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How old are you?

Guest m0rb

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so Mr Journalist , you are 28 ;)


Where are you working? At a paper? Currently im working/learning as a DTP-er.


Edit:Didnt notice you where Dutch btw, nice to see a dutch mod here :)

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I'm 15 right now, but in only 2 short months I'll be 16 and get my permit! :D Oh yeah, my birthday is January 27 if you wanted to know. :D


BTW Oi, there are alot of older forummers that can't type/spell as well as us Tie. ;)

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I'm 21 ... and dutch too. If you keep posting on this forum we'll have 4 fulltime dutch members (wraith9 is the fourth).


And you're a DTP'er? ... I'll continue in dutch because of all those words that are hard to translate.


Wraith9 en ik doen een opleiding IT-Media Productie op het Grafish Lyceum in Zwolle. Ons vak heeft een aantal raakvlakken met DTP al zijn wij meer Internet en IT gericht. Wij hebben bijvoorbeeld ook les in Quark Xpress en Photoshop op de Mac.


Isn't it funny? ... all 4 dutch guys here have something to do with publishing. Leon text, you the layout and we the publishment on the internet ... we could start a little company :)

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Nice to see some responses ;)


And Young David:


[dutch]Ik zit op het grafisch lyceum in rotterdam. Ik heb ook 1 jaar IT-media gedaan. Was wel leuk maar niet echt wat ik wilde ;) Ik en nu aan het werken/leren. Nog 1 jaar en dan ben ik klaar. Ik wil meer de design/vormgeving kant op. Meer zelf creatief bezig zij ipv opmaak. [/dutch]


Krkode: I was in a clan with someone who was 38, nice age eh? ;)

As long as you enjoy playing games, why not?

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First of all...... WOOOOHOOOOO: dance.gif


Another Dutch guy.... we rule.... dont we?

Welcome ... to another adition (English??) of a lucas Forum.

I was going to say Thunderdome.... but.... no one cares.


Yes im the other Dutch guy here.... Maybe a little wearder than the other Dutch guys. But that is because im going crazy from 4 different messengers and 3 forum, 2 games on the net and information im looking up. freak6.gif


[DUTCH] grappig.... maar ik zit wel een klas hoger dan Young David... ik ben van de eerste lichting zeg maar... :D maar ja.. [/DUTCH]


But i fyou huys have to know.... im 21 and there was a huge party on the 18th of October. the day i joined this forum. on the advice of my fellow dutch YOUNG DAVID. :D



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Guest Master Yoda

16 here. I will never stop playing video games till im to weak to press the keys, or hold the controller, but by then there should be TONS of games that uses voice commands so i can still then!!!:D

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Guest Darth_Venage

tomorrow, in the state of Arizona(YEA D-BACKS!!) I will be legally old enough to get my driver's permit, at 15 years 7 months. I will turn 16 april 6th

(BTW If you in US tommorow, watch out for a dude driving a white Taurus SHO with the SHO in black colors. That's me!!:joy:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Thrawn

I'm 15 right now, but in only 2 short months I'll be 16 and get my permit! :D Oh yeah, my birthday is January 27 if you wanted to know. :D


BTW Oi, there are alot of older forummers that can't type/spell as well as us Tie. ;)


Tell me about it?!? :rolleyes:



BTW, i get my License on my 16th birthday, i already have my permit :p

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