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A doozie of a Rumor that's picking up momentum!

Havoc Stryphe

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Well Leon, it's like this... ;)


Burt and McCallum are part of Star Wars, they work hard to make it get off the ground. They deserve a brief cameo. They are also not Pop symbols like N'Sync.


The truth of the matter is, that anybody could had played those roles(no dialogue, 5 seconds etc), why N'Sync? Why a pop culture icon with a following primarily 8-16 year old girls? A marketing ploy to bring in a new "feminine" audience? Or just for the publicity? Is it because they are famous and begged for a part, and since ther are famous their wish (which happens to be the wish of millions of other people in the world as well) gets granted? I find that disturbing, that anyone in hollywood can come up to Rick McCallum and say "I love Star Wars! Can I have a minor part please?" and Rick say "Sure, what the 'ell"!


It ranks right up there with Sam Jackson begging for a purple lightsaber, and George caves and let's him have it. I t ruins the continuity of the films. N'Synce are not "ACTORS" they are a band. If they want to act let them prove it elsewhere, they were not behind the scenes of Star Wars sweating and toiling to make the movies the visual spectacle they are, like ben burt, Rick McCallum, Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best who all had cameos in Episode 1. Or even the special effects guys at ILM who also get to play minor Jedi roles in the pick up scenes being shot. They have every right being there. Why didn't the hobbits get a brief cameo in the final battle scene? They visited the set of Episode 2 as well. I think they would have made a much better choice, beings they are ACTORS!!!!!!


The decision wass nutty, let's have a boy band that doesn't act with a following of mostly teenage girls do a cameo for us, when we don't NEED anybody else. I mean come on, where's that come from?



:yobi: "I have a bad feeling about this."


Paragon_Leon: "I don't sense anything"


:yobi: "It's not about the band, master. It's something else... elusive"

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Guest SlashAndBurn

As horrible as it is that they're in it at least they're not in it as staring roles. They probably did the same thing that Samuel Jackson did to get the Mace Windu part....get in touch with Lucas and ask for a small part. Hopefully they will treat NSYNC just like any other extra...the right ammount of makeup so you dont imediately recognize them and dont focus on their faces with the camera and this isnt all that bad a situation. If I was in a crappy boy band that made a ton of money and was famous god knows I'd probably be calling people every second to get even a cameo in a Star Wars movie. Hopefully thats the situation here....

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It's official, N'Sync has been cut from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones!


Bye Bye Bye: N'Sync Cut From Episode II

Thu, Jan 10, 02 09:05:01 AM EST


This morning we've received numerous reports that N'Sync will NOT be in Episode II, with many TFN readers alerting us to this story at Ananova.

Apparently, it's true: N'Sync has been cut from "Attack Of The Clones", being confirmed by no less an authority than N'Sync's Joey Fatone. On the Carson Radio Show on 99.3 FLZ:


FATONE: "I'm going to make it officially known that they dropped it because people made a big deal about it.

CARSON: "Are you serious?"


Click on the link to the Carson Radio Show for an MP3 of Fatone making it publically known: N'Sync is NOT in Episode II. Thanks to Tom Neys for being the first to tell us of the Ananova story and to Michael Rogers for alerting us to the Fatone interview. TFN will also be mirroring the MP3 in case the 933 FLZ site goes down.


It's kind of a bitter sweet victory though, this means that Lucas listens to fanboys (like ourselves! ;) ), I want this to be his movie, not the fanboys. I was a bit distraught over the whole ordeal, but that's just ranting, I would have been fine. Now it seems I was part of something that may be an even worse plague among the Star Wars universe... Lucas giving in to Fanboys!


Lucas forgive me for I have sinned. :(

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

I honestly, seriously and very sincerely don't understand all the fuss.


Did people whine when Ben Burtt and McCallum decided to put themselves in Episode 1 ? (They are, you know...)

You simple don't notice that kind of stuff and you won't see a Jedi leaping on-screen with a flashing shirt that reads: 'I'm In N*Sync But I Play A Jedi Now !"


If they play in it; fine. As long as they do a good job of not distracting me from the actual movie.


Its the principle of it dammit, the principle!!! :mad:

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It's kind of a bitter sweet victory though, this means that Lucas listens to fanboys (like ourselves! ;) ), I want this to be his movie, not the fanboys. I was a bit distraught over the whole ordeal, but that's just ranting, I would have been fine. Now it seems I was part of something that may be an even worse plague among the Star Wars universe... Lucas giving in to Fanboys! [/b]


It's N'SYNC's fangirls/gays he was listening to when he put them into Ep.2. He wanted more people to go see the movie when he put them in the movie. Then he realized by the massive input that less people would go see the movie. But I bet N'SYNC will each get there own copy of the movie w/ them in it though. Oh well I was really hoping to see them die.

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