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How long I will be gone...


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Um...WC. What you just did was deffinatly a BAD manuever diplomacy wise...


Your parents trust that you will obey their will

You openly admit that you are going to post when they arn't around

Then you state that you have asked them to look at the forums

What if your parents are smart and are already looking at the forums???

You defied their will...in certain cases that could mean some bad punishment so I'd watch it if I were you...

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Originally posted by captain_drake

WC if you get couaght then that means they may even take away the right to your comp and that whould tottaly suck


Pfft...If they tried to take my computer, Id rather die...no wait...I take that back but If I were you WC....dont let them...so dont get caught!



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I'm not stupid, and they aren't either. Well, I guess they could find it. All they would have to do is go to lucasarts.com to find it... well, umm... just clean it up a bit. I am going to let them see it tonight guys. And yes, I am really running a risk here. I am pushing boundaries a hell of a lot. I am going to delete this thread when I get home from school...

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