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OPF playas in da house!

Rebel Loyaltist

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<font size=8>OFP</font>


not "opf" dammit!


And yes I play it but I stopped for 3 main reasons:


1/ finished the game a long time ago ( 2 or 3 month ago...)

2/ can't play it anymore because my computer is K.O.

3/ my internet connection is too slow to play multiplayer.


And I enjoy the mission editor best, I was about to release the ultimate mission that took my a heck of a time and scripting BUT they released the upgrade and it canceled the effect of the "takenodammage" command line that was needed to insure at 100% the victory of the enemies (at the begining). Of course I could have set health ans skills to the minimum on the guys who had to lose but there were way too many soldiers and I didn't want to bother. Maybe another time.



Originally posted by Tek Gunner

omg wtf cs is 4 ***s


I concur, yes, yes it is.

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Originally posted by Commander 598

Oh and with health at its lowest you'll have a bunch of guys crawling around with bloody legs.


DUUUUUUUUHHHHH ! I'm not stupid you know... but I figured that it would be better that way than not having any mission at all. And it isn't to important because you can't see much the wounded ones, it's the winners that we can see clearly, but still I would have prefered everyone standing.

You don't do anything while this is going on because it's a introduction video of a base strick. Everything was so perfect, from the slow motion effect, the cool music that went so well with the scenary, the camera control, the "Go! Go! Go!" echoing from the battle field to the background helicopter crashing right on top of a tank.


You must see it, it made me so proud of myself :D. But it will only be available in the middle of the year because my brother is taking the dammaged computer (where my mission is) back to Canada and I won't be there until then. (if he erases it I will kill him)


ok for the command line concerning the nodammage, let's say your soldier's name is "Pedro", type on the script case of that guy (or in a trigger, however you want it to work...):


Pedro AllowDamage FALSE


Don't hesitate on asking for more, I know everything :)

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OPF, OFP it can go either way. I think Jem is right about it being OFP. Anyway I think Tek said it best


Originally posted by Tek Gunner

omg wtf cs is 4 ***s


What other game allows you to command tanks, trucks, jeeps, planes and a foot soldiers? And command an entire squad of them? And have realistic damage?


Kiss on that CSers! :p

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I've had some awesome gaming moments playing Flashpoint online. Nothing else comes close to having your chopper shot down by AA guns and having to bail out. Or hiding in the brush waiting for that Ruskie tank to crawl by so you can hit it with your LAW launcher. Flashpoint owns.

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On the road you should see some tracks of tank wheels (Or whatever the hell they're called) Place mines on that those areas. Space em out and put them on either side of the road. then get your LAW. Gives some time for the mines to detonate cuz if you start firing before they go off you'll blow your cover and they'll start firing at you. Also look out for the troops on the inside. They might bail out and fire on you. They're about 4 men a tank and they're some pretty damn good soldiers.

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