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Demo question


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Actually, the playable demo he refers to in that video...is the one he is playing. :)


Having said that, I would again be very surprised if any demo for JKII was not playable. I can't remember a single Raven game that did not have a playable demo. I would also expect to see a new gameplay movie released to whet our appetites before we see a demo...


Of course...none of this is confirmed yet...so keep watching jkii.net and the official site for news. ;)

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Yea. When they make special levels just for a demo it makes the game much much better. I remember Starcraft which had a small seperate story just for the demo. I think that would be a good idea for JK2 demo. Maybe 2-3 levels catching up with a spuggler or something which has nothing to do with the main story itself.

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Yea. When they make special levels just for a demo it makes the game much much better.


It also means that if Raven were to release such an "exclusive content" demo they would have to put in some substantial extra work, which would translate to a substantial addition to the development time of the full game.

Bearing in mind that Raven seems to be working under a fairly strict deadline, I'd say there is almost zero chance we'll see such a demo before JO has gone gold, if ever.


FYI, Half-Life did have a SP demo that offered new content, but it was released long after the full game had become available.

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

I probably wont play the demo anyway unless it comes out before the game. I just want to be new to the game when it finally comes out.



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I think it'd be cool for a multiplayer because it would leave you wanting more, but I don't know, I think it'd be more enjoyable getting the game at my doorstep and playing the missions being totally clueless how to play, I'll only play it if it has a unique nongame level.

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Yes, it would be nice if the demo contained a multiplayer deathmatch level including bots and perhaps the opportunity to play against someone else. That wouldn't spoil the story of the game for later, and it would leave you drooling for more( ,if the game is good, but of course it is).:lsduel:

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Yes, im definatly hoping there is going to be at least one bot match level......maybe they'll have a separate multiplayer demo for people who dont have quick internet connection. Unfortunatly for me my dad has taken my T3 computer to his work because his one there has bust and they wont replace it for a couple of months which means i'll be here all night with my 56K modem downloading the demo. It'll probably be at least 200Mb.....and definatly more if theres a multiplayer aspect to it :(

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Now now....lets not get carried away here....the demo will probably be around 50MB....which is still alot if you have a 56k....like myself, but at least thats somewhat more reasonable....200mb....hah wouldnt even download in that case.

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Ok maybe 200Mb was a bit much.......but look at these demo sizes for comparisson, just as examples,.......


MechWarrior 4: Black Knight 101 MB

Max Payne 133.9 MB


I think most game demos are about 100Mb which isnt bad, even for a 56K modem. If your server provides you with 56K (which it probably doesnt, say about 33.6, which it probably runs at), then it should take just under 7 hours. Not too much of a wait considering we've been waiting 3/4 of a year :)

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Well, 7 hours of internet, that'd be expensive. Well, a lot of people just pay a certain amount of money every month and can use internet as much as they like, but I pay (quite a bit) per hour!

I think I'd rather buy a games magazine to get the demo.


I want this game! Now! At least a demo, a small movie, anything!!!



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I am one of those people who pay a certain amount every month which means its no problem for me. My mum had no choice as I ran up such a bill your way :p. The problem is if the demo is released mid month which would mean you would have to wait til the next magazine issue. Especially if its just after a new monthly one has been released. I'll probably just leave my computer on all night :) and download it that way. Unless I get my T3 back by then which is looking more and more unlikely :(

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Ok maybe 200Mb was a bit much.......but look at these demo sizes for comparisson, just as examples,.......


MechWarrior 4: Black Knight 101 MB

Max Payne 133.9 MB


I think most game demos are about 100Mb which isnt bad, even for a 56K modem. If your server provides you with 56K (which it probably doesnt, say about 33.6, which it probably runs at), then it should take just under 7 hours. Not too much of a wait considering we've been waiting 3/4 of a year :)


Look at RtCW and Moh:AA for approximate size ---

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