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"Force Push

Kyle can shove non-player characters (NPCs) and world objects away from himself with this Force Power. If NPCs are pushed into solid surfaces or off ledges they will take damage. Force Push can also be used to operate selected buttons, grates and sliders that may be out of the player's reach."


This seems to mean that there are Force Powers specific for single player or with different effect. Does that mean that we won't be able to push each other in multiplayer?

Plus, I can't think another effect for Force Mind Trick than invisibility (maybe this time only for the victim, not for the world) in multiplayer.


[edit]In picture6 Kyle is using a Force Power on the left guy! The effect seems the same of Force Mind Trick...[/edit]



[edit-Gonk-just fixing the link for you :)]

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Push might be a bit cheap in mp


Let's think back to spork @ VOtJT


If you never played it, spork had a force push. You could push people back, and if its a level with a big hole, they fall and die. Very annoying.



I found the same with pull in mp. A lot of people disagreed, saying it was just another viable strategy. Personally, I thought running round at the speed of light with persuasion on, a conc rifle in hand, pulling everyones guns away from them then 'kicking them while they're down' so to speak, was a little lame. Apologies to any fans of speed-pull-killing :)



and nemios, i believe you're right. he is doing some force power to him. I have a feeling it's either the mind trick ) as you said, or blinding. I'm not sure how mind trick would work though, because it wouldnt be like persuasion in JK, otheriwse you'd have to do it to every individual enemy, which would suck royally, and pretty much useless in a huge deathmatch. I'm guessing its blinding, or some other person-directed force power we dont know about yet. Good spotting. At first I thought it was just more saber clash effects, but now you've pointed it out I see it's totally different. hrmmmmm what could it be.



Oh, and 1 other thing....... in this screenshot http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen038.jpg we see lava. Do any of the locations we're going to that they've mentioned have lava, and if not, can some EU people tell us what places that have lava we may be going to? We know about cloud city, yavin 4 and nar shaddaa........ I'm pretty sure these don't have lava. We haven't seen lava in any SW movies or games, have we?

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

I have a feeling it's either the mind trick ) as you said, or blinding.


If you compare it with this (which is Mind Trick) they seem the same.


Originally posted by GonkH8er

I'm not sure how mind trick would work though, because it wouldnt be like persuasion in JK, otheriwse you'd have to do it to every individual enemy, which would suck royally, and pretty much useless in a huge deathmatch.


Most not-neutral Force Powers in JK have individual effects. I don't think it would be useless. Instead, I hope it works so. If the effect lasts for a short time and isn't "beatable" by Force Seeing this would be a very useful Power. Maybe if you hit your victim you return visible to him. Read this:


"Force Mind Tricks

The player can render himself invisible to specific targets. Once affected, the character in question will be confused for 5 seconds and ignore the player if he walks past. However, aggressive action or loud noises will alert the enemy, thereby spoiling the effect. Note that the mind trick will not work on all enemies."

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Oh, and 1 other thing....... in this screenshot http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen038.jpg we see lava. Do any of the locations we're going to that they've mentioned have lava, and if not, can some EU people tell us what places that have lava we may be going to? We know about cloud city, yavin 4 and nar shaddaa........ I'm pretty sure these don't have lava. We haven't seen lava in any SW movies or games, have we? [/b]


Are you sure? That could be engine fuel. Why keep lava in a pool? I expect to find lava in a sort of lake or river...

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That's what I was wondering too. To me, that looks like lava. very nice lava, but lava nonetheless. Why would there be a contained pool of lava in an imperial base? would it not melt that metal there?



Would not a lightsaber and a few hundred tons of liquid magma not have the same effect on metal? :)

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Everytime i fall asleep i wake up to find that the world has changed. cant people leave things alone when i sleep?


anyway, i very happy with this up date. i like he desktop wallpapers. i'm gonna use the first one of my desktop. the concept art is also really looking good. i'm also really impressed with the multiplayer screenies.


hmm, that does look like lava to me to. maybe its a melting facility srrounded by super strong metal technology stuff?

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No one questioned the validity of lava pits in Q2, did they? :p


All joking aside, I suppose it coud be on Sullust, which is a highly volcanic world and would explain the lava. If not, then the Imps just have a pool of lava in one of their bases. It might be held in place with repulsor fields or modified magcon fields, but it also might mean that their metals can withstand the heat of lava.

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I already mentioned this in the weapons thread, but the Golan FC1 is the Flechette launcher. I have a scan from the the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology:




And this text from the EGWT that I posted in another thread:


Flechette launchers are tube weapons that shoot canisters and small missiles designed to explode close to their targets, releasing hundreds of razor-sharp flechettes at high velocity. These weapons allow a single soldier to deliver devastating firepower against troops and small vehicles.

