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Ok I may not be a great ecconomic strategist but I don't see where Tirion is coming from. If LEC ups the monthly fee that will mean that people will be turnt off and besides its not like LEC is hurt for money they could run those servers for years for free without losing a cent. I know if it gets any higher than $10 NO ONE will buy it because EQ or DAoC may not be better but they will be cheaper and still good games so why would anyone buy Galaxies?

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Originally posted by DashRendar

Ok I may not be a great ecconomic strategist but I don't see where Tirion is coming from. If LEC ups the monthly fee that will mean that people will be turnt off and besides its not like LEC is hurt for money they could run those servers for years for free without losing a cent. I know if it gets any higher than $10 NO ONE will buy it because EQ or DAoC may not be better but they will be cheaper and still good games so why would anyone buy Galaxies?

Well, the userbase would definitely decrease if the monthly fee goes higher than 10$, but it'll still be popular. It's Star Wars after all.


Also, I think it's Sony who's running the servers, not LEC.

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

You'd think that somebody would be smart enough to make a multiplayer RPG that cost $5 or less. Do the game makers really not think that more many, many more people would buy the game if it was cheaper?

Phantasy Star Online! The original game was free - and even version two (and the subsequent ports) costs only 15$ per THREE months!


Long live SEGA! :D

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Plus, there's Shadowbane, Neocron, Anarchy Online, Final Fantasy XI (hehee)"


Shadowbane - Not even out yet

Neocron - Not even out yet

Anarchy Online - Failed miserably

Final Fantasy 1 million and who knows how long is not even an mmorpg





"DAoC was runner up to (if not the) game of the year of 2001."


Come on Sherack, the EQ expansion came out in the final 2 weeks of December. So that is why DAoC was runner up to (forgot the game that won it;) ).


"I have faith in it - it's got excellent customer support, no big server problems, and regular patches and update."


Have you played EQ? If so, you would know that the customer support for Sony has big problems. No big server problems? In the last 2 months, they have been experiencing the worst problems yet. Patches are a necessity to mmorpgs. I am not trying to be rude here bud, but where are you coming up with your backings for this debate? It seems you are just throwing anything at me to try and debunk me and I just wind up giving you back facts that prove otherwise ;)


"It's also new, which means that expansions are still in the works, whereas Everquest has seen its last expansion released (I think)."


Never count your chickens before they hatch ;) That is one thing I have learned over my 7 years of online gaming. They also said the graphics for DAoC were going to be the best. Now that its out and in the flesh.. we know otherwise. So what do I think its good graphics? Unreal Tournament. Now those are great graphics.


"Mythic already confirmed that DAoC's next expansion will feature upgraded graphics using a revamped version of the engine. Also, remember that Luclin's system requirements are beefy (512MB RAM recommended??)"


Luclin's requirements are that high becaue they put out a great deal of realism and work into their game. Its nice to have a cheap game that doesnt require much, but to the hardcore gamers these are geared for, its worth it. Its like you going to a car dealership and the dealer comes up to you and says.. you want this car with the minimum requirements, or do you want the sport model with all these extra features for just a little bit more? 9 out of 10 people will take the enhanced version that is just a little bit more. Luclin is one of the first games to take advantage of the newer comps out there. That deserves some credit, not bashing.


"I remember your sad story about SWGalaxies' community. Well, it's over now, move on. It looks like you're leading your own personal crusade against the behemoth that is Sony"


Sorry but that is not the case. I am just trying to pass on knowlege that I read on those forums and articles on the net to help. If that is so bad, then oh well ;P. I have dealt with those developers at SWG one on one in emails and I have seen their nature. They banned me for debating a simple point without me even saying anything rude or aggressive. The fact was I was gaining a following there and they did not like that so off they sent me. There's your Sony Team support you were talking about above. Nice guys... And if you have noticed, they have lost almost 33% of their posters there contrary to what they try to say. People were big on a lot of things only to be refused by the devs. If they decide to go back on what they said and give us, the gamers what we want, then props to them. But otherwise.. thpppppppppp =P

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Shadowbane - Not even out yet

Neocron - Not even out yet


Sure, but both of them are gonna be here before next Sony game ...


Anarchy Online - Failed miserably

still has fans


Final Fantasy 1 million and who knows how long is not even an mmorpg


sorry, but IT IS !! First online game on ps 2, to be ported to pc ..


I know what I talk about (as long as it's gaming, otherwise ignore me ...)

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

"DAoC was runner up to (if not the) game of the year of 2001."


Come on Sherack, the EQ expansion came out in the final 2 weeks of December. So that is why DAoC was runner up to (forgot the game that won it;) ).

Luclin was runner-up too, and DAoC still won the award, take this link: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/pc/bestof_2001/p3_13.html

DAoC was even ranked 6th in Gamespot's Top Ten of 2001, while Luclin didn't even make it. http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/pc/bestof_2001/p5_03.html


Originally posted by Lord Tirion

"I have faith in it - it's got excellent customer support, no big server problems, and regular patches and update."


Have you played EQ? If so, you would know that the customer support for Sony has big problems. No big server problems? In the last 2 months, they have been experiencing the worst problems yet. Patches are a necessity to mmorpgs. I am not trying to be rude here bud, but where are you coming up with your backings for this debate? It seems you are just throwing anything at me to try and debunk me and I just wind up giving you back facts that prove otherwise

Huh, no. I was talking about DAoC here, not Everquest, I thought I was clear on that...


