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Issue #1 -- My first thoughts at the sight of that ship was, hey, that's a luxury liner, much like Lando's Lady Luck. But it could be anyone's. I mean, we see YT-1300's in MotS and we don't scream "HAN and CHEWIE! HAN and CHEWIE!" We all know what assuming does, after all ;-).


Issue #2 -- As for the lava, I think to myself "molten metal." Maybe it is a shipyard, such as Sullust or even Kuat, perish the thought ::giggles::. But the simple fact is molten metal and rock can be contained--visit a steel mill, folks. Or better (and worse) yet, watch "Rudy." You couldn't flush yer pooper without a little help from ole' John Q. Smelter.


Issue #3 -- Yes, the Jerk. Hmmm... Power armor could definitely be cool to a degree. All the adolescent excitement over mechs (eg Power Rangers, Good Guy, etc) makes me kind of moan in eye-rolling disgust, however the thought above-mentioned had also been tossed around by my roomate and I about the possibility of a reoccurence of an old outdated dark trooper or two. Even if it's a rusted old version of the clunky stripped-down ones that march around and beat you with sticks (frightening). I like the whole Dark Trooper fiasco for no other reason than the fact that it's classic. So if it's at all related to that, it has my excited green-thumbs-up.

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Hrm. Oh well, back to playing through the game...

MRJ, after that comment, you are both loved and hated by me.:) J/K


Also welcome to JK2.net poopypants.:)

Issue #1 -- My first thoughts at the sight of that ship was, hey, that's a luxury liner, much like Lando's Lady Luck. But it could be anyone's. I mean, we see YT-1300's in MotS and we don't scream "HAN and CHEWIE! HAN and CHEWIE!" We all know what assuming does, after all ;-).


Actually, when the YT-1300 took off from the Spaceport, and Mara said, "Hey smugglers, I wonder if it's anyone I know?", I absolutely thought Han and Chewie.


I really don't think it's a coincidence that we will be visiting Lando's territory, Cloud City, and we clearly have a pic of what definately seems to be the Lady Luck.

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My thirst for vengeance seeps far deeper than to simply tie him up. I think we should also dip him in chocolate--but--only really really HOT chocolate.


Right fellas? Right?


PS: I'd still really truly hope and pray that that magma-esque stuf***e is molten metal sooner than lava. I need not say why. All the evidence has been presented--CLICHé! I won't deny that there's quite a bit of wishful thinkin' here though.

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I'm still trying to digest a lot of it, but this latest batch of info is truly awesome... I'm looking forward to the game more than ever now. I love the screenshots, any fears that we wouldn't have large open levels to play through have now been completely allayed. My only question is where is Galactic Plumberman??? What possible reason would you have for not including him? It's sick, really, it is... ;)


Originally posted by Wilhuf

The circle is now complete.

Have you been watching Babylon 5, mate? :cool:


And Gonk, in answer to your question about the "Jerk"... not content with just having Q3's Uriel in the game, id insisted that their engine could only be used if the Beserker from Q2 was also included. :D





I found a mistake

Who is "Jen Ors?"


So did I: (From NRI Reports)


Report from New Republic security chief on Bakura:

A complaint was recorded from nearby salvage operator working for the New Republic in the Endor system.


[FORCE PEDANTRY]Since when is Bakura near Endor?[/FORCE PEDANTRY]


Anyway, top notch work, Raven (and well delegated, LEC! :p ).

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Hey, yeah that whole thingy about Kyle having attended the Jedi Academy. Aroo?


I don't think it's a mistake, persay. I think that they're just flinging the feces of mysterious-character devices at us. Perhaps his early Jedi training is why Kyle excelled so quickly in JK? ::shrugs:: Either way, it is a surprise.


Funny, I remember playing Dark Forces, right after my dad put the screws back in the case, having just installed the additional four megs of ram to make a whopping eight, and not giving a whooping flaming terd as to who Kyle Kataarn was. All I wanted was to vape baddies. I miss those days. I was so less lame when I was young.

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Originally posted by Poopypants

Hey, yeah that whole thingy about Kyle having attended the Jedi Academy. Aroo?


I don't think it's a mistake, persay. I think that they're just flinging the feces of mysterious-character devices at us. Perhaps his early Jedi training is why Kyle excelled so quickly in JK? ::shrugs:: Either way, it is a surprise.


Funny, I remember playing Dark Forces, right after my dad put the screws back in the case, having just installed the additional four megs of ram to make a whopping eight, and not giving a whooping flaming terd as to who Kyle Kataarn was. All I wanted was to vape baddies. I miss those days. I was so less lame when I was young.