The Malaxan Firepower FWG-5 flechette pistol is a typical handheld flechette launcher. With an optimum range of fifty meters, a maximum range of one hundred meters, and stopping power equal to that of a heavy blaster pistol, the small pistol offers a viable alternative to a blaster. The FWG-5's miniature laser tracking system "paints" the target with an electronic homing signature, enabling the flechette cartridge to follow the target's movements while in flight. Once the cartridge is within three meters of the target, it explodes, releasing dozens of tiny flechette darts powerful enough to puncture blast vests, ceramic armor, and even the plasteel armor plate worn by stormtroopers. Since the cloud of flechettes speads over a two-meter-diameter area, even a "near miss" can severely injure the target. The FWG-5's ammunition clip holds eight flechette cartridges. The Golan Arms FC1 is a traditional shoulder-braced flechette weapon widely used by the Corporate Sector Authority's security police squads During one of his many smuggling adventures, Han Solo used one of these launchers to force back attacking slavers while escaping from the hijacked luxury cruiser Lady of Mindor.

The FC1 has an optimum range of 100 meters, a maximum range of 250, and can fire both antipersonnel and antivehicle canisters. Through the scope's range finder, the user must manually program each canister's detonation range, targeting for a detonation point ten meters in front of the target to achieve maximum flechette dispersal. In emergencies the launcher can be fired without setting the detonation range--the canister explodes on impact--but this mode drastically reduces the effectiveness of the flechettes.

The FC1 holds four canister tubes, each with a single canister, and has a reserve chamber for two additional canisters. Lightly tapping the firing stud selects the tube that is fired, allowing the soldier to carry several canister types and fire the specific type needed as different combat situations arise.

The standard antipersonnel canister is a small globe that releases hundreds of flechettes over a ten-meter-diameter area. A well-placed shot can eliminate an entire squad of enemy troops. Antivehicle rounds consist of eleven-entimeter-long missiles; their razored flechettes are considerably larger than those of the antipersonnel canister, and the missile's shaped charge focuses the flechettes over a concentrated area no more than five meters in diameter. A cloud of antivehicle flechettes can rip through ten centimeters of durasteel armor plating, destroying snowspeeders and other lightly armored repulsorcraft. Once through the armor, multiple flechette strikes can cause catastrophic damage, destroying internal electronic components and flight systems, scrapping power generators and laser cannons, and causing serious injury to any crew members.

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I must say LEC+Raven out did themselves this time, the site looks wonderful. The screens are amazing. I do look forward for LS combat more than guns. I'm going to pre-order right now mabye the free gift is that funny-looking but ultra-cool symbol on the box.

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I had the same reaction to the lava pic, GonkH8er. No real lava in any of the cannon films. Seems a bit out of place.


But, really, there's no reason Kyle cant visit a volcanic world. A world whose inhabitants have constructed structures that can contain lava, while forgetting to install safety rails. ;)


Of course a lack of safety railings is standard fare for the Star Wars films!


BTW the Bespin chamber looks terrific. A definite graphic improvement over the original 'carbon chamber' from MotS. I wonder if Quake3's Uriel gets royalties for his (multiple) appearance?


I also like the swamp trooper. Very consistent with the classic trilogy design.


The 'jerk' is 'Galactic Plumber Man, The Early Years,' of course. Note the oversized overpowered rooter arm attachment.


Actually that powered armor looks almost like an homage to good old General Mohc and his Dark Trooper powered armor suit from Dark Forces 1.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Oh, and 1 other thing....... in this screenshot http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen038.jpg we see lava. Do any of the locations we're going to that they've mentioned have lava, and if not, can some EU people tell us what places that have lava we may be going to? We know about cloud city, yavin 4 and nar shaddaa........ I'm pretty sure these don't have lava. We haven't seen lava in any SW movies or games, have we?


Yeah, what's with the lava pit? What modern day installation do we know that is built over an exposed lava pit? And for what purpose. Not to be nitpicky, but I mean, lava pools are fine for Quake, because it serve as an effective obstacle. But it's way too overdone and way too cliche, and... too easy. I mean, how many raven game designers does it take to come up with an exposed square lava pool centrally located in a imperial installation? Maybe they'll have closing walls with sharp spikes in the shuttle bay too.


On an up note, I do like everything else I've seen. Looks like JO is going to be a very worthy successor. Round of applause for the good work Raven has put into this.

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I wouldn't bother myself too much with that lava until I see it in actual game(and get some sort of explanation). I do like that Sullust theory though, because I still remember "Raid on Sullust" mission from Rogue Squadron quite well; that world's surface is shrouded in toxic gases and it has underground caves and cities. I don't know about you guys, but I think that would be cool location for JK2. :D

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BTW isnt this Lando's ship Lady Luck?

I'm not quite up-to-date with EU, so I have to trust you on this one. That means we will clearly see Lando, which I think would be awesome, because he hasn't shown himself too much in SW games. Even better, if we could team up with him, so he would be Kyle's buddy AI. :cool:

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I'm always last one to the party. Doh!


Everything looks puuurfect. Good job LEC, but more importantly WELL DONE RAVEN


N1 MRJ, Kenn and any other raven member who reads this. If I had a bottle of scotch, I would send it now... :)




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