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Civ Specific Strat and army talk....


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Ok the game has been out for awhile now and i think we should have a thread dedicated to Civ specific strat and amry. Post your strat for your most used civs what has worked, what hastn't worked. Post what you normally use as your main army with units and numbers, maybe what combinations didn't work so well. I think this post could go beyond the shallow post of just talking about a single unit . like JEDI ARE THEY WORTH THE RESOURCES LOL!!! why not say I USE JEDIS WHEN I AM NABOO TO BACK UP MY ARMY OF SO AND SO AND WHAT NOT. get my drift.



Personally i like being rebels mostly. i try to tech 3 in normally 24 minutes, so i get a very strong economy and at the same time tech fast so i can avoid air raids. tech 1 i usaully have 20 workers 10 on food 8 carbon 1 or 2 on nova sometimes 1 on ore before i tech 2. right after i click tech 2 i make troop factory and pump out about 5 troopers and search for possible tech 2 turrot rush and also be prepared for possible trooper rush. i usaully have enough prehabes to fit 35 so i can enter tech 2 with out having to build more right away.


When i turn tech 2 i usaully build a space port right away followed by a mech building. If i have alot of carbon coming in i will also build war center. at the same time i make sure i pump out at least 5 more workers depending on resources and all. and usaully end tech 2 with 28 - 30 workers, unless i am teching 3 in 18 or 19 but thats a whole nother strat. i will also upgrade workers and processing center during that tech if it won't set me back to much. i might also pump out some aa troopers and maybe a couple more reg troopers in case i may need em. Also after my scout finished in tech 1 with most of the map i look to see how many halocorns i see if there are alot i will normally replace my mech factory with jedi temple and make 1 jedi to go collect them, it helps you out alot and keeps your foe from using them against you as they add up in nova.


AHH yes tech 3, usaully as i am inbetween turning tech 3 i make 3 more prehabs so i will be able to pop out a small army soon after tech 3. when i turn tech 3 i usaully make an airbase and heavy weapons factory right away and an aa tower. I also if i got a mech factory pop out a few detroyers for homland defense against drops. When i am the rebels i will normally go all air if possible till i see they wise up and aare making their units 50% aa and 50% troops when that happens its good. because when you get them thinking your gonna do one thing and come at em another your gonna have the advantage.. At the same time i pump out a few fights i try to make about 4 pummles and a transport and if possible load them up with my jedi i made and send em as fast as i can to a base of my choice if this don't do major damage it at least slows them down lots and may use there resources <repairing>. As i drop pummles and jedi i usaully have a few workers on there way to begin a forward base out side there base with a fortress and a few other military buildings and a power core(sheild gen also if i can afford it) While your pummles and jedi are attacking it byes you time to build this base(but also you have to figure i do something different if i am under attack thats another strat lol)


I will stop there for now hope this helps some newbies with ideas what to do and maybe even some intermediate players also. i am no expert but i am no newbie. i just like to have fun................. :fett:

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NO rebel mechs my not be the end all best but thier still good the rebels get heavy assualt and mech destory though admitedly they don't get the best 2 upgrades but still at the very least they'll take heat off your troopers. One thing i do is at the start of battle rush my mech desroty past his men and attack his AA later most people opt for the AA tank over troopers I blast the AA tanks then bring in snowspeeders if he dose use AA troopers just do it with strike mechs.

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Guest jediaoe

With Gungans build all types of mechs with a couple of heavy ones, troopers, a fambaa shield generator, and some type of air coverage. Keep sending waves of these in, the are very powerfull

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With any civ, make 2 bases. wait until your opponent scouts one of the bases, the one base that he scouts, use for food and defense. the other base, put it FAR from your base, and have that base be primarily for military. have your resource base make a troop center tho, and build 2 troopers at a time.


By base i mean Command Center and everything around it. so military would have mech and troop center.


this is a pretty good tactic to use against rushers. *cough*rommel*cough*

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How many workers do you have, doing what, when you click to go to tech 3??? I think i usaully have 30 but i am second guessing that figure maybe it should be bigger. i have about 10 on carbon 15 on food 3 on nova and 2 on ore usaully??? but maybe someone else could enlighten me.

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Guest Destroyer Droid

Anything over an 18 min tech 3 is crazy unless your rushing in t2. By 24 mins i can have about 10 strike mechs and 5 fighters which will easily beat anything you have in t2.

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