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more civs??


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do u think lucas arts should have made more civs to control as normal civs and not as toybox units.

look at aoe2 there are 13 civs if im not mistaken and the expansion has 5 more i think

i know its hard work but do u think they should have put some more like maybe ewoks.


or one of the civs out of the books like the yuvon zhou or whatever

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i never thought of thre noghri. i think they should make another good watter civ like the mon cals that way there is more to pick on water mps besides the gungans

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Guest PhantomMenace

yeah Age of Kings had 13 civs, but most of thoser were copies of other civs as far as units...there were 4 castes if i remember...European, Oriental, Middle Eastern and Aztec. The only differences in the civs were their interface, pluses and minuses and their castle unit like the Huskarl. Galactic Battlegrounds has 6 distinct civs with their own art set...that gives them 2 more than Age of Kings! So those guys did indeed put in a lot of hard work.

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The problem with AoK is there are basically 3 buliding styles, all the troops/units are identical except for unique units/techs.


The nice thing about GB is that every civ looks unique all the units are unique, and the game world seems so far to be perfectly balanced (one race strong in mechs - another race strong in anti-mech, etc).


If there is an expansion pack they don't need to add in lotsa and lotsa civs, 2-4 would be more than enough. But like all things I am sure Lucasarts is hoping to see what the public thinks of this game and how well it sells, then they will release ay kind of exp. packs.

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I'd like to see the Mon Calamarian (sp?) and the Quarran (those squid face guys) as a civ. I believe that they come from the same planet so it would make sense.


Sullustans would be good too. They are supposed to be great space navigators so maybe make them weaker on the ground but really powerful in the air.


Hutts, your armies would consist of a bunch of mercenaries and bounty hunters.




The Old Republic.


Maybe I'll think of more later.

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Originally posted by PhantomMenace

yeah Age of Kings had 13 civs, but most of thoser were copies of other civs as far as units...there were 4 castes if i remember...European, Oriental, Middle Eastern and Aztec. The only differences in the civs were their interface, pluses and minuses and their castle unit like the Huskarl. Galactic Battlegrounds has 6 distinct civs with their own art set...that gives them 2 more than Age of Kings! So those guys did indeed put in a lot of hard work.


youve got a good point but 6 still is a small pack to choose from

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Guest PhantomMenace

You guys are mentioning a lot of civs, but have you seen any of those civs units and buildings and such in any of the movies? THey used every single unit they could find in the star wars movies to make this game and for the obscure civs like the Wookies they had to make em all up and i believe if you ask the designers that it was quite a mouthful to make up cool and balanced civs out of thin air. I'm sure they dont want to do it again so If you want to see a race in which we've only seen one or two of their species in a movie and no ships and such then the chances are pretty slim they will be put into an x-pac because there will be so little foundation to build on. I think the Mon Cal got a real good chance of making it becaue of that admiral dude in the movie which shows the that Mon Cal are geared up to do battle if need be. Plus it woud be cool to see another amphibious race that would give the Gungans a run for their money as far as naval superiority! Also the fact that they are aquatic creatures gives a big playing field for a game designer.

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Alright here it is: They HAVE to make a x-pak, but they just shouldn't ever EVER put the Vong in it. The best are the obvious (Geonosians, Kaminoans, Trandoshans, Mon Calamari, Bothans, Noghri, Hutts, Black Sun, etc.) civs. The worst would be the Ewoks, Gamorreans, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, etc. because they are so primitive, but they might make good units in other civs.

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Guest Master Yoda

I like the idea of putting the Hapes Cluster in there as a civ. Them and the Mon Cal. those are the 2 civs I want for an expansion pack.NO VONG THOUGH!!!

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Originally posted by Captain Fett

Alright here it is: They HAVE to make a x-pak, but they just shouldn't ever EVER put the Vong in it. The best are the obvious (Geonosians, Kaminoans, Trandoshans, Mon Calamari, Bothans, Noghri, Hutts, Black Sun, etc.) civs. The worst would be the Ewoks, Gamorreans, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, etc. because they are so primitive, but they might make good units in other civs.


Amen. I completely agree. Mostly about Mon Cal :mon:


BTW, what is the Hapes Cluster?

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This may sound crappy but they could put the sullustans in a toybox even though their cannon fodder.











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I can very much imagine that an xp pack will come with the release of the new movie next summer....along with new civs that are introduced through the movie.....also a mercenary Hutt army would be a lot of fun to play I think...watching a fat Jabba roll around would be funny!

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Guest crazy_dog

Most sensible choices would be to make Ewoks and Trashodans playable. My personal other choices would be Vong and Criminal, although they have less reasons to be playable.


Aren't the Mon Cals already in the game as Rebel Trade units, so it would be pretty stupid to include them in, although I won't mind.


Hapes cluster? That might put off lots of people who have just seen the movies.


The Kaminions and Geonosians from Ep.2 would be quite obvios.


Aren't the Naboo part of the Old Republic ? Then it might also be pretty stupid.

Of course all of this is just my opinion, so don't be put off to post yours, just don't flame me about the Mon Cals, Vong and Hapes Cluster.

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

I think it would be kinda cool to include the Mon Cal or even though its a dumb idea the Ewoks. I think there tight.:ewok:


Unless you get 2 ewok units for 1 Population unit, as well as they have the ability to hide in trees and steal guns on dead soldiers, how the hell would that work? If the aforementioned were true, heck yeah they would be a cool civ to play. Imagine stealing a AT-ST and having these crazy ewoks pilot into a TC and watch it burn and crumble.


Only problem is Ewok techs would literally be AoK techs, maybe by the end you would have paladin ewoks.

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