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Just for my own information. How many people here actually know me?

Nob Akimoto

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I think you mean "again." ;)


Originally posted by rogue518

you are the one, or one of members responcible for creating the fabulous NCA patch and the NCA 1.b. And "hopefully" will be the one that "releases the NCA 2 Patch in the future....


What he said. I mainly remember you as the owner of that funky blue-and-red J/95 X-wing in the NCA patch, the one with the New Republic logo plastered all over it.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

I think you mean "again." ;)




What he said. I mainly remember you as the owner of that funky blue-and-red J/95 X-wing in the NCA patch, the one with the New Republic logo plastered all over it.


LOL same here. Nice engine glow it had, too...;)

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Guest garyah99

Probably. Although "know" can take on several connotations (sp?). I wasn't sure if he meant do we know that he is a member of XWA, a mod on the board, what he does for a living, where he lives, what his hobbies are etc. My answer was fairly nebulous as I do know that he is a member, mod/admin of XWA, but I don't know where he lives, hobbies, etc. THAT kind of know.

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What, exactly, is he planning on doing with this information he is gathering? And if he does want us to REALLY know him, then he should post more and let us get to know him.


Unless he's making a list of people who know him who must be eliminated so that all traces of his past can be erased on his path to world-rulership. Hmmmm...


C'mon Nob! Out with the truth! We can handle it! I think... :)

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Just trying to figure out how many people remembered me, and still how many others know my name from around the 'net. It's sort of for a side project on how much clout I have to push around and how many people I can influence, but that's not important.


And don't worry, I won't go around assassinating any of you.


Though I suppose yes you are in my way of global domination.

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