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NON- Star Wars quote game


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Guest Tie Guy

"Sir, we've never gone that fast before, i don't know if this ship can take it." Colonel Sanders


"Whats the matter colonel Sanders? Chicken?" Dark Helmet



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Guest Boba Rhett

"They've gone to plad!" - Barf SB








/EDIT/ Seventy posts down the drain.... *sigh* I hate ewoks....

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"Baby, I know I was wrong. I was really wrong, but I understand that and I want to make it up. We're going to get that baby back. I know I wanted the baby for the wrong reasons, but I've changed, I know your were right, I was Wrong. But we've got a family now and I got to get our baby back. I was wrong baby, you were so right So let's o get our baby!...[click-click] Nicholas Cage, Raising Arizona

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"won't be attending that hat convention this year?!" Bruce Willis, Hudson Hawk


"Yippy-ky-ay mother F*#@%!" John McClaine (Bruce Willis), Die Hard


"Harry...I love her" AJ (Ben Affleck)

"Wrong Answer!!!" Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) Armegeddon


"Hey.....your nobody!" Jimmy (Damoyn Wayans)

"Shhh....don'y tell anyone" Bruce willis, The Last Boy Scout


"Anybody else wanna negotiate?" Corben Dallas(Bruce Willis), The Fifth Element


"You thinking what I'm thinking?" John Travolta

"Lunch!" Mikey (Voice of Bruce Willis), Look who's Talking


"Are you questioning my patriotism?" General ? (Bruce Willis), The Siege

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"Dare I say it, Leiutenant, but your...almost out of uniform" Captain Dodge(Kelsey Grammer), Down Periscope


"Call me crazy, but I don't think we should give command of a nuclear sub to a man who has "Welcome aboard" tatooed on his penis!" Admiral ? , Down Periscope





"I AM THE LAW!" Judge Dredd (Slyvester Stallone), Judge Dredd (Bad movie:p )

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CART-MASTER: Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!

[cough cough...]


[...cough cough]

Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead! Ninepence.


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out...


...your dead!



Bring out your dead!

CUSTOMER: Here's one.

CART-MASTER: Ninepence.

DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead!


CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here's your ninepence.

DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead!

CART-MASTER: 'Ere. He says he's not dead!

CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.


CART-MASTER: He isn't?

CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.

DEAD PERSON: I'm getting better!

CUSTOMER: No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.

CART-MASTER: Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.

DEAD PERSON: I don't want to go on the cart!

CUSTOMER: Oh, don't be such a baby.

CART-MASTER: I can't take him.

DEAD PERSON: I feel fine!

CUSTOMER: Well, do us a favor.


CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.

CART-MASTER: No, I've got to go to the Robinson's. They've lost nine today.

CUSTOMER: Well, when's your next round?

CART-MASTER: Thursday.

DEAD PERSON: I think I'll go for a walk.

CUSTOMER: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look, isn't there something

you can do?

DEAD PERSON: [singing] I feel happy... I feel happy.


CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much.

CART-MASTER: Not at all. See you on Thursday.

CUSTOMER: Right. All right


The Quest for the Holy Grail (can this be still considered a quote? :D)

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"I cut your bloody arm off"...

"Its only a flesh wound"black knight, Quest For the Holy Grail


"What is your Name"

Sir ....(been awhile since I've seen the movie:D )

"What Is your Quest?"

"To seek the Holy Grail"

"What...is your favorite color?"

"Blue...no Green"




"What is your Name"

"King Arthur of Camelot"

"What Is your Quest?"

"To seek the holy Grail"

"What...is the wind velocity of a Swallow"

"African or Meditereanian?"

"I don't know..."


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