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how do i get my rank higher than bantha fodder?

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You need to at least post 50 x. It goes up every 50. But it's not gonna matter cause they are gonna remove the titles soon.

BTW Where did you get that keen avatar?!

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Bantha Fodder (Minimum Posts: 0)

Pit Droid (Minimum Posts: 50)

Sith Probe Droid (Minimum Posts: 100)

Battle Droid (Minimum Posts: 150)

Ewok (Minimum Posts: 200)

Tusken Raider (Minimum Posts: 250)

Wampa (Minimum Posts: 300)

Jawa (Minimum Posts: 350)

Gungan (Minimum Posts: 400)

Bantha (Minimum Posts: 450)

Wookiee (Minimum Posts: 500)

Noghri (Minimum Posts: 550)

Rancor (Minimum Posts: 600)

Stormtrooper (Minimum Posts: 650)

Sith (Minimum Posts: 700)

Jedi (Minimum Posts: 750)

Jedi Master (Minimum Posts: 800)


but don't worry soon we'll all be "registered" :D

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Guest Tie Guy

Not me. Hehe. Even when yall went to "registered" i still had my rank. (hmm, maybe i should have kept that to myself) :D


Anyways, don't worry about the rank too much, thta just leads to spamming. Just post what you have to and want to post, and you'll be good.

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Guest Tie Guy

Because there has been a slight problem with worthless posts on this forum and a good portion of the problem seems to be the ranks, so they did, and are again going to do away with ranks.

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The Man Above knows what he's doing, fergie... :D :D :D


kidding, kidding..


actually we're monitoring who is posting what kind of stuff in general. most people think spamming simply means that you post lots of single-smiley-posts, but really all sorts of non-saying things are related to spam.


Now that i've said that, i must immediately add that we NOT GO INTO A POST-DEBATE AGAIN if you please...

Wait for the FAQ to go up from Sherack and we'll all be fine. Unless we deliberately choose not to. :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hey Leon, are we gonna go back to "registered" soon, or are we just gonna keep the rankings for now?

Shhhh....Tie! I like my rank! :D

BTW I don't think Leon has the power to change it, you should be asking Chris that question

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See that is why Tie was asking about when are we going to go back to "registered", he wants to be the only one with a cool name! ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Leon has a cool name...Moderator:D

Moderator isn't a cool name! What they can do is cool. But the name isn't! Maybe MODs should be called Imperial Royal Guards! :D They do guard and things ;)

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