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Gungans Waste of Civilization


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Gungans definitely have their strengths. Using the Fambaa right, along with their special creature techs, they are pretty powerful.


I don't play with Naboo too much. Really, uninteresting as a race. You might as well pick CorSec or Black Sun or something. The Empire, the Rebels, the Trade Federation - they all are powerful factions. The Naboo - one planet, a city, that's about it. Weren't they supposed to be peaceful and such?

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I personally think the Naboo would've been better as a sort of mini-civ. Like the Ewoks and the Trandoshans are in the game. And maybe even the Wookies should be a mini-civ. You don't really imagine Wookies as having land vehicles and sky vehicles, and certainly not sea vehicles. They're a strong, warrior race, that's about it.


I personally would like to see more mini-civs in the game. And it'd be cool if you could ally yourself with them in multiplay, and each one would have their own strengths and weaknesses, and that could add a lot of variety to the game. Sure, the Trandoshans are weak, but in multiplay they could be made to regenerate (like they do in "real life"). And the Ewoks are speedy little furballs, and they're pretty good hand-to-hand with troops. I've never seen their catapults or gliders in action, but they're pretty cool anyway. I don't know why people dislike Ewoks so much.


Other min-civs could be Hutts, Toydarians, Tusken Raiders (actually, they're in the game also, but hidden), Gammoreans, hell, any race.

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