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Are the mods making ends?

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

Hmm...i notice a lot of cool advertisement banners and icons and such poppin up on the message board? Do companies feel like this board has enough consumer activity to start puttin ads on it...and if so are the mods rakin in some side cash off our heated debates? If so i want a split of this or i refuse to continue postin..hehehe


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Guest BountyHunter

As somone who works for a dotcom company I can tell you that banner ads dont pay squat. Even Yahoo has trouble making money from ad space. People constantly try to scam these ad places. You need a TON of a traffic just to turn a dime. If your lucky you can pay for your hosting and expenses.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Ha! That's it i knew it...yeah right you're not making a dime...you're prolly gettin all the extra play money to go to

every hole in the wall in town...hehe...that's it..this is my last post..that is unless they announce an expansion pack..hehe

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I am wondering why your rank says "Jedi Master" when your profile says "Sith Probe Droid." Why is thay?


No we don't make any money. Aristotle(head honcho) actually needed to put more ads on the page...just to be able to pay for hosting, bandwidth, etc. It's not an easy business.

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