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JKII Weapon List (so far)


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and im pretty sure the bowcaster DOESNT have a scope, to whoever said that. Someone said it in a jkii preview, but a Raven dev came here and corrected that a few months ago, saying there is only 1 with a scope.


Nov. Issue of PC Gamer stated it had a scope, but of course, as you stated, a Raven developer came onto the forums and said that only 1 weapon had a scope and the bowcastor wasn't the one with it.


Personally I would only want 1 or 2 scoped weapons ... actually 1 would be fine. I really liked the MotS scoped rifle .


I personally like the idea of all weapons featuring zoom modes... only not all guns can zoom the same distance ala Rogue Spear.


Also, does anyone know if the shoot-cycle for any weapons will be limited - in other words, in JK we could load up the ST rifle to 500 shots and then blast away continuously until it was empty. That was also true in Elite Force - I depended on it at the end! But, in RtCW, you work off of clips, and certain guns also overheat. I'm wondering if any weapons will have to reload, or be otherwise limited. Even though I plan to play as much in saber-only mode as possible, augmented with the scoped rifle as needed ...


It appears the weapon limit is 300, by just guessing off from what is seen of the HUDs in screenshots.


I doubt it will be clip based as you run into some balancing issues in a relatively fast paced death match. I'd just rather have 300-500 ammo and start blasting away until I run out... and if there are clips, they should hold 100+ shots for standard weapons(ie e-11 blaster rifle) and maybe less for larger weapons.

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Here's your mysterious distruptor:


It's one of the best weapon in SWCCG as it DESINTEGRATES enemy. Following the rules character hit by any weapon during a battle still participates in it and is used to satisfy attrition (losts in battle). BUT guy hit by distruptor simply "disappears". Read the lore: "...used for desintegration". You could use distruptor pistol playing SotE, it simply wiped out all room of enemies in a huge purple energy ball, but i believe it was exagerated. Anyway it's nearly impossible that distruptor=sniper unless it's sniper rifle that desintegrates enemy with one shot :D


And Golan Arms FC-1 is definetely substitute of rail charger. Why? It't text from official LEC site:"The "Grunt" stormtrooper carries a standard E-11 Blaster while "Officers" (delineated by a colored shoulder patch) carry the Golan Arms FC-1. " Now remember JK: st officers (with shoulder path) were armed right with Rail Detonators.

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Actually, the disruptor in JKII is supposedly a rifle, so it would actually look like the one at the top of this scan from the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology:




And here is a more detailed description from the EGWT, which was dissmissed as a "long post" in the thread in which I originally posted it:



Among the most controversial and reviled hand weapons in the galaxy, disruptors are energy weapons whose blasts are so powerful that they break down objects at the molecular level, leaving only a smoking pile of ash.

These small handheld pistols can disintegrate a one-meter by one-meter durasteel plate up to half a meter thick, or penetrate force fields, personal battle armor, and vehicle and starship hull plating--they are virtually unstoppable. Against living targets these weapons almost always cause instantaneous death, and even a glancing blast causes horribly painful injuries that must be treated immediately in order to prevent irreparable nerve damage.

Most disruptors utilize brute force rather than technological innovations to produce their lethal blasts. The oversized XCiter and the actuating blaster module process a much greater volume of blaster gas, while the barrel's series of galven cylinders tightly focuses the beam, concentrating the blast's high-energy particles. However, because of their crude design, disruptors tend to have short ranges and limited ammunition capacity: the DX-2 pistol has an optimum range of five meters and a maximum range of seven meters and drains a standard power pack after only five shots. The DXR-6 rifle delivers even more destructive power over its optimum range of ten meters (its maximum range is twenty meters), but it too drains its paired power packs after only five shots. Most disruptors require an extended recycle time of five seconds or more to cool the weapons internal components and gather an adequate charge for an additional shot.

The Merr-Sonn MSD-32 pistol, the most advanced disruptor in production, circumvents many of these limitations by using a rapid-pulse energy module. The pistol creates a series of energy pulses, delivering tremendous firepower while reducing the recycle time to three seconds and extending the power pack's ammunition capacity to ten shots.

While disruptors are militarily impractical because of their limited range and ammunition, many assassins, slavers, and bounty hunters enjoy the notoriety and infamy that come with toting these weapons. The Tiss'shar assassin Uul-Rha-Shan used a miniaturized disruptor pistol against Han Solo, although its long recharge time allowed Solo to gun him down in a shoot-out at the Star's End prison facility.

Disruptors are banned on most New Republic worlds; on some planets mere possession is grounds for the death penalty. Even under the Empire only a very small number of Imperial officials--Imperial Security Bureau interrogators and inquisitors--were allowed to carry these inhumane weapons. During the rule of the Empire some weapons manufaturers were authorized to produce these weapons in limited quantities, although most companies ceased production under New Republic law.

However, the Tenloss Syndicate and many other criminal organizations maintain back-alley labs to build disruptors and reap tremendous profits from black market sales.

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I'm looking forward to see it in action. I suppose it will be my second favourite weapon after lightsaber. Just like in the card game :) . Anyway I wonder how will the animation of hit look like. It may be similar to desintegration from Elite Force (i remember that certain weapon caused opponents to perrish).

BTW distruptor rifle looks just like two pistols combined:)

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I think I was misunderstood. What I meant was that the bowcaster and the stormtrooper rifle have a visable scope on the model. Just like a pistol has those little grooves on it. That dosen't mean we will use the grooves on the pistol or in the other case, the bowcaster. Maybe to scope on the bowcaster is not a zooming one, but just alligned crosshairs for accuracy. Anyway it has a little tube thingy on the side with a transparent solid in it.



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The question is, can I drop a guy with the stun baton, and then disrupt his molecules?


I can see it now, through parched, cotton-mouth laden lips he whispers, "Wha--what's that?"


And I would swiftly reply, "It's a disruptor, wench! Now say my name!"




Then I spit in his "smoldering pile of ash" and say, "Happy Birthday, ya filthy animal."






--The Mighty Pants.

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