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this kidnapping thing goin on


Is the net a dangerous place  

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  1. 1. Is the net a dangerous place

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i always felt and even my parents discourage me from going to chat rooms with people you dont know

it may be a source of making friends but also a great source of meeting sick people


thats why if there is one place children must be protected from going it is chatrooms and someother places which i wont say....

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it has always been my opinion that it is a parents responsibility to know the following: who, what, when, where, why, and how. as a parent it is a responsibility to monitor what your child does. whether it be talking to people online or going out with friends to the mall. in my opinion, when it comes to the internet, age doesn matter. maturity does. as a parent, if you feel that your child is mature enough to use the internet coreectly without abusing it, then by all means go ahead and let the child use it. if a child is not mature enough and cannot handle the internet correctly, then he/she should not be able to use it. Using the internet is a privledge. if you abuse your privledges, you lose them. I think that if a child is mature enough to use the internet, he/she will be smart enough to avoid people or places which could be harmful to them. I am 17 now, but i have been using the internet since i was about 12 or 13. from experience i know where to go, and where not to go. That is about the only good thing about aol. It is pretty much a family oriented community, so it is pretty safe for a child. the rest of the internet, is kind of like a wild jungle. you dont know what you might find if you arent careful. as for this message forum, i think this is one of the safest and family oriented places out there. people can come here and post their opinions without being harassed or tormented or anything. the moderators are vigilant in their pursuit to keep the boards clean and safe. overall, i think this is a place where just about anyone can come and voice their opinion, star wars or not. as for the rest of the internet, the choice is yours...

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no matter what though, if a child is using the internet, it is a parent's reponsibility to know what the child is doing on it. which is why i like the creation of programs that monitor what children do while they are online. i just wish more parents would use them. personally, i have never had the restrictions of such a program put on to me, but when i am a father, i will vigilantly use monitoring programs like that. of course, that is because, when it comes to the internet, i have seen it all, know it all, and i know how to do it all. i dont want to sound arrogant by saying this, but i know this all from personal experience. so when i grow older and have children, i know what to look for and how to prevent it.:D

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I think the net is only as dangerous as you allow it to become. This person may have met someone online but it was their decision to go meet them. I think with anyone that is too young to make the distinction regarding going off with people should have their internet use monitored by their guardians so situations like this wouldnt hapen. On the other hand very meaningfull relationships can form from chatting online (this forum is one example). But in the end its a parents resposability to protect a child as much as possible. The big thing is is that its easier to think of strangers as being the sick weirdos that kids need protection from. So the internet gets a lot of bad rep from instances like this. the reality is is that there could be people like that in many facets of a childs life. Teachers, priests etc. The net though is still new so people cast the blame there. Either way it boils down to the parent being as carefull as possible and protecting their child.

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wanna hear something even funnier than being kidnapped from the net?...if not im gonna tell you anyways :)


In my paper it said that there was this guy at a hobby store in Toledo, Ohio and he would hang out and show kids the exibits they had out....then he would ask boys(around age 12-14) if they wanted luch and he would take then back to his house and molest them than drop em back off at the hobby store....



That mans a sicko

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Yeah but my point is for every one that comes from the internet there are hundreds and hundreds of cases that dont. AND the one form the net gets publicized 10000000 times more. and even after that the net cases are the eisiest to avoid if u wanna talk to somebody talk to them on the net u dont have to meet them if u dont want to(in my opinion anybody u dont know in person u shouldnt meet in person). But just look at this fourm all the people that have good minds and can debate subjects and have fun foruming, then look at viper... need i say more?(for those of u who dont have a clue who viper was he was a guy that tried to start a clan on these forums and since every 5th word he said was a swear word it failed miserably this caused him to be banned *yayayayayayayaayay*)

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