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Question on Herding

Lord Slart

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This my first post and I'm fairly new to the game and I am just working through the Campaigns. This is probably a lame question but it's been bugging me for a while. I can get animals into the nursery when i can select them and move them but how do you get to select them in the first place? Sometimes I can select creatures and other times I can't. Is it something to do with getting a unit close to them becuase if you right click on one with a worker he tries to kill it and not herd it to the nursery.


Great game though, I was dubious to start with but I have never tried any of the AO games so I'm new to the engine.


I'm a big Star Wars fan and have heard from someone who has seen "Attack of the clones" and he said it was great and much better than PM. He works for LEGO so he had to see it to start designing the new LEGO sets for the film.


Well thanks in advance for your help and maybe I'll see you more on the boards. I've been reading these boards for the last week or so and I've picked up a few good hints, so thanks to all for the help. And I may even join the online community soon as I do have broadband and have played a lot of C&C RA2 and YURIS revenge.




Lord Slart.:lsduel:

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You have to have a unit(s) find the animals before they will move for you. They will "brighten" up and make a noise when you find them, then you can control them. Any unit can find them.


BTW, Welcome to the forums! Feel free to join in on any of the conversations we have going. The Off-topic forum is hopping! :)


*Hands Lord Slart an official lucasforums.com welcome gift basket*


Enjoy! :)

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As another little tidbit from someone who had never played AoK and didn't quite catch it when reading through the manual - not all creatures can be herded into the animal nursery. Only brown fuzzy ones that do actually get a saddle thrown over them when one of your units approach.

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As far as I know, only nerfs and banthas can be put in the animal nursery. I think banthas produce more food, but I could be wrong.


Also, watch out when you're capturing the animals. If they walk by a unit of another person's team, they'll fall under their control, and it might be hard for you to get them back. Especially if you're playing single-player; the computer will immediately direct them to their nursery.

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Thanks for all the help Guys it does make more sense now and I have herded all the right creatures now. The are all doing well and the milk you get from banthas goes well on my cereal in the mornings. Not too keen on the nerf milk though so I just eat them roasted. Mmmmm yummy in my tummy.

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