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How to Use Grenadiers?


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I mainly play as the Trade Federation and thus rarely ever use any troops out of the troop center other than AA. My forces usually consist of a 5-7 tanks and a bunch of the troop killer mechs to guard them along with some AA troopers. I've been fairly successful with this.


I've played 2-3 games with each of the other civilizations and for future information, I was wondering if anyone could give me some hints on how to use grenade troopers. I've played with them a little bit, after giving them all the upgrades, but just really have not seen them be too effective. ie: With the trade federation they get attack stats, with all possible upgrades of 1+4. You need a large bunch of them, even with their area of effect attacks to do decent damage to anything. In the meantime, they have low hp's (the number escapes me at the moment) so they easily are wiped out. I think they are around 40 nova each to produce so they can get expensive. I think that bombers have a more powerful attack at about the same cost and can be destroyed by a much smaller number of units (3 units can target them, plus AA turrets) whereas anyone and their mother can take a pot shot at a grenadier and kill them in just a couple hits.


So, to restate my main point, is there a way to use them effectively or do they run the way of the mounted trooper and jedi and have basically little to no use?


Thanks for any help.

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I believe Greade troops work well vs. mechs, but I could be wrong. If so, they're a cheap way to get an area-effect mech destroying unit out there, which sometimes can help a great deal, particularly if you don't have enough spare carbon at the moment to build a bunch of real mech destroyers.


I admit I don't use Grenade troopers all that much myself.

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I use them against the computer, stick 'em behind a wall and have them lob grenades at the oncoming army that won't stop to fight back!


I disagree with mounted troopers being no use, they are great for early attacking tech 1/2 and reasonably handy for taking out pummels and artillery.

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Originally posted by duder

Im definately using mounted troopers more often than not now. They are pretty much a must in the first few techs.


I'm finding I'm the same- that game we played the other day was the first time I'd used mounted troops against a human player and it worked quite well, I was able to take his troop centers out while my troopers took out any trooper that he created during the demolition :)


I notice the computer throws a lot of them at you, and continues to do so even late in the game, so I figured if its good enough for it, it's good enough for me ;)

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Originally posted by Kudar


I'm finding I'm the same- that game we played the other day was the first time I'd used mounted troops against a human player and it worked quite well, I was able to take his troop centers out while my troopers took out any trooper that he created during the demolition :)


I notice the computer throws a lot of them at you, and continues to do so even late in the game, so I figured if its good enough for it, it's good enough for me ;)


I don't see much use for them later on (techs 3 & 4). My base is too heavily guarded by turrets and shields. Whilst offensively I have much better units to use instead. But for tech 1 and 2, definately.

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me neither - it was just something I noticed ;)


The empire don't get the upgrade after tech 2 so they are pretty much redundant after tech 2

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Yeah after Tech 2 my mounted troopers don't go on the attack but I don't kill them either I sit them in my base around mech factory CC and trooper center making pummel dropping much trickery and if he bring up cannons or artillery without support he's a moron but their out their they can deal with them too.


Grenade troopers blow especially for rebel as they get snow speeders.

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Originally posted by Gaming Nut

Yeah after Tech 2 my mounted troopers don't go on the attack but I don't kill them either I sit them in my base around mech factory CC and trooper center making pummel dropping much trickery and if he bring up cannons or artillery without support he's a moron but their out their they can deal with them too.




Heh... I guess that qualifies the computer as a moron, since it often will do just that -- bring up pummels and artillery without proper support (IMO, 6 or 8 pummels are not being properly supported if he brings them up with only 6 or 8 other units, which happens regularly).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't use grenadiers anymore. Nor mounted troopers, unless the game is restricted to level 2 (on a side note, have you ever seen anybody in the movies use a flame thrower? ever? then why do these use them?).


Here's a fun scenario: make up a group of mounted troopers and grenadiers, and then go out attacking. Well, any close-range unit and grenadiers. Click what you want to die, and watch as your close-range units swarm over it, and then watch as your grenadiers bomb both your enemies and YOUR units! That's a strategy for you! The moral of the story is, don't use them if your units are going to get in the way. Therefore, don't use them!


I also think that the air units don't have enough hit points or do enough damage to make them worth having, particularly the bombers. I know, I know...game balance. But these seem almost like an afterthought...



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I don't know what your playing but like 12 bombers can over power an AA turret and 24 a fortess their quite poteint fighter though are usless on buildings but can take units better.


Mounted troopers are usful epesailly at dealing with heavy weapons and buildings any rush should have them. As they can take building much better then troopers and turrets can't fire on them their less usful later but still not usless their better then jedi.

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In my opinion the Grenade Trooper is the most wasteful unit in GB. I do use mounted troopers though, for anything with a minimum range ex./ Artillery, Turrets and fortresses without Rotational Bearings. I'll use them against buildings as well (in tech 2 or 1).

I find bombers and fighters if used properly combined with the rest of your units, can make an effective attack.

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Eh, I guess maybe I was a bit harsh saying that the air units are useless. They're definitely a supplemental unit though, just like in most other RTS games (Starcraft and Warcraft are prime examples). I've actually found that using fighters with my cruisers (you heard me - sea and air units used in conjunction) is quite helpful. They can attack stuff on the shores easier than sea units (I think the frigates are fairly useless) and can take out other aircraft fairly well.


I just...don't...LIKE them very much. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

one strategy it 2 fill your mech destroyers with grenadiers

and when an enemy mech pokes its ugly zit into your units

the grenadiers dismount and grenade the mech into submission

thats what u do if a mech destroyer is going 2 be destroyed by a hvy mech destroyer

dismount the grenadiers and bang

bye bye mech destroyer

i admit i dont use them anymore though

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