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Mods have too littel power :eek:

Delphi's Clone

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

so your mad cuz you lied and they took away your mane and left you witha a clone..and so now they wont ban anyone else

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, a banning is a serious thing, and so you don't want just a mod doing it, but you want to talk it over and clear it with the admins, or at least super mods


Plus, it is more a database thing than a content based thing, so you would need a person with access directly to the server to ban someone.

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by Rogue15

imo these mods abuse their power...




Care to tell me how? Just because anything goes at rs.net doesn't mean anything goes here. Perhaps you should think things through before you go posting them.

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And for my two cents: general experience learns that those who whine about mods 'abusing powers' deserve some form of correction for some form of misbehaviour.


When we ban (and the reason why it temporarily can't be done by the regular mods, is a simple script hick-up), it's for a reason. Viper isn't around anymore. The IP-banning took care of that and an official letter was in the works.


Enjoy these forums; you really can if you simply follow the basic rules instead of constantly whining on about them.

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by Boba Rhett




Care to tell me how? Just because anything goes at rs.net doesn't mean anything goes here. Perhaps you should think things through before you go posting them.


Spam doesn't go at rs.net. Neither does flaming. We've banned 2 people for spamming and flaming.


and rs.net doesn't exist at the moment. So nothing goes there.


I'm beginning to really hate this place...

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Rogue 15, if you really do, then you being around here posting automatically leads to the conclusion that it leads up to no good.


If you do, why ARE you here ? If you're so annoyed by what people think, why don't you IGNORE it ? Or are you a sponge without will that can't help but respond to anything and then complain that you 'had to respond which makes you hate the place' ?

Good grief. Can we please grow up a little here ? This is no flame whatsoever, but if you don't like what's going on, then DON'T RESPOND.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I think mods have all the power they need, at the moment. I think they will need a little boost of power (well atleast one) to help comensate with the surge of people that will come when the game is released.

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Rogue 15, if you really do, then you being around here posting automatically leads to the conclusion that it leads up to no good.


If you do, why ARE you here ? If you're so annoyed by what people think, why don't you IGNORE it ? Or are you a sponge without will that can't help but respond to anything and then complain that you 'had to respond which makes you hate the place' ?

Good grief. Can we please grow up a little here ? This is no flame whatsoever, but if you don't like what's going on, then DON'T RESPOND.


I was only kidding. It's just that I don't like spending too much time here, when I could be at rs.net if it weren't down. This place is growing on me, and I fear Chris3po and Aristotle haven't done anything new to our forums, so I've got this feeling everyone will be po when it reopens, since it's been down quite a while, and the forums won't be as cool as these, and therefore, we won't want to go over there...... :(

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