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seriously--where's the rabbit?

Guest rosencrantz

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Place just isn't the same without the little mammal. :(


<small>BTW, Reddy, your sig quote should be: "Spiritus minitus, illustrus appares." . . and Wyverne has an "e" at the end.</small> ;)


Thanks, I had a feeling they got it wrong at the site I copied it from. :D


"Wyvern" is spelled both ways, tho. :)

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Cracken, I'm only that anal about Star Wars, Gargoyles, and spelling. Besides, us Gargfans are a vanishing breed; we have to look out for each other's honour. :cool:


As for Wyverne, I was going with the older spelling.


<small>But then, I'm one of the few who actually takes time to spell Bean Sidhe instead of Banshee.</small>

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Cracken, I'm only that anal about Star Wars, Gargoyles, and spelling. Besides, us Gargfans are a vanishing breed; we have to look out for each other's honour. :cool:


As for Wyverne, I was going with the older spelling.


<small>But then, I'm one of the few who actually takes time to spell Bean Sidhe instead of Banshee.</small>


We wouldn't be vanishing if STUPID DISNEY got their STUPID ASSES in gear and did something new with Gargoyles...like a movie, a BETTER comic, another continuation, or SOMETHING...come to think of it, I'd be happy if they just gave it to Cartoon Network and got it out of the refuse pile named Toon Disney. At least then people would WATCH it!!! :mad:


BTW, did you know they censored Goliath and the Weird Sisters saying "terrorist" in City of Stone I? How lame!!! Stupid *******s... :rolleyes:


Okay, I'd better stop ranting now. :o But still, Gargoyles was an awesome show. It'd be a real shame to see it fade away.

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I hadn't heard that; are they still airing Hunter's Moon? The one where the clock tower got blown up (and where the hovercraft crashed into the cathedral)? I know Deadly Force won't run on TD b'cause of the blood, but that was from long before 9/11.


Speaking of which, any idea when TGS is gonna start sputtering along again?

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Didja at least get up to Unions? The marriage ep?


I recall hearing that one of the TGS storylines (I think TimeDancer) would start up in early 2002. I'm now waiting for the date to be changed to late 2002. :rolleyess


Ya kinda feel sorry for them; they're turning out some of the best Gargoyles material out there (better, IMHO than the originals), but they seem so short-handed. :(

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*can't remember* I'm gonna hafta go back and reread em. :)


I remember most of the stuff was good...except for the completely unoriginal imitation of the attack on Xanatos' castle from The Gathering...although the Demona-Elisa-elfshot thing was IMO really cool :D


The only activity I've "recently" seen in the Gargoyles community (which I have really only been lurking around, to chicken to show myself) was an update at the Avalon Archives...eleven months ago...

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It's quiet all around.


the Gargoyles newsgroup had a flurry of traffic a few weeks back (mostly just people checking to see if it still worked), but they've since quieted down to normal.


As for the Second Battle of the Eyrie Bldg, It was kinda understandable. I mean, if you're gonna take down the Manhattan Clan, you're gonna have to face their strongest ally, and that's Xanatos.


The elfshot thing was cool. It's so sweet how Demona's still so in Love with Goliath that she's willing to see him with Elisa.


<small>Goliath was so not good enough for her.</small>

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