Weren't we all? Before I discovered Star Wars, I was -- dread the thought -- less nutty. Nearly normal, in fact.




What am I talking about?! I've been a nut since I was a kid, and Star Wars didn't make a blinkin' difference! At least I didn't have this growing animosity with my teacher; I can't walk around the school without being suspected of treason to the Commonwealth. :lopsided grin:


I remembered my first game of Dark Forces vividly. My computer was so dismal.. Dark Forces barely ran. I remembered finding that extra life in the first level and my interest perked. Finally, I beat the game, and I was so happy I slugged my brother, who threw me across the room. :o


My first game of Jedi Knight was on my friends computer. I was unable to play the demo because my computer was only a Pentium 75, while JediKnight required 90. I had to wait a half a year to upgrade my computer!

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My first game of Jedi Knight was on my friends computer. I was unable to play the demo because my computer was only a Pentium 75, while JediKnight required 90. I had to wait a half a year to upgrade my computer!

I also had Pentium 75 and 16MB ram, when I was first playing JK; because my sound card wasn't fully DirectX certificated, I couldn't hear sound time to time(only way was pausing game for a sec and then continuing and sound was back). Somehow I managed to play it through with lowered settings, but I still had to buy new PC, just as JK had shown me. In a way I'm almost in same situation now, because I desperately need to buy a new PC, and JK2 is coming. :) BTW, if someone haven't already seen this, there is a new preview at Ferrago. ;)

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I truly want to believe its molten steel, becuase lava is completely cliche. However, doesn't molten steel give off more of a glow? And lava cools on the top, making it dull... given that line of reasoning, I'm forced to lean to the stuff in the picture as being lava. darn. Well, I guess its ok, as long as a suitable explination is given, like the location being on Sullust, for example.

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Originally posted by rolsen

I truly want to believe its molten steel, becuase lava is completely cliche. However, doesn't molten steel give off more of a glow? And lava cools on the top, making it dull... given that line of reasoning, I'm forced to lean to the stuff in the picture as being lava. darn. Well, I guess its ok, as long as a suitable explination is given, like the location being on Sullust, for example.


My guess would be that that isn't steel!


They use ferrocrete for concrete, durasteel for steel, and plasteel for glass. Very original names.


Actually, melted steel doesn't give off much light. A vein of flowing lava would probably illuminate more area. As for why the lava doesn't burn through the stuff contained it... They have spaceships which go PAST the speed of light, which is a Adv. Theory of Relativity impossibility! Why can't they contain lava? :lopsided grin:

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Scav, FinnSonn, your stories sound almost exactly like mine. When JK came out I too had a Pentium 75Mhz, 16MB RAM, and no 3D accelerator to speak of! I was practically devestated when the official system requirements came out to the follow up of my favorite game. Fortunately (or not so fortunately) I found I could in fact run the game with an average, whopping framerate of 10 fps. Fun. I didn't catch on to the JK craze until later when I got a new computer, and by that time Half-Life was out. :D *sniff* Aww, man, memories! *sniff* *sniff* *SNIIIIFFFFFFFFFFF*

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That is a great link, Lion Heart. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Reminds me of the first published footage of Jedi Knight: showed some stormies and an AT-ST charging, from Kyle's POV.


Ah but never have I seen a more ... worthwhile form of Force Pedantry.


*dodges fruit*

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First and foremost, welcome, Zodiac, to our wonderful forum community! Not being cool enough, I have nothing to give you. Just wait till those higher up show, they'll make sure you get your tokens.


Also, Nemios, I don't know if I've ever talked to you before. I just want to say that I enjoy reading your posts. They are informative, interesting, and don't have ::lopsided grin:: at the end of them. (J/K Scav) :)


About the site. Wow! This is the greatest thing that's happened with the game since wall jumps were announced! (And the fact that they were announced just last week is just coincidence). The backgrounds are great, the information is great, and the screenshots are great! I particularly like the ones with the Jedi fights. Bots look like they will be fun, smart, and even downright challenging! A nice factor in the game I think!

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Originally posted by Moses

Also, Nemios, I don't know if I've ever talked to you before. I just want to say that I enjoy reading your posts. They are informative, interesting, and don't have ::lopsided grin:: at the end of them. (J/K Scav) :)


!! Heh!


Looks like I've already coined an inside joke here. :) -- On a purely on-topic note, though... I'm extremely anxious to see the game gracing my local EB shelves.

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