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Paranoid, Roswell, MJ-12, JFK,aliens, etc

Crazy_dog no.3

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I guess not very many people here find all these things were talking about amazingly interesting but I sure do. I've found a new obsession, and it's name is Tesla! :D Seriously. I'm obsessed with him now!



Well, crazydog, strange crap you asked for and strange crap you got! :D

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Check out this dudes paranoid rants. He mixes very good points with absolute delusion. I remember this guy from about ten years ago, when he announced on national TV that he was Jesus. Now he is a conspiracy writer, and has quite a loyal following (NOT ME!)


So read this to find out about the dark sinister organisation who really run the world!!!

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Here's is some more strange UFO crap,




I found this on some site:




--------------------------------------------------------------------------Diamond in the Sky




Farm Market Road 1485

Between New Caney and Huffman, Texas

Approximately 9:15 P.M.CST

29 December, 1980


On the evening of Monday, December 29, 1980, Betty Cash, the owner of a small restaurant in Dayton, Texas, wanted to play Bingo. She and Vickie Landrum, who was a waitress in Betty's restaurant as well as a friend, took along Vickie's seven-year-old grandson and ward, Colby Landrum, and drove to Cleveland, Texas. When they got to Cleveland, they found that there was no Bingo that night, possibly due to the Christmas holidays, so they decided to drive to New Caney, where there was also a week-night Bingo game.


They had no better luck in New Caney. Apparently, Bingo was played there on Tuesdays, not Mondays. At about 8:00 P.M., they stopped and ate dinner at a truck stop and then headed towards home on Farm Market Road 1485, a back road through a piney woods area of Mongomery County.


They had gone about twelve miles when someone, possibly Colby, pointed out a light in the sky. Suddenly, over the trees came a brilliantly lit diamond-shaped object of some sort with fire shooting from its bottom.


The object hovered about sixty feet over the road, and Vickie screamed for Betty to stop the car, afraid that they would be burned to a crisp if they drove under the object. As Betty stopped, Vickie put her hand on the dashboard, and something, perhaps intense heat from the object, caused her fingerprints to be permanently imbedded in the dash. The trees that the object had passed over were not on fire, but Betty later described them as "very brown".


Betty put the car in park, but left the engine running, and got out to watch the object, which she said was "as big as a water tower." She took a few steps toward the object, but the heat and intense light were too much to bear for long. When she tried to open the door to get back in the car, the door handle burned her, so she used her leather coat to protect her hand.


The car engine had died, and she apparently had some difficulty starting it again. Once the engine started, she immediately turned on the air conditioner to cool the interior of the car, which had become uncomfortably warm. The object was about 130 feet away, and about 70 feet high, periodically gaining altitude by ejecting a fiery exhaust.


Finally, the object passed over the road, and they could see that it was being followed or escorted by at least twenty helicopters, most of which they identified as being Boeing CH-47 Chinook twin rotor models. They drove on, but they were able to see the object and the helicopters again before they got home.



Dayton, Texas police officer L.L. Walker and his wife Marie stated that they saw Chinook helicopters in the same area four to five hours after the Cash-Landrum Incident.





All three witnesses suffered skin irritation, diarrhea, hair loss, and eye irritation. Betty's symptoms were the most severe, apparently because she was outside the car longest and had gone nearest to the object. She became ill within thirty minutes after the incident, and had to be hospitalized on January third. She was treated as a burn victim. She had severe headaches, swelling, large liquid-filled blisters on her skin, and she lost large patches of skin and clumps of hair. Physicians who examined her said her symptoms resembled those of radiation exposure.


Cash and Landrum wanted the government to admit its involvement and to pay for the medical expenses they had incurred. Betty Cash contacted her Senators, John Tower and Lloyd Bentsen, and on Bentsen's recommendation, she met with Air Force lawyers at Bergstrom AFB in Austin, Texas to file a claim. There is a transcript of a tape that was made of this meeting in the possession of the Central UFO Network, (CUFON)


The case was eventually investigated by John Schuessler, Deputy Director for Administration for the Mutual UFO Network, (MUFON), and a Project Manager for Space Shuttle Flight Operations for the McDonnell Douglas Corporation. He found no radioactivity at the site, but he did find an area where the asphalt was melted.


