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Plothole in MI4?

Nintendo Guru

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I just beat MI4 today, and now as I'm digesting the plot, something just occurred to me. The figurehead is supposed to know how to construct the Ultimate Insult, right? So why did she leave out the gubernatorial seal? Captain Marley said he kept the secret to himself, but he is also the one who prepared the wedding gifts, so it should have been passed along with the other components of the UI, right? And how'd he get the voodoo power to imbue the wedding gifts anyway?


I'm being way too picky right now, but my brain is decompressing.

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well ya see,


when herman (h.t. whatever) was putting the wedding gifts in the box, a monkey grabbed the seal and ran off with it. Rather than compromise the rest of the wedding present for the one that was missing, and since there was no obvious threat at that time to his governor's position, he felt it better to seal up the rest of the present and track down the delinquent monkey later. Yeah.

And the voodoo thing- well he was the governor, the voodoo lady was his buddy. that's why she knew about them in the first place.



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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

where on earth did you find all that stuff about the deliquent monkey, is it some part of the monkey island saga i missed out, or did you just make it up, if you did, good explanation.:D

:rolleyes: Murray told me. (shhhhh!)



Ironically enough, Herman's buddy got himself stuck on another pirate ship that was attacked by zombie pirate LeChuck, and he was turned into a ghost pirate himself. Sadly, he was blown to pieces by some punk pirate wannabee as he was trying to row to shore to attack a fort.

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That was his other buddy, that he picked up after the other one turned zombie. The one hanging from the tree was unlucky enough to get eaten by a snake and didn't have an ipecac flower on him. He was eventually digested, and his skeleton spat out and hung in the tree just like he'd been eaten, rope in hand.


You'll have to excuse Herman for being a bit confused, being on Monkey Island for that long would do wacky things to ANYONE. ;)

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*sob* nooo! :ball:


oh c'mon, you have to admit that it's a lot more interesting than all the posts with 'i like monkey 3. monkey 4 is bad.' creativity is good!

If you really want me to though I'll stop posting my explanations.

: puppy dog eyes:

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Okay, here's my take on it since I've had time to think. The only reason the Dainty Lady doesn't incorporate the seal into her drawing is because Marley prevented that info from getting to her. Since Elaine was to be the next governor and would have her own seal, she would silently hold the key without knowing it, thus keeping the Ultimate Insult safe even if the secret got out and it was partially assembled, just like the game progresses.


The Dainty Lady says in the game that she because sentient because of a passing ship that spilled some "voodoo crap" on her.


The next question is how Marley gave the Dainty Lady the secret to making the Ultimate Insult without her knowledge. I'm guessing he got help from the International House of Mojo on this one, since it's right down the street from the mansion. He brought the voodoo lady the Dainty Lady's earrings and asked her to augment the voodoo on them so that they would give the secret of the Ultimate Insult when combined with the other wedding gifts. The voodoo lady does this without gaining knowledge of what the actual components of the UI are. She calls upon Marley's mind for that. So he reveals only three of the four parts when the spell is cast.


He chose the components on Jambalaya island because he had been there before, we assume. The pirate hat was on LaFeet's head, the diving trophy was safe at the cliff, and the monkey mug ... ah yes. We'll assume that a restaurant was already there before Mandrill turned it into Planet Threepwood, and they kept using the Monkey Mugs simply because they were already there and were too good to just throw out.


So this explains why the voodoo lady says there's only one Ultimate Insult in existance, because Marley didn't tell her about the one on Monkey Island. He kept that one as a secret backup, and it may be a reason why he went there ... to protect it. However he lost his memory and simply became a hermit, not knowing why he was there.

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*grumble* backup *grumble*


and I KNOW that you didn't get that one from Murray cuz I handed him over to those creepy voodoo kids...


OK, fine, maybe your explanation DOES make more sense than mine, but I'm sticking with it anyways. ;)


Thanks Lemmie! :D

*batts eyelashes*

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Originally posted by Nintendo Guru

The next question is how Marley gave the Dainty Lady the secret to making the Ultimate Insult without her knowledge. I'm guessing he got help from the International House of Mojo on this one, since it's right down the street from the mansion.


Accually, I think it was the ship that Guybrush had in the first game. HT Marley owned it before Guybrush and got stuck on Monkey Island. There where some voodoo things on that ship remember the soup? Marley went riding in his ship to hide the Ultimate Insult. Some of the Ultimate Insult junk fell on the Dainty Lady. She could talk and the Ultimate Insult junk caused her to know about it without really...knowing about it. That is what I think happend.


I could just say that old cliché:

"Maybe it will be explained in MI5."

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