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LucasArts Interview


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Thanks roger for the link.


Notice this part:


A lot of action shooters today are being released as single player only. Will Jedi Knight II have multi-player capability?


BT: Jedi Outcast will definitely support the multi-player experience. The game will contain standard multi-player game formats like Deathmatch and CTF. Jedi Outcast will also include some new game modes. It includes the wide range of options that were common in Jedi Knight such as using Force Power and Saber-Only battles.


(emphasis added by me)


So those of you fretting about not enough multiplayer game modes may rest easy. Additional new game modes will be available.

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Originally posted by Ushgarak

Sigh... if only they had worked on a decent co-op mode and/or decent bots...


You know, when Raven did the Heretic/Hexen games they were the BEST co-op things around. Those days are over, it seems. Oh well.


they are making bots for multiplayer but i still would like to see co-op even though its not gonna happen

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The Quake III engine made basic multiplayer is quite easy, and our expert 'bot coder added in our own flavor of computer opponents in a matter of days

Thats from Knotes #3


I also prefer coop scenarios rather than the entire SP campaign

We will have to wait until they give us more info on the new modes

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A game that is in alpha stage will have most of its features coded, implemented and operational. By alpha stage, most of the game coding is done, and you will have a working, functional game, but there are likely loose ends to tie up.


An alpha stage game has likely not gone through rigorous checks by beta testers. A game cannot really progress to full beta stage untill all features have been implemented.


By comparison, a game that is in the beta stage of its development has all features and functionality implemented and locked. A game that is is beta stage is ready for testing and debugging.


So the distinction between alpha and beta phases basically is that, in theory, alpha stage games dont have all features implemented and locked, while in beta stage, all features should be locked and fully functional.


Compare this with the pre-alpha phase. In pre-alpha, much of the basic coding may not have yet been implemented. In pre-alpha you dont even have a working game yet. And before pre-alpha, again, theoretically, is the design phase, where all the game concepts are produced before a single line of coding is composed. So the theoretical development process is something like this:


1. design

2. pre-alpha

3. alpha

4. beta

5. gold


In practice the separation between alpha and beta stages isn't really so clear cut. The process is iterative. You will necessarily have to loop back to a previous phase to address issues identified in later stages. Sometimes game beta testing can expose the need for significant recoding that really should have been completed during the alpha or pre-alpha phases. In some cases, a design flaw found in beta may require developers to go all the way back to the beginning design phase and start over.

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So if alpha means It works and most of the feature are implemented then some things can still change? weapons, force powers, etc?

To know if it makes any sense that we still proposed ideas in the forums :)

Because probably when they reach beta we should only wait...

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Interesting. Brett Tosti also confirmed Weequay as one of the characters, a name that didn't first ring the bell for me, so I checked the guy from my Behind the Magic CD: species of superstitious warriors/killers that Jabba used in his Palace/Sail Barge; silent, leathery skinned guard who can be seen closely on Desert Skiff just before Luke is pushed to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Apparently they use Force pikes(even though the guy in this pic has Bowcaster), so I'm wondering if we will see it as one of the new weapons... ;)21.jpg It's funny that I didn't first notice apparent simmilarities between these characters, because I remember when I first saw that warrior in RotJ and thought the guy might be one hard enemy(his species only speak privately to each other). Silent warriors. :)

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