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The Empire's Training Base

Delphi's Clone

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ok here's the story



you are in a small fleet and your heading towards the uinknown regions when all of the sudden you get pulled out of hyper space in a Huge Impirial Training base the impirials laugh at their target practice


main objective for rebelss is to escape with Home 1 and 1 mon cal cruiser



Impirial Objective



Destroy as much as possible and no to lose the training platform


Rebell fleet:


3 Light Mon Cal's (2 squads of star fighters each your choise, have to be rebell ships)

2 Heavy Mon Cal's(4 squads of star fighters your choise but they have to be rebell ships)

Home 1 (admiral Ackbar, GW, Krkode, and WC on board 5 sqauds of star fighters your choise have to be rebell ships)

5 correlian corvetts


Impirial base


40 ISD's ( each has 5 compliments of star ships my choise)

2 ISSD's ( each has 2 ISD's on board and 28 squads of fighters my choise) also have gravity well projectors

12 interdictor cruisers

70 lanser class frigats

400 correlian corvetts

10 golan clas II platforms surrounding the training platform

1 seacret moon base with capabillaty to produce things for the empire

1 kuat shipyard

50 highly modified Delphi Clones ( 20 times better in the force and in fighting than the real delphi they have quad sided light sabers highly traind)

700 space mines (with ion cannons)




ok thats it there the story starts now if you have any Q's just ask



Sir a small rebell fleet has arrived in the system


i know commander i felt a disturbance in the force


yes sir


tell all ships to activate shields and tell the interdictors shall all open their gravity wells ours on our ISSD might not be enough

tell the tariees to watch and learn deploy the 101 st tei defender squadron with clokeing shields and also launch the 102nd,103rd,104th,105th,106th,107th,108th,109th,110th, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,6th,7th,8th,9thand 10th(all highly elite Tie Defender squadrons Better than any of the rebel squadrons available 101st is better and has more numbers than rogue suadron)


also tell the 5 elite lanser frigates to go intercept the main fighter swarm with those squadrons


while you send the 40 ISD's out to meet the MON cals send 1 ISSD with them keep this one at the kaut drive yards.

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5 squadrons? that's cannon fodder! :eek: Well, I will fly a B-wing. Scramble, team. We will need to get them quick and hard! Heavy cruisers, attack the ISSD's. My squadron will assist. We will try to capture them with the corvettes. Light cruisers and HOME 1: attack the isd's. One squadron will fly fighter support.

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the foolish commander WC has chosen to ight it shall be his doom.




commander deploy everything we've got


all 100 squads of starfighters sir :eek:


yes all of them


yes sir


tell the lansers to go for the corvetts first.



foolish disizion by the rebell leader


the gravitey well projectors to keep every thing in the system even escape pods.


now it is to late to run



over 1000 starfighters start heading towards the rebell squads ( a mix of tie advanced tei defenders, tie interceptors in the way back 2 squads of missile boats)

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haha they belive they can run


good all ships full speed ahead follow the cruizers.


our 100 squadrons have made shrt work of the 15 rebel fighter squadrons.




should i send hem to attack the mon cals


yes do that


hmmmm are all the correlian corvetts destroyed


no sir 3 were disabled the rest were destroyed


good very good


tell all ships to drop wepons to only 25% aand to catch up to the main fleet dissable all ship i repeat disable them. when in range power up weapons to full and use ions only. and always keep the gravity wells on their ships


once disabled tractor Home one to Our ISSD for boarding send stormtroopers in first then noghri and then my highly advanced clones do not kill the l;eaders i dont care how much it will cost you


yes sir there 950 troops will be no match for our 20000

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