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When do u think a demo will be out????


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Firstly.......Gonk8her make sure Pretzel doesnt start doin that again. I dont mind it now and again....but who cant forget the last time :mad:


The demo could come out anytime. In the UK we had the JK demo 2-3 months before the actual game where as some other countries had the demo released actually after the game came out.


Imperium Galactica III is due for release next summer which is after JK2, and yet that demo is comming out "anytime soon"......so its really hard to say.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

The demo could come out anytime. In the UK we had the JK demo 2-3 months before the actual game where as some other countries had the demo released actually after the game came out.

I dont think thats a problem because broadband is available in lots of places now so everybody downloads demos (me included :))


But Im afraid I wont have internet access or a computer anywhere near me in january or february :(

I hope I dont miss the demo launch


If the demo is released during jan/feb, I would appreciate if you LEC/Raven people send me a beta during december :D

I dont care If its a bit buggy :D

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They'll post the demo once all the die hard fans have bought the actual game, beat it, and starts to complain about multiplayer.


There's no reason to post the demo early so people who would buy the game no matter would waste their bandwidth downloading the demo. They will wait till the initial surge of sales have died down, and in an effort to get those sitting on the fence, they'll release the demo.


At least, they'll do this if they are smart. But who knows.

Anyone who thinks they'll release the demo earlier is not pessimistic enough.

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

i dont think a demo is nescersary. As long as they put enough effort into the game there is no need to waste there time putting a demo together.


I doubt a demo is a waste of time

demos are the best way that devs have to convince people to buy their games


Millions o' Monkeys, It happens that the game is not supposed to be sold to us only, but also to other pc gamers


LEC uses to release demos before releasing the games, and I think this kind of marketing things are decided by LEC not by Raven

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

i dont think a demo is nescersary. As long as they put enough effort into the game there is no need to waste there time putting a demo together.


Running a game demo is usually a good way of ascertaining whether the full game will run at an acceptable rate on your computer. You can usually also assess any issues there might be with the game before you decide to purchase the full version. There have been a couple of games in the past that I thought I would really enjoy...so I tried the demos first. The demo for Deus Ex, for example, would not run on my old PC...and was one of the many reasons why I chose to upgrade last year. So playing a demo is always worthwhile. ;)

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Many of us in here have played JK and other games similar to JK2. Many people who havent will not buy the game until they've played the demo. In the early days of my gaming I would not have bought the original JK if I hadnt played the demo. At least half the sales of any games are due to a demo.....usually even more.

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