other, while standing, or swinging, they will block each other...

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I would prefer it if they included the ability to manually block, when sabering. I find it annoying when the saber blocks just when I'm about to attack, for example. I know it all comes down to timing and position, but still I would prefer the choice of leaving myself open to attack, if it means I can deliver a killing blow when I spot a gap in my opponent's defences.


I wouldn't have to be complicated, either...just hit a key and you can switch from auto-block to manual block, and vice versa. Surely that can't be too hard to implement? It should require more skill to manually block...which increases the difficulty level for those who are experts (I don't include myself in that category, because I've hardly played MP).


I don't see a problem with retaining the lightsaber to block blaster fire, and using the Force to deflect projectiles.


Just my 2 cents... ;)

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