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Bin Laden Rumor


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Guest SlashAndBurn

I havent seen the tape yet and I dont realy want to. From the description of the content it'd make me too ticked.

I heard the rumor about him being traped in the Tora Bora caves. Suposedly they have him and most of the remaining AL Queda traped. But right now there is no way to be sure he's realy in there untill they find him or his body. As far as we know he could have left the country a while ago. Hopefuly this will just end very soon.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

If the terrorists were going to do something like that I think they would have already. If anyhting they'd wait untill he's on trail or something like that. Either way we cannt let him go free out of fear for what might hapen. He needs to be caught (not killed yet) and brought to trial.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

America is fine. Bin Laden is full of hot air. He is trying to scare America. Our Homeland Sercuity will handle anything that happens. Now if you heard these rumors then the FBI, CIA, and the miltary did too. They will be looking into it. I would not worry about anything. As for his new videotape, I have watched it and IT DISGUSTED ME BEYOND ALL REASON! I dont think he deserves a trail or even a jail but death. If I ever find him, I will shoot him to avenge the lives that was lost in the WTC attack. One thing is clear though, Bin Laden days are numbered. :mad:

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

Ok I don't know if this is true but I saw on the news that they MIGHT have Bin Laden trapped. O and about that video tape, I personally think hes sick in the head. Did you guys see it yet?


Yes ive seen the tape man is he one sick B*****d

and yes I have also herd his eldest son has orders

to shoot him if we get to near.

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He probably does, that way, he will die a martyr. Let me define a few things for AL Qaeda quickly:


Jihad: a holy war to convert non-believers. It happened over 1500 years ago! Grow up Osama!


If they die kiling the enemy, they will go to Heaven. (suicide bombers and pilots) The Koran strictly tells muslims to coexist, not eliminate, especially people of the book (Jews and Christians)


If there is anyone that is a fundamentalist Muslim and crosses this thread, come here and talk! Let's hear why oyu think it is okay! (by the way, I just took a test on Islam today, so I know some of this stuff is true!)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

It is their Religious views. I am a christian and my belief that we dont kill people in cold blood. They dont get to go to heaven instead they will realize that they are in hell. That is my view. They believe that dying for a Greater Cause will cause them to go to heaven. Now let me tell you this, if this was true then nobody would be here on the planet because they rather be in heaven where it is better. See what i am saying?

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Uhhhh...hold it hold it!!!


Mohamed did NOT preach that killing was acceptable. Islam is a VERY peacefull religion and is far more tolerant of other cultures and faiths than Christianity and Judaeism have ever been. What we see in Bin Laden and other Islamic radicals are disturbed individuals who are able to twist religion to suit their needs and thirst for power and glory...similar to what David Koresh did in Waco and what hapened in Jonestown. To blame the religion itself is not the answer. It is a minority of the individuals within the religion that commit these acts and agree with Bin Laden.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Well from the action of the world it seem that Parkistan pops support Bin Laden and the Taliban support them. Also the Palestine may also be showing support for Bin Laden. So these people doing that show of support to Bin Laden is kinda telling us about them and so...You see? But I do believe you because I am very open minded except to Bin Laden. I want him dead and cut to pieces

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Bin Laden is definately a corpse in waiting. And I will be happy when he take up residence in hell.

A lot of the people in the middle east will at least sympathize with anyone that is oposing the US. We have in essance been screwing them over one way or another for the past 50 years...starting when we forced the palestinians to leave there homes and possesions at gun point so we could create Israil and also with our funding of various dictators durring the cold war and sponsoring numerous civil wars. Our two biggest problems in that area are actualy our own creation. We helped Sadam come into power and we funded the people that would eventualy become the Taliban and Al Queda simply because they were anti-Soviet. Then throught a lot of political and economic posturing we were able to make several of those countries dependant on us. So when the cold war ended and we pulled out their economy was left in ruin. So a lot of people over there hate the US...and arguably not without good reason. But Islam does not preach violence. Just a few lunatics...and hopefuly soon one of those lunatics will be behind bars and awaiting trial. Then executed.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Perfectly understandable. What you have said is basically true. I agree America need a hands off policy. Only step in major crisis. We could use some of those money on problems that we have within America instead on others that will squadoner it for wealth...

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Exactly. Hopefully something good will come out of this mess. Some stability or unity when the dust finaly settles.(whenever that will be). The last large scale conflict, WW2 had something great come out of it in the form of the UN but also helped further the tensions between the US and USSR and lead to the Cold War. If handled correctly only a possitive will arise out of the current conflict.

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you when this thing is over i say we just leave the middle east alone it's like stiring up a bunch of killer bees


we might make it out unscathed but if we keep messing with these people the whole acrused mess of them might declare a holy war and satrt another world war


which is something that must not happen now that the whole world could be annlithed by nukes



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It would be safer to just kill bin Laden from a distance because he probably has a grenade hidden uder his clothes, ready to blow his captors up....


Oh, yeah, and I have indeed seen a al-Queda propoganda video. It has a James-Bond style sequence(u know, the gun barrel thing were he is in this ring and he shoots the screen and blood goes down the screen) exept an Arab is standing in not a circle but an American flag (so u get the notion that he's shooting the flag). The other difference, is that James Bond is a good guy.:D


Oh, yeah, and I think that Northern Alliance and a few US Marines, using Russian made tanks, have got into part of Tora Bora but found hardly any signs of bin Laden or Mullah Omar.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

If he's outright killed he's a martyr. That would mean more violance than if he's captured. Unfortunately I dont think either way is going to give us 0 bloodshed. It's going to be up to the governments involved to prevent that. Hopefull we've provided an object lesson regarding what ahpens when we are atacked and people will just stick their heads in the sand and leave us alone while we put him on trial. I dont think that'll hapen but we can hope.

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