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The Whacko Conspiricy Theory Game!


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@fergie: ypou sound joseph-inspired on that one.


If you like to drink arsenic thast is. Sprite is actually liquified cigarette smoke that has sugar in it. The Truth should be going after tham after their done with big tobacco.


Fergie's mind is being taken over by the bunny

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HAH! the bunny could do NO wrong. except...that energizer bunny...what exactly goes on behind those dark glasses? he seems to be mapping the world for...something...OH WAIT! NOW I KNOW!! THE ENERGIZER BUNNY IS PLANNING ON-

(gets stabbed in the back by mysterious 12-inch figure)


janet reno's a man, baby!

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Actually he would and did. The reason 3PO is always acting so tramatic and scared is because he grew up in an abused childhood. His supposedly close bud Artoo, would constantly beat him to show that he was his dad. He would come home drunk and abuse 3PO, mentally and phisically.


The Empire is no more.

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YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Empire is still around...even now they are blockading your pittiful little planet...Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will die...as will your friends.


Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete.



Obi-Wan has taught you well.

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Obi-Wan taught me nothing. :mad: All of that blah blah blah he spoke was just a cover up. He was really a new republic agent that was trying to get everyone to believe in the jedi and listen to their will. This way, after many millinia, the jedi will rule the galaxy.


Country music is good.

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thats what you think....the electrons emitted from the radio to your ear cause an ultrasonic reactive chemical bond with coordinate covalent bonds with hybridization which causes comfort in your ear and you think you like it



i thought the forums were down for the past 3 days

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You think you are at school but actualy you are in a prison that all kids are sent to so parents can relive themselves of kids 24 hours a day! And if the parents don't go along then the goverment sends in two sith disruptors of peace across the galaxy!



I'm reading what I just wrote.




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