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The Final Nominations For The EMI Awards


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Well- I've put together the nominations based on who gave me their nominations (I admit I was a lil dissapointed I didn't get more nominations- but that's life)


The final nominations have been put together, in some cases I admit I added a few extra nominees (due to the fact that those who voted some of them did not vote in every category) so I added nominations I thought might get a vote- and I did not try to play favorites in the extra nominations I did have.


I would like as many people to vote as possible, afterall, when I first brought this up- so many of you seemed keen and interested, perhaps now there is something to vote on, you may find it easier to vote :)


Just another quick note- I took some of the categories out- especially in the non forum bit, since a lot of people couldn't think of everything non forum related (you guys spend too much time on the Internet :p)


Anyway- please send all nominations to me via my email nattydevil@optushome.com.au or on MSN (all_silly_n_stuff@hotmail.com) or ICQ 22344468


Thanx guys- and remember please vote :) And remember- I used everyones votes that I had, and I do apologize if anyone is insulted or anything by some of the nominations



Forum Person Of The Year







Mod Of The Year (includes Secrets)







Topic Of The Year

*Lets Have A Wet T-Shirt Competition

*Link On (The Origional by Murta

*Ferals Advent Calander

*SZ Dude!


Jerk Of The Year (Forums)


*AI- Back From The BigWhoop

*Thomas Fellas


Funniest Forum Member







Annoying Forum Member

*Thomas Fellas

*Max Payne

*Al-Back From The Bigwhoop



Nicest Forum Member








Rudest Forum Member

*Thomas Fellas




Loser Of The Year (forums)

*Thomas Fellas

*Carribian Pete



Best Sig

*Brighteyesmonkey- James Bond

*NFGB- Naked Monkey

*Guybrush122 old Gorillaz sig


Best Avatar

*Guybrush122- Sublime Cigarette

*Metallus- The M Signature


Quote Of The Year

*Megamonkey- NFGB = Nerd ****3r n' Gates B1tch

*NiKo- Are You A Pothead Fellas?

*Brighteyesmonkey- LETS BOOGIE PEEPS

*Brief- I KNEW IT! I knew Bill Gates was a monkey!

*NFGB- I have a theory about ants. I figure that if I step on every ant I see, then eventually by natural selection the ants will evolve to avoid me. It may take a few million years, but I'm patient.

I have a similar theory about voting against the presidential candidates who equally annoy me, but they evolve even more slowly.



Movie Of The Year


*Moulin Rouge


*Lord Of The Rings


Game Of The Year

*Alen vs Predator 2

*The Mystery of the Druids

*Black And White




Website Of The Year


*The Broken Sword Zone

*The Drawing Game


Actor Of The Year

*Eddie Murphey

*Brad Pitt

*John Travolta

*Elijah Wood



Actress Of The Year

*Cameron Diaz

*Nicole Kidman

*Renee Zelwegger


Song Of The Year

*Toxicity-System of a Down

*Gorillaz- Clint Eastwood

*Ailen Ant Farm- Smooth Criminal

*Alicia Keys- Fallin

*The BinLaden Song (Ummm?)


Loser Of The Year

*The Taliban

*Osama Bin Laden

*The Nepal Prince For Killing His Family


Country Of The Year


*United States Of America



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Originally posted by Natty

Country Of The Year




Point of clarity: "America" is not a country...it's a combination of two continents. I think you mean: "United States of America".


Yeah, I know that G.W.Bush calls our country "America", but he's an illiterate piece of ..er...flotsam (soon to be jetsam), and is not the kind of person you want to emulate. I'm sure he sees our country dominating the entire western world, but it hasn't happened, yet.

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"I have a theory about ants. If I step on each and every one of them, they will eventually evolve into avoiding me. It may take many million years, but I'm patient.

I have the same theory about politicians."


Or something like that.


And what about:


"I KNEW IT! I knew Bill Gates was a monkey!" - brief.

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Now you start sending stuff- after I spent weeks asking you lot to send me stuff for it.


OK- Jack, sorry I never got your nominations, so, yes I guess it's due to the server change :( Given the circumstances, I'll give today for people to submit more nominations or comment- since obviously so many of you aren't happy, which if I'm to be honest it has kinda hurt my feelings since I put the time and the effort in trying to put them together and then you guys (not all of you, some of you have been great) didn't even bother to acknowlege or anything. Anyway, enough of that babbling, I'm over it now :D But yes, just send me a PM with extra nominations and I'll add them. I'll add the ones that are on here now, coz I wanna try and make everyone happy :)

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just for clarification the theory was this:


I have a theory about ants. I figure that if I step on every ant I see, then eventually by natural selection the ants will evolve to avoid me. It may take a few million years, but I'm patient.


I have a similar theory about voting against the presidential candidates who equally annoy me, but they evolve even more slowly.



@ the presidential election when bush and gore were in a deadlock forever

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I'll refrain from making bytchy comments, just remember, the majority of you lot were keen and interested about the idea, then after repeatedly asking nicely about please submit nominations, hardly anyone did so, so remember you only have yourselves to blame for the nominations that are there

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Originally posted by MagnusB

"I have a theory about ants. If I step on each and every one of them, they will eventually evolve into avoiding me. It may take many million years, but I'm patient.

I have the same theory about politicians."


Or something like that.


And what about:


"I KNEW IT! I knew Bill Gates was a monkey!" - brief.


hehe, yeah and...... wait a second, Magnus!?



when the did you come back??

i thought you left us....:eek:

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