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Designing Group For Naboo Scenario???

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I'd like to help out. I too only have one map under my belt. It's currently getting a few bugs ironed out. I'm awaiting response from my beta testers, should be getting that in a couple days.


The only other thing that might prohibit me from helping is my wrestling. That sucks up my weekends with travel and such.

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Here is a good storyline (sorry if I sound Biased) but so far most people like it...(If anyone wants to add to or take from this story line please post it in the other Naboo Thread)



Scenario 1= The King has died...Captain Panaka (i think he is a hero) finds him dead and he and his guard force search out the traitor...(kill a few people nothing major)


Scenario 2= Several factions of 'potential' canidates fight it out...you/Panaka are on a quest to desern the best heir to the throne. You and your small task force are attacked several times by the waring factions...you find Amidala/Padme...end scenario


Scenario 3= Amidala anounces her intent for the throne...and is attacked by most of the waring factions...she has but one ally (I forgot his name...the advisor to amidala in the movies that stays behind) They fight together and defeat several factions...


Scenario 4= Amidala is now put up against the strongest faction...the faction of the king's nephew...fight it out...


Scenario 5= Amidala is being crowned queen and rules no military action will be taken against the TF...She is captured...Qui-Gon and Obi-One rescue here...oh and Jar Jar too...you have to get her to the hangar alive...


Scenario 6= Infiltration of the Palace after they come back...capture Nute Gunray...


And maybe these two bonus scenarios...Or you can figure out your ow versions...


Scenario 7= *bonus scenario* You get to defend Theed from the TF invaders with the small skeleton force that Naboo holds...


Scenario 8=*bonus scenario* face off with the Gungans...Panaka vs. Boss Nass...

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~Naboo Campaign...Team~




This Naboo campaign is ambitious and perhaps a bit too complicated for most people here. Unless you have had experience in AOK Scenario making (as the SWGB is a virtual clone of the AOK editor), you will be over your head.


I'm not being conceited here, as I am not a great designer myself, but just stating a fact. Darthfergie...if you are the leader of this 'ring' you need to get the best in order to make the best. I can tell that this forum is full of "newbs" to Scenario design.


The "best" I refer to are SCN Punk. If you can convince one of their members to jump on board this campaign - Stan, Enrique Orduno, Norghi, etc., You will be on the way to making a top campiagn. Good Luck, and "May the Force be with you".


PS - Come to the HeavenGames forums at http://www.swgb.heavengames.com and you will have more luck in luring qualified, experienced, and battlehardend designers to your team.


~Naboo Campaign...Ideas/Plot~


Well, Darthfergie, I think you have some valid ideas...but bonus mission 2 - Gungans vs Naboo seems a bit pointless. Perhaps if you made it a multiplayer scenarion where you could pick which side you took charge of..Then it would be cool.


i.e. - Take command of either the Gungans as Boss Nass, or the Naboo as Captain Panaka to see which civ has what it takes to control the world. - or whateva


Also Amidala was elected democratically by the people - this "warring factions" idea would not be factual and would detract from the officialness of the campaign.


Defending Theed would be cool ;)


I'd like to quote the idea of one forumite here who concentrated more on the Gungan Naboo conflict. He suggested a skirmish between initial human colonists and a "rogue faction" of the Gungans - that was cool.


Anyways its time for Dinner here in Australia so I have to go :0


Cheers, <Gungan_Architect>


Well as for your comment in SCN Punk...I'm tring to get them into this...:D

Also the bonus missions I came up with in about .000034 sec. so any changes to them are fine with me...


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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Well, the four key elements to a successful scenario are the following (ranked from most important to least important, but these are all very important)


1) Storyline - Without a storyline, you have nothing. No inspiration, nothing to drive you to finish the scenario. Also, the lack of a good story literally makes your scenario or campaign "pointless", like reading a bad book.


2) Map Design - Why have fancy cutscenes and 'movie' scenarios? To add visual appeal! But little fancy nibits like cutscenes and movie scenarios are useless unless your map actually looks good. Eyecandy and variety in terrain is essential.


3) Triggers - Although not most important, triggers are undeniably very important. However, more DOES NOT mean better. Keep it under 150 in single player scenarios, keep it under 300 in multi-player. You can do alot more with one trigger than you think.


4) Playtesting - The final step of scenario designing. You must ensure your scenario is bug-free, as a bug can literally mean the player will never see the best part of your scenario or see your scenario at all. Also, a bug is really annoying in general. If you cant make your scenario 100% bug free (100% bug free is the minimum standard for excellence), at least make sure there isn't any crash bugs.


If you abide by these four rules, you will find it easy to create masterpieces.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Well, speaking from personal experience (I lead a "team" that made an AOK campaign called Heroes of the Three Kingdoms. Yeah, a team of one ;)), don't think that the leader can do everything and on top of all that don't get frustrated by his decisions. If you think it's hard to work with him, it's 100 times harder for him to work with so many people.


My $0.02.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

WC, you showed in our forums acting like the Queen of Sheeba demanding we help you. You even asked to join without a shred of proof of any of the requirements we demand from applicants, including being mature, having moderate to excellent scenario design skills, and manners. SCN Punk doesn't hate people, only people hate SCN Punk. There is only one word to account for all the instances where someone flamed SCN Punk, and that word is jealousy.

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