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The Whacko Conspiricy Theory Game!


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If by build you mean an all powerful tiki monolith and by they you mean the leprechauns in your head then yes the leprechauns in your head will take control of your mind and force you to come and worship at my tiki statue of fiery goodness, And it will consume the leprechauns as they force you to bow and you will be free of those nappy buggers who muss your hair while you are sleeping at night while harvesting the nits from your head.


That's possibly the longest run-on sentence I've ever written

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And then there's always that the desk & the wall & the tree isn't really there, which I can accept. Although there's that ringing bell in the back of my head which says,"If they aren't really there, then what does that make the space exactly next to them; even less there? If so, that would make the area of illusion 'more there' which forces it to somehow 'be' there does it not? So how do you kill an illusion (as in a tree), b/c they're alive? How is an 'illusion' alive if it's not there? If 'alive' is not applicable then the surrounding space must also be 'alive'. For that to be true, then everything IS there, rather than NOT there (not=absence, is=existance). Maybe abstract manifestations of a 'true' image? Isn't the 'true' image there? Something must be somewhere"

So if I'm not really here, then the speach of ringing bells is also not really here, which makes me wonder what just happened, and where did this post come from?


Can illusions interact, must they part of the same illusion to do so? Is this post here b/c the energy generated while pushing my finger down upon the corresponding 'keys' is transfered to a microchip which uses energy to continually transfer that energy through wire conduits until reaching the screen of the forum reply message board, & so on until it's displayed to you? Since none of those components is really there, then the manifestations of that 'nothingness' is also not there? So...I forgot is it there or not?

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Then you have a teacher that is obviously bothered by something. It's probably the probes from Japan that keep having him/her query his/her students about the latest technological buzz so that Japanese machines and software can stay out ahead of everything else. The noise in her brain causes migraines.


:cool:that guy is staring at me through his sunglasses

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those actually arn't sunglasses. They are beamalimalizerlazer glasses. When you look at him too long your eyes get beamed and you'll die because your eyes will explode bigger than 4 pounds of C4 explosive...too bad...


The Cat in The Hat was a prophet of thr rhyming times to come!!!


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