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No Conc?? {Replies to my question}


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ok yall to answer some questions about my last post when u guys ripped me a new one about there being no conc and i may not get JK2 just because it dont have a conc. ok soem of u play withthe lightsaber only for what 98 percent of the time u guys play online right? well iplay 98 percent of my time on the net with a conc and no force so................ to think of this new powerful graphics engine and new moves in JK2 with a conc? OMG like elite. just the same way u guy are drooling over the fact the lightsabers look in sbx3 right now as to what they will be like in JK2. same difference now tell me if JK2 came out with no lightsaber i bet u wouldnt get it either. oh and about the disruptor i dont like gusn that do stuff like that {hence the bfg in q2 q3} i dont want to affect a whole area and killl someone fast. i want to be able to use a gun slightly powerful as a conc that amtters how hard u hit them and where u hit them at with area damage not something that disinegrates people. the conc takes about on average 4-5 shots to kill someone 3 if ur really good. and it takes alot of skill to avoid someone when u play against them u have to use tactics much like ina saber game whihc is why i like the conc so much not to mention the fatc u can propel yourself across the water and out of harms way when u fire it heheheh. so i hope this answers alot of your questions.

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Originally posted by lNaiLzl

ok yall to answer some questions about my last post when u guys ripped me a new one about there being no conc and i may not get JK2 just because it dont have a conc. ok soem of u play withthe lightsaber only for what 98 percent of the time u guys play online right? well iplay 98 percent of my time on the net with a conc and no force so................ to think of this new powerful graphics engine and new moves in JK2 with a conc? OMG like elite. just the same way u guy are drooling over the fact the lightsabers look in sbx3 right now as to what they will be like in JK2. same difference now tell me if JK2 came out with no lightsaber i bet u wouldnt get it either. oh and about the disruptor i dont like gusn that do stuff like that {hence the bfg in q2 q3} i dont want to affect a whole area and killl someone fast. i want to be able to use a gun slightly powerful as a conc that amtters how hard u hit them and where u hit them at with area damage not something that disinegrates people. the conc takes about on average 4-5 shots to kill someone 3 if ur really good. and it takes alot of skill to avoid someone when u play against them u have to use tactics much like ina saber game whihc is why i like the conc so much not to mention the fatc u can propel yourself across the water and out of harms way when u fire it heheheh. so i hope this answers alot of your questions.


We don't know yet if we are going to get Concussion Rifle back...if we don't, I'll use the Jawa gun as the Concussion Rifle :D


Play the demo first, then decide if you want to buy it or not :)

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the conc's splash damage radius was neccessary due to JK's netcode.


im not sure that the concusion rifle is an appropriate weapon for JKII. first off, it's splash damage will have to be reduced to account for the ping and another thing that would impact its splash damage is whether the centripetal force factor will be there or not. without centripetal force, the pace of the game will be reduced so evading the conc will be 2-3 times harder.


it may just be better to let the bowcastor*, etc. take over the role of explosive weapons.


*=primary fire on the bowcastor will be featuring splash damage

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I for one would be glad if they don't include a Con in JK2...That gun was by far the cheapest weapon to use. Not that I couldn't beat it or anything, its just that it did too much damage and had splash, it took away the fun of the game sometimes

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I think people got annoyed with me when I railed them too many times from across the map. I only used primary to jump if I had no force and had shielding. I dont want one in JK2 all that much, especially the ownage you could do with it in skilled hands. If they do decide to put it in, I hope the reduce the damage. Its a concussion rifle, concussion meaning not instant rocket lawn-chair, but something to annoy you and fly you around. Heh.

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I personally would like 2 see the conc make an appearance in JK2, if slightly less powerful

but can u imagine how nice the conc would look with the new grfx engine???? frickin sweet i'd imagine :)



And Kyle is a Ex-Stormtrooper Jedi, NOT a Conc weilding trandoshan...

he's been usin the conc since DF, why should he stop now?


and speaking of weapons of mass destruction, what happened to the dark trooper weapon from DF?

that was a fun gun :)

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if the conc makes a return it needs to be sporting reduced splash damage.. not because it bothered me in JK(i loved the conc), but because it will be too powerful in its present form in JK due to the missing elements(JK's netcode, maybe centripetal force factor) that made it okay..

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my main problem with the conc, is that it is TOTALLY un-star wars. ok, 90 percent, but you get the point. i mean, a compressed projectile of ionized air?! come on.. my other complaints are the same as everyone elses, too much damage, too much splash damage, etc etc etc.. if it DOES come back, i'd want it to be more of a distraction gun, since its compressed AIR, have it do not very much damage, but knock back anyone caught in the blast (i dont mean like trip-ouch, i mean like fly-splat). that way, it makes it (dare i say it) more realistic, and a unique weapon at the same time..


*shuts up*

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Yes, the conc. shoots compressed air and is failry unrealistic, but this is Star Wars and things like that don't have to be explained, there's no boundries.:)


Also I wouldn't mind if the conc. returns. Actually I'm beginning to think that they will include it. Even if it does return I'm not worried about it dominating because it will no doubt be much different than the one in JK. Look at how different the conc. from Dark Forces was compared to the conc. in JK.


I'm sure Raven has fully analyzed the drawbacks of JK and it's fairly obvious the conc. was way too overpowered.

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drrr, i mentioned the idea of the conc sporting lil or no damage and being primarily an impact weapon a long time ago in my thread about horizontal jumping.


I'd love it if it were just that, u push people around and knock em over instead of killing them, and propel yerself thru the air if u pull a conc jump.


Also the effect would look amazing, think bout slightly opaque rippling air with a mild glow attached to it. Think bout it in water, rippling glowing wave comin at u. I think if its not included its gonna be the first mod I make usin my newfound direct x skills.






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compressed AIR, have it do not very much damage

ever seen a pneumatic piston/pile driver?


close range would be pushin it... the conc is a much loved weapon of many peeps (myself included)


personally, i would like to see the conc be slightly slightly less powerful (so its more akin to the plasma gun in tribes and tribes 2) but i really like the projectile of the conc ;)


i'd have primary fire be long range, and then 2ndary be the glowing shockwave blast (damn thatd look sweet)



if the conc isnt gonna be released like that (or at all) then that should be 1st mod made 4 jk2

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