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Revenge of the Johnson


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only kidding. But seriously the title has some relevence (yes i'll wait for you to scroll back up to see the title if you must, all back, good).


Now most of you will remember Robin Johnson, the annoying little kid who sent me death threats and told you all to join the 'We Hate Neil Joshi Fanclub' with no apparent reason.


now i have numerouse times said that i go to the same school with this kid (and his behaviour towards me is no different) and word on the street is (well, on school grounds anyway) is that he's back under a new username and plans to not lead on that he is who he is.


don't ask me how i know this, i have extremely good sources. but please look out for anyone who seems suspiciouse (or anyone who has a craving to see me crushed under two tractors)


Thank You for you time


See ya

Neil Joshi

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sure if you wan't to put all of what i just said into shrot-term, then that's the jist of what i said, well said. and... holy crap! i'f got a four page essay on the disguises in Shakespeares 'Twelfth Night' due in tommorow and i've only done the fist paragraph! gotta scoot!

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Wooooooo! Back up here, I thought it was only possible to have one username? And it should be pretty obviouse who he is! I mean common, if he does come back, then he would probably want revenge on all who got him thrown off. Which only happened for the above reasons.:mad:

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Originally posted by Legolas T.

Wooooooo! Back up here, I thought it was only possible to have one username? And it should be pretty obviouse who he is! I mean common, if he does come back, then he would probably want revenge on all who got him thrown off. Which only happened for the above reasons.:mad:


Or, maybe he would return under a new user name and act the innocent. Pretending he knew nothin and just acting normal. Like he knows nothing but he'd be secretly plotting against us...:mad::confused:

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Originally posted by Legolas T.

Wooooooo! Back up here, I thought it was only possible to have one username? And it should be pretty obviouse who he is! I mean common, if he does come back, then he would probably want revenge on all who got him thrown off. Which only happened for the above reasons.:mad:


Yup as soon as I read this post I thought this guy is guilty :eek: .


p.s Didnt he come new just as Robin Johnson left?

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Originally posted by Charley

Legolas and Robin Johnson even have the same birthday date! Me and Neil Joshi worked out they may be the same person over PMs about 2 weeks ago!


whoh!(i hope that's how it's spelt) let's not jump to conclusions! lets get all our facts right first and then discuss them in a civilized... eh, you're probably right.


see ya



p.s. Bob marley rules (had to put it in somewhere)


and Guybrush112, what's 'NTOE'?

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we found him!


or actually I found him. the idiot re-registered under his old name but put a 2 after it. look at the members list under 'Robin Johnson 2' you should be pleasently (or disgustedly) surprised.


but now i'm confused. according to Grannen, Legolas T.'s host is

foxhill-4.demon.co.uk. which is the same as Robins (again don't ask how i know, i just do). i think Legolas has some explaining to do.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

and Guybrush112, what's 'NTOE'?


N:TOE (Full name: Newber:Tales of Escapemi) is the first game to be made by the United Animators Corporation, featuring members of the forums and now it involves you and Robin Jonshion. Can we have a description of you please, and NiKo, just make up something for Robin jonshon. Yes, neil, your head will be in N:TOE...... feel privilleged.

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Originally posted by fender


N:TOE (Full name: Newber:Tales of Escapemi) is the first game to be made by the United Animators Corporation, featuring members of the forums and now it involves you and Robin Jonshion. Can we have a description of you please, and NiKo, just make up something for Robin jonshon. Yes, neil, your head will be in N:TOE...... feel privilleged.


you forgot one thing......Niel (and everyone who reads this) GO TO THE LINK IN OUR SIG NOW OR YOU NOT ON MY XMAS LIST!!!!

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

we found him!


or actually I found him. the idiot re-registered under his old name but put a 2 after it. look at the members list under 'Robin Johnson 2' you should be pleasently (or disgustedly) surprised.


but now i'm confused. according to Grannen, Legolas T.'s host is

foxhill-4.demon.co.uk. which is the same as Robins (again don't ask how i know, i just do). i think Legolas has some explaining to do.

Perhaps they used the same computer at school?

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The computer crashed for some unknown reason on Sunday night and my brother reinstalled windows, but then the Internet boot CD thingie wasn't working, so my brother took the computer to get looked at by his friend at work, and yeah, things were hooked up wrong and everything, and I only got the computer back last night, and now everything has to be reinstalled coz everything got formatted. I'll have you know logging in here was the very first thing I did :p


It's been peaceful without the bible bashers too :) I also enrolled at Tafe on Monday (it's kinda like a cross between uni and highschool) to do a 6month food and beverage course- whooohoooo I get to sample alcohol :D


I've missed you guys too- hope you've all been keeping outta trouble while I've been gone ;)

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first of all, Legolas. sorry dude!


once i found Robin johnson 2 in the memebers list = loads of other stuff, i got caught up in the moment and acused you of something your not. real sorry


Friends?:D :D


secondley Fender, u need a decription of me. ok


i'm about 5"6, black skin, black short hairslightly large nose (not too large, but over emphasise it if you think it's a good attribute) brown eyes, um..., cheesy smile, good sense of humour, lowish voice, about as smart as Guybrush Threepwood and twice as handsome.


BTW, robins small, gangly and annoying. i think that's a pretty good desription. oh, and he's about as stupid as a brick wall, and he should know, he sometimes has conversations with them (honestly)


see ya



P.S. sorry again legolas!

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If Robin Johnson had any sense, surely he would realise that if he came back, he would just get banned again. He really is asking for it! On his profile it says his interests are getting peoples backs up! And his biography says " I'm back"! I mean, wot a dumb-ass!!


P.S sorry Legolas too!:D

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Originally posted by Charley


Or, maybe he would return under a new user name and act the innocent. Pretending he knew nothin and just acting normal. Like he knows nothing but he'd be secretly plotting against us...:mad::confused:


so? let the little fuker plot wotever he wants, wots hes gonna do? i dont even know him, but if he shows up acting normal, y do i care, im just having fun!

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