In 1982, Army Lt. Col. George Sarran looked into the case for the Army, and although he was convinced of the sincerity of Cash and Landrum, he could find no evidence that Army helicopters were in the area at the time. There are no bases in that area, either Army, Air Force, or Air National Guard, from which so many Chinooks could have come.



New York attorney Peter Gersten, now director of Citizens Against Ufo Secrecy, filed a twenty million dollar lawsuit on behalf of Cash and Landrum, but in August, 1986, U.S. District Court Judge Ross Sterling dismissed the case after Army, Navy, Air Force, and NASA expert testimony proved to the Judge's satisfaction that no such device as that seen by Cash and Landrum was owned by, or was in the possession of, any branch of American government or military.


Betty Cash died on the 18th anniversary of the event in Birmingham, Alabama. She had been in poor health ever since the encounter. The extent of the injuries suffered by Mrs. Cash after her exposure to the UFO were so great she was forced to close her businesses and never worked again. Her life became a series of hospital stays, many of them in intensive care. Eventually she developed cancer and in November of 1998 she suffered a stroke to which she finally succumbed on December 29th.




BTW, Rhett tell me if you find some more on Tesla.

Does anyone got any info on the UFO that crashed near Nova Soctia?

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Here one on Chupacabra






For the non-Puerto Ricans among us, the Chupacabra is a creature that is currently rampaging through the island, relieving farm animals of their blood. As of yet, the Chupacabra, which translates into "goat-sucker", has not attacked humans, although no one can say for certain that this will not happen in the future. The origin of its name comes from its earliest attacks, where goats were found with their blood drained and with two peculiar puncture marks on their necks. There have been reports alleging that particular organs were missing from some of the victim's bodies, without any visible way for those organs to have been removed. Sightings have increased as the months go by, fueling paranoia and fear.

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The Jersey Devil



The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. The following text will show there is evidence to support the existence of an animal or supernatural being known as the Jersey Devil. The evidence consists of the stories of the Jersey Devil's origin, the sightings of it, and finally, the theories on it.



There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. One of the most popular legends says a Mrs. Shrouds of Leeds Point, N.J. made a wish that if she ever had another child, she wanted it to be a devil. Her next child was born misshapen and deformed. She sheltered it in the house, so the curious couldn't see him. One stormy night, the child flapped it's arms, which turned into wings, and escaped out the chimney and was never seen by the family again. A Mrs. Bowen of Leeds Point said, "The Jersey Devil was born in the Shrouds house at Leeds Point." Another story that also placed the birth at Leeds Point said that a young girl fell in love with a British soldier during the Revolutionary War. The people of Leeds Point cursed her. When she gave birth, she had a devil. Some people believe the birth of the devil was punishment for the mistreatment of a minister by the Leeds folk.










And some more on the chupacabra



Like other creatures in the cryptozoologist's barnyard, the chupacabra has been variously described. Some have seen a small half-alien, half-dinosaur tailless vampire with quills running down its back; others have sited a panther like creature with a long snake-like tongue; still others have seen a hopping animal that leaves a trail of sulphuric stench. Some think it may be a type of dinosaur heretofore unknown. Some are convinced that the wounds on animals whose deaths have been attributed to the chupacabra indicate an alien presence. However, they do not attribute the "mutilations" to the aliens themselves, but to one of their pets or experiments gone awry. Such creatures are known as Anomalous Biological Entities [ABEs] in UFO circles.


Those who think the chupacabra is an ABE also believe that there is a massive government and mass media conspiracy to keep the truth hidden from the people, probably to prevent panic. This view is maintained despite the fact that the President of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives Agricultural Commission, Mr. Juan E.[Kike] Lopez, has introduced a resolution asking for an official investigation to clarify the situation. And Inside Edition sent a crew to Puerto Rico to investigate the ABE story. They allegedly ridiculed the Mayor of Canavanas, a witness to the chupacabra, and basically made fun of the whole idea.

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There was a guy who bought some land in Oregon and build a ranch on it. A week or so before he was going to extend ranch, the govermant sent him a letter stating he couldn't. The goverment said reason was there were many endangered species of wildlife in the area. He read the list of animals and saw various bird and mammals, but a very interesting one was sasquwatch. (Big foot.) (I can't spell it.)

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