Another point to be made, without specifically quoting you: I personally don't think any MMORPGs, except maybe Galaxies, actually have good graphics. That's because they're aimed for the mass market, and they must run pretty well on thousands of different machines at the same time. MMORPGs have a standard of themselves. Unreal Tournament, and any other PC games, can't be compared to MMORPGs, because it's a different standard.


Now, I don't want to continue arguing over this again. It makes me feel bad :(


PS. I think UT's graphics are pretty ugly by a normal PC game's standard ;)

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Guest Lord Tirion




"Shadowbane - Not even out yet

Neocron - Not even out yet


Sure, but both of them are gonna be here before next Sony game ..."


And that means? ;P



"Anarchy Online - Failed miserably

still has fans"


So does Hitler still. Does that make him right in his beliefs? Hell no. Just because something has fans (and limited ones at that), doesnt make it a success.


"Final Fantasy 1 million and who knows how long is not even an mmorpg - sorry, but IT IS !! First online game on ps 2, to be ported to pc .."


Show me an article in which states that this game will house over 1000 people.

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Luclin was runner-up too, and DAoC still won the award, take this link: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/featur...2001/p3_13.html

DAoC was even ranked 6th in Gamespot's Top Ten of 2001, while Luclin didn't even make it. http://gamespot.com/gamespot/featur...2001/p5_03.html"


Oh for crying out loud dude. How the hell do you rate a game that is less then 2 weeks old and put it up compared to games that have been out for months ahead of it? You cant even begin to explore the new features in a game that just came out 2 weeks ago... Gimme a break.



"Huh, no. I was talking about DAoC here, not Everquest, I thought I was clear on that..."


Thats funny. You said Sony has a good team. Sony made EQ...


"Unreal Tournament, and any other PC games, can't be compared to MMORPGs, because it's a different standard."


Sorry but that is where you are wrong. The UT engine exists in MMORPG's to a degree. It is still the best engine made to date.


"PS. I think UT's graphics are pretty ugly by a normal PC game's standard"


Now that just showed me a lot about your gaming tastes. :p You need to get out and experience more games and then come back and tell me that UT graphics sucked, where as DAoC's graphics were better.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I support Tirion on this matter for the simple reason that UT graphics were great... and because he's forcing me to do it at gun point. :p Anyways UT rocked.... thats all I have to say

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Guest Sirion

DAoC graphics suck and the game from what I have seen goes so far into the real world of things that it loses the nonreality affect that makes most people play games in the first place. Item Decay really ticks me off for instance. I want to be immersed in a fantasy world that may have strict disciplines but not ground itself so deeply in reality that I will one day have to go and get my uber weapon again because my old one broke.


UT graphics are fabulous compared to most computer fps. I don't know where that comment about its quality came from but it's not true at all.

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As I said, I don't like arguing over the subject now. Let's just say we have different tastes in gaming. I do experience games, and I think UT's graphics are pretty sub-par compared to, say Wolfenstein. I never said DAoC featured better graphics than UT (they're a lot WORSE).


Matter closed.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Raven you make me wonder sometimes.... :rolleyes:


UT was out 2-3 YEARS BEFORE DAoC and still had better graphics. You are comparing brand new games, some that are not even out yet for crying out loud to try and debunk me. Think before you post bro. Brand new games should have better graphics. Thats my whole point. For a game that came out years before to have better graphics than a totally hyped graphic's game is pathetic. ;)

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Tirion...UT is old...


If I'm going out right now to buy me a new FPS I would buy RtCW. Better graphics and gameplay. They had more time to figure everything out from old games.


But from the nostalgia standpoint...well spoot RtCW got that one too...


Well from the Revolutionary design standpoint UT wins...


My $50 worth (everything is getting more expensive these days)

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Tirion...UT is old..."


No kiddin Sherlock =P


"If I'm going out right now to buy me a new FPS I would buy RtCW. Better graphics and gameplay. They had more time to figure everything out from old games."


We werent talking about FPS, we were just talking about graphics for games.

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

Raven you make me wonder sometimes.... :rolleyes:


UT was out 2-3 YEARS BEFORE DAoC and still had better graphics. You are comparing brand new games, some that are not even out yet for crying out loud to try and debunk me. Think before you post bro. Brand new games should have better graphics. Thats my whole point. For a game that came out years before to have better graphics than a totally hyped graphic's game is pathetic. ;)


I even make my parents woder sometimes ....


I wasn't talking about DAoC ...

While it's graphics are ok for what it is, you can't compare it with UT ..

And I wasn#t just talking about RtCW, but about the Quake 3 engine (first tests were around same time as UT)


I liked UT much more than Q 3, but Q 3's engine is much more versatile, as you can see with the 3 games I talked about ....


It's just that UT's engine hasn't developed much over time, while Q 3's sstill powers great-lookin games ...

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Guest Lord Tirion

Woah now you are really taking this thread out of the topic =P You are comparing games from all over now hehe. We were simply talking about DAoC vs EQ and I merely brought up a point about even UT having better graphics then DAoC and you are going way out with all these new games and stuff =P

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Thats a ton of money and time for me because I'm at college right now. I might if I can pay for game time durring the summer, and not have to pay the months I can't play.


But.... I would really love to play the game if its anything as good as what they say!!!


I think I'm going to have a couple run throughs of different characters, here's some things that have always been a huge obsession to me.


Species - Name, Type/ Ability


Tuskan Raider - Urour'RrRRr'rrorur'rr'r, Warrior/ Mechanic

Droid - IG-53 , Explosives/ Heavy Weapons (Boom!!!)

(the alian type Maul is) - Bob , Pshichopathic killer

Human - Jay Jester, Entertainer (If there is one)

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