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It's over: the XWA list


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As we embark onto the new generation of the XWA forums and the upcoming new year, let us reflect on the past, the present and the future. This is a time for new beginnings, a time for improvement, and a time to shuffle off the things of our past that really need to be laid to rest.


So, <s>maggots</s> my friends, I bring you the "It's Over" list for the XWA forums.



1. Tennis Anyone?

This was started by Master Lynn, I believe, who, though still near and dear to our hearts, is MIA. It just doesn't work anymore. Let it go.


2. TZG

The Time Zone Gang started basically when GUNNER would be on in the middle of the night, and people from different time zones (hence the name) would be on at the same time, or perhaps later in the day. guildy, Fondas, Nitro and others regularly posted. It is dead.


3. BGM

Big Guy Masks are a moot point now that users can create their own titles after 1000 posts and can customize their avatars. RIP.


4. new sig threads

Could you get any more lame?


5a. Threads celebrating one's post count

See 4.


5b. E-parties

You know what I mean. Having "virtual" keggers on somebody's SSD. Hey, let's drink some e-beer and get e-drunk! e-wooohoo!


6. newbie bashing

Yes, I know. We all hate newbies. But the last thing we want is newbies complaining to admins in other forums and getting us in trouble.


7. the "old days"

The days of Guilo (who is dead to us), Blackpanther, Master Lynn and Copland is long gone and so are they. Let's leave it that way.


8. UBB

Well, duh! so stop complaining! it sucks anyway.


9. intra-forum feuds

We're one big happy now. give it up!


and Finally,


10. Who are you?

It's old guys. We've milked (pun intended) that one dry. We're beating a dead horse. Stop saying it!




thank you for your time and Happy Posting now that you are free of the shackles of our past!

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

5b. E-parties

You know what I mean. Having "virtual" keggers on somebody's SSD. Hey, let's drink some e-beer and get e-drunk! e-wooohoo!




THANK GOD. Those things were the lamest **** ever. EVER. ROOFLE, PARTY ON THRAWN'S SSD@!!@! everyone' who muttered that ever must die a horrible death.

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9. Ike's SPAM pics

Its stupid to post huge pics of spam while you can just type it up your self. Its not even funny.


10. Using forgery for UserNames

Ike did it once and it was the most craped up thing ever. And it will always be if it becomes a fad.






12. Relationship threads

Having thread upon thread about having relationships. One thread if fine, but if it commes a personal life series worth of posts, it suck. And besides, most of us dont freaking cares about your love life!



13. The 'IM BACK! and GOOD BYE!' threads

Nobody cares if your back or not or if you are leaving for that matter. Not our problem if you havent been here in years.



14.Sticky messages

For the love of God people, use Private Messages! It stupid to see the same stupid thread up there forever while it doesn't even consern anyone.


15. Smilies

Related to #9, using smilies is a waste. We can usally tell if its a positive post or not.


16.Useless posts

Post that dont give barely or no meaning should be here. IE: 'No comment.' 'Ha' etc...


17. Bad Grammar, Spelling

You should be looking over your posts for errors. Or you can just make an @ss out of yourself.


18. 'Internet Language'


'l33t' and others is getting stupid. Stop it before it becommes another 'All Your Base' thing.

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17. Bad Grammar, Spelling

You should be looking over your posts for errors. Or you can just make an @ss out of yourself.


try practicing what you preach, buddy...and what's wrong with smilies? who cares if you can already tell the tone of someone's "voice," the smilies just supplement it.

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Originally posted by JR2000Z

13. The 'IM BACK! and GOOD BYE!' threads

Nobody cares if your back or not or if you are leaving for that matter. Not our problem if you havent been here in years.


Maybe YOU don't, ****head.


14.Sticky messages

For the love of God people, use Private Messages! It stupid to see the same stupid thread up there forever while it doesn't even consern anyone.


I don't even get this one. Has anyone other than Ike used one? Can I even make one?


I also noted your use of 'F*cked' and '@ss.' If there's anything stupider I have yet to see it. If you're going to swear they DO IT and don't dance around the fact by trying to covertly do it.

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