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Gold leader

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Going for the all-time view-to-post ratio record here. :D


From today on every dutch citizen older than 6 can acquire the so-called "euro kit", containing the different euro coins. They are meant to help people to get used to the new coins before the official euro introduction at 1 jan. Authorities expect a "mild chaos". I think it's going to be worse. Mild chaos is created when you give dutch people free yoghurt samples as an advertisement. Extreme chaos is what you get when you give them free money. :)

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I am violently anti-EU. Stupid Europe thinks it can mess with the US by ganging up on us! Ah, but the US always wins because we always cheat. We won the Cold War by cheating you know. We make up a treaty saying you can only have a certain about of missiles and everyone loves it. What do we do? Put 15 warheads in a single missile while no was paying attention. Suddenly we have a 15 to 1 advantage. We get an airbase for B-52s 25ish miles from the Soviet Union in Turkey. The Soviets try to station missiles 100 some miles from us in Cuba and we threaten to spew nuclear weapons in every direction. They try building a base in Grenada and we invaded. Soviets try to resupply Egyptian forces fighting the Israelis and we tell them to back off or we'll nuke their asses into some pre-stone age state. What was I talking about? oh yeah. and that's why i feel a full nuclear strike on Europe--wait, that's not right either. I feel, through my extensive studies of the EU (I WENT TO THEIR WEBSITE, BOY DOES IT LOAD SLOW), that the Euro will fall apart thanks to US and Japanese wrangling and using the British and the Swiss(!) to drive it apart.

What you think Market #1 and Market #2 are going to sit on their hands while Market #3, #4, #6, and a bunch of others try to band together to make the largest free market in the world? :D

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Originally posted by Gold leader

All this double dutch is some serious thread hijacking, dammit!

Go euro! Although the euro bank notes are ugly, the 1 and 2 euro coin look better than any dollar coin. :p


Yeah go Holland wooohhhooooo.... yeah.. i already have about 50 euro.... all for free wooohhoooo :D

and Holland Rules all :D... ok Europe SUCKS... but Holland Rules :D

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