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Important Question About Air Units


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Is it possible for Mr Gaber and Lucasarts once the game ships to later on release a patch that makes the air units stonger if they find that they are too weak?


I mean if they were going to do this they would have done it before shipping but if many people complain...ya never know

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If they patch it, it won't be for a while. But why would they. Air units are far from too weak. Grenadiers counter mechs just as good as aa counter air and grenadiers are a better investment since the can attack things other than mechs making them much more usefull to keep after the mechs are gone.

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Guest dr_death

i wouldent change air units! in the final game you will be able to upgrade to x wing and then give them shields so it will take about 5 or 4 hits from an anti air turret which is enought!


does anyone know if they made the animation of the x wings, wings opening and closing?

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I have played demo games in tech 3 that I take out my opponents with a few artillery and a squad of Y wings/Xwings. I played a match that even though I had tie's 5 anti air turrets, I still couldnt stop a wing of Xwings from coming in and dodging the turrets making its way to the center taking out about 15 droids as they ran for cover, and crippling my economy and he still escaped with about 8 Xwings and he started with about 16. I had anti air guys and everything.


No imagine this while you are balancing a few other factors


ore. It's needed for making anything in the realms of turrets, Shield gens, and Fortresses. There is a limited supply of the stuff, unless you buy it, and even if you do, you need nova, there are limited supplies of that too, and in games that drag on, the one with the most nova wins. In any case, my point is unless your playing deathmatch, most opponents will not be able to make 984594854 aa turrets and the 0943809485049 regular turrets to protect them and 48439 shield gens to cover all these turrets up.


Imagine a group of 20 shielded, +4 armored Adv. Ywings, heading into a base and taking out 1-3 power cores and still making it out with about 15 or so left. Oh noS! Suddenly bldgs are running badly, and there are no shield gens.. MOVE IN CONVENTIONAL ARMY!!


Or.. You have a squad of Xwings and some mechs guarding your 5 Cannons taking out a city, do you think an enemy can move his anti air at your xwings without getting killed by mechs!? Even without shields 25 Xwings can take out 10 Anti Air guys or 5 anti air mechs with minimal loses, and that is without shields or +4 armor. Perhaps Ywing bombs could hurt structures more, but as far as their durabilty goes, they will be tough enough IMO.


Sometimes though with adv. pummels, adv. artillery, cannons, y-wings, and At-ats.. that just seems like hella lotsa of powerful bldg destruction. You will almost HAVE to have either a) a super offensive, or B) a large group of grenadiers/anti mech/mounter troopers handy to screw up enemy siege units.

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that the air units are fine, but remember that Air turrets also get upgrades in the 4th TL. Their missles can home in, which is a big advantage.

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Kuma is right. We dont know anything about the most important part of the game- the 4th tech level. That is the main part of the game. I dont think there will be anything wrong with the air units. Remember out of all the units and buildings in the game only 4 can attack air units (aa troop, aa artillery, aa turret, and fort). Aircraft will be much more powerful if someone lacks in that area.

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Originally posted by dr_death

does anyone know if they made the animation of the x wings, wings opening and closing?


dr. death, i actually read about that on a previous issue of sw gamer and they said they were looking into the S-Foil opening/closing. it would be a neat animation trick, but i wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't there.


going back to the question of whether or not air units are too weak, the answer is no. turrets and towers only specialize in taking out certain units such as aerial ones, and if they were inadequate to take care of their purpose of taking out specialized units, then there's no need for them in the game. i like military offensives, but not at the cost of having lame defensive cover...

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I highly doubt that tech level 4 is the most important part of the game to be reached. In fast rushing games, you 'll sometimes never be able to reach level4.


All tech levels should be equally important AND balanced, if this is not the case then Lucasarts would for sure make a patch to correct this.


A patch is always an option..

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That's why I dont like rushin games Personally I like to see a grand scale army go at it with another. I hate in AoK the 150 Siege Catapult army or the 150 Paladin army. I like well planned armies.


In any case rushing may slow you down but unless you have no defenses whatsoever I don't see how most the people in a game can't hit lvl 4. It is the most important tech because the true power and strongest units are in that level like the cannon and the heavy bomber/pummels. Not to mention Jedi masters and At-Ats/Assault Mechs in that level. It will be curious to see if the civs that are strong in assault mechs like Wookies/Empire if it will be more worthwhile for them to make an AT-AT mixed with jedi/trooper army vs AT-ATs and cannons.

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In multiplayer games you can start at the tech level of the game creator's choice. If it is the creator's desire, he/she can start at post level 4 bypassing all upgrades.


For people who want to get down to the units that are familiar in the movies they will want to start games in tech level two or three.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Air units are strong enough, and they'll get stronger in tech level 4. Think about it if you dont have air defense, air units are invulnerable!

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There is one thing every game has in common: People come to forums like these and complain before they haven't even set eyes on the retail version.:confused: Oh well.

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Guest Darth_Nixon42


I have replied to many threads like this so here is my two cents (again), (Maul where are you? :p )

Air units are good, hitpoints should not be increased, they require skill to use them and can't level bases by themselves sc style.

They have done a good job implamenting them into the now aging, but still lovable, AOK engine.

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