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Ranks changed?


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Dunno how many posts you need to have. I actually dont like being able to edit them. I think we should *have* to stick to the proper ones........unless they make more for higher posts. Of course, as the general number of posts get higher they will constantly change the ranking system....it always happens :)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

I wouldnt advise that even as a joke.......Pretzel did that and he got kicked off the boards *perminently*, he kept posting 1 word posts etc......really annoying.


banned ;)


But hes back and said he wouldnt do it again

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Ok sorry.... sorry... i give up... only a joke... no harm meant... oh yeh i thoguht Bart_JCS would be banned by now.... for one word posts like... yes,cool,really?,maybe,hmmmmm and things like that.

Preztel msut be to scared to post now or something. Preztel are you there... if so tell us... we'll help you! We're a Reabilitation centre

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No dont. It will take three posts for him to say hes here. : )


From what I remember it was 1 of our finest moderators who scared him off in the first place. Thing is Gonk beat my by about 10 minutes.


Pretzzel, if you are here take it easy this time and you will find it a lot more rewarding..




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Yup, with the new upgrade many things have changed. Consider these the growing pains... we'll get things sorted out soon enough.


As long as people don't try to abuse the system, all will be well, and we may have to tweak the features as things go on. Send us constructive feedback so we can help make the community a profitable one for all of us. ; )



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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

.......yes......and for that we thank you........every other post was his and it started to get very VERY annoying........In two days he manages 200 posts :rolleyes:.......clearly spamming :rolleyes:


omg. 200posts in 2 days? how do you do that? the most i've done is about 10 in two days.

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Originally posted by Kwup

whoa whoa, when did we start having ranks?


and more importantly, when did people start caring what their rank was?


There have always been ranked, and I dont care about the rank, I was just wondering what were the ranks now


Kurgan, I know, but ranks changed again after the forum move, thats what I asked about

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