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Gungans Waste of Civilization


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My question to you is do you think that they are a waste of civilization. We all want kewler civs. So tell me why do you guys hate/love the gungans. What have you learned about them strategy wise that makes them worthy? What have you learned by playing them against other civs that makes them crap?


This is what I think


They are just hideous to say the least.


Little slugs for workers, come on snails for mechs is it? Creatures that look like bugs attacking the almighty Storm troopers. It looks like a scene from Aliens. Attack of the Blob etc.


But the only thing they got going for them is there naval warefare and from what I see nobody gets to utilize this since there aren't very maps that use it...and who just wants to play gungans against gungans. Yuck...I mean if you want a naval battle. S


So what do you guys think??

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Admittidly they look terrible (except for their mechs). Play wise I think they have some great strengths. Their Unique unit is at times exceptional. I recently played a great game against a gungun player on a forest map, with long passages inbetween bases. The Faambas were simply amazing, his armies moved down these 'corridors' with amazing efficiency, and there was very little I could do about it. I could stop them but it cost much more to me than it did to him!!!


They have their strengths!


Naboo....now there is a waste of a civ!!!

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The Civ that I can compare the Gungans to is the Empire. Those 2 are VERY VERY CLOSE!


Yet people don't think the Empire is a waste when the Gungans are a carbon copy of them....


I think the Naboo are good in Post Tech 4 Deathmatches...

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Some people won't respect the other species. Anyways...


1)"Almighty Stormtroopers"? Ha, they suck unless in numbers. It's the assault mechs that's the Empire's real strenth.


2) Come on get realistic, they are aliens , so therefore they must have weird units. I mean forget all those sci-fi films; most aliens are unlikely to look humanoid.


3) Naboo have good Navy/Sea units too, so they are good match in Sea against the Ganguns.


4) Coastal bombaredment. If they play on a map with water, and there are no ships 2 stop them, they can just get those sea artillary stuff and blow your base to hell.

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Guest Lonewolf

Another key is that the majority of the Gungan military is organic...which means you can take along a few medics & heal everyone that gets damaged during fights...including mechs...



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I am actually quite pleased with the range of civs and the unique units for all the civs. I agree that the Gungans are, perhaps, less than aesthetically pleasing (especially their insect-like trade craft, which gives me the heebie-jeebies *shudder*). However, in terms of their game play, they are just fine. They have nice mechs, a great unique unit (as was pointed out above), and relatively good troopers. Even their air power is passable. They are weak on Jedi units, but so are several other civilzations.


I have played the gungans only twice, and won both games with them. No other civ that I've played, have I had 100% success with. Of course, I've probably played the Empire and the Rebels 20 times each, so that's not really a fair comparison :)

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Guest jediaoe

Gungans rule i don't know why anybody would think they would be a waste of a civ. They have one of the most powerfull mechs and the armies are very strong.

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Originally posted by xwing guy

Any civ that you know how to use can be powerful.:) But the gungans and empire I excel at because they have good mechs and troopers and heavy weapons, the three things I'm good with.


These are two excellent points. If you learn how to take advantage of a civilization's strong points while covering for its weaknesses, you will do well with it, and it will seem "powerful."


And more so, everyone has different personal abilities. I happen to be really good with air units, so I excel at the Rebels and the Naboo. And I'm good with mechs, so I do enjoy the Empire as well (I just love AT-ATs). So, it's partly a matter of taste (I like the "feel" of the Rebels and the Empire the best), partly what you are familiar with in terms of using units effectively, and partly what you are just plain "good" at.


May the Force be with you.

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Guest Destroyer Droid

How can you be good with air ? and ok with mechs ? I dont get it. Theres no such thing as being good with things, just build them and use them. What I think you meant is I like using air and occasionally mechs which would be more understandable.

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Originally posted by Destroyer Droid

How can you be good with air ? and ok with mechs ? I dont get it. Theres no such thing as being good with things, just build them and use them. What I think you meant is I like using air and occasionally mechs which would be more understandable.


Not all units are effective in the same exact way. A tactic that works flawlessly with air units (against ground units, for instance) is not going to work using, say, repeater troopers. They don't have the same movement, hit points, defenses, or attack abilities. Air units ignore terrain and similar obstacles, and can be used very effectively for "back door" or "side door" assaults, which is much, much harder to do (depending on terrain, of course) with ground-based units. Not saying it can't be done, but it's more difficult.


It just so happens that the tactics that work well using air units, are tactics that my limited mouse-motor skills are quite good at carrying out without making too many targeting/movement mistakes, while those that work well using mech units, just require a few mouse-motor movements that I'm not quite as good with. Perhaps there is no difference to you, but there is to me (though perhaps it is a mental block more than anything else, that's possible).


May the Force be with you.

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Gungans are fine and used right can match any civ in everything but jedi and air. Jedi later on are usless reapters put down masters in seconds so do assualt mechs and they can't touch a frigate strafing them. I never even use jedi so not having them isn't a loss for me if you like jedi and air and can't go without them you will hate gungan. If you perfer the techno look to bio you will hate gungans. That dosen't however make them usless ugly(in your eyes) and not your perfence are diffrent from usless.

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I don't know why people are saying the gungan buildings are freaky looking...I think they're neat. Lots of domes, and coral-type shapes and colors.


Now, if you want freaky, look no further than the Zerg in Starcraft. Now THOSE guys will give you the jitters. Everything is pulsing and oozing and buildings and units alike gurgle and squeal and growl at you. That's why I never play with them.

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