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AI questions: FOOTSTEPS?


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since realism seems to be the thing thats going around now... you know, COUNTER STRIKE this, COUNTER STRIKE that, and since everyone is making a real big deal about the new advanced AI (which i am very excited for... a real challenge i hope) i have this question to ask:


FOOTSTEPS: will they be something that both you (in multiplayer) and the computer AI (in single player) can "play off of"?


in COUNTER STRIKE, when me and my bud play one-on-one at his house (he has 2 comps networked) we really pay attention to the footsteps cause we can tell where the other is coming from... and we really integrate the WALK key into our strategy, cause it silences the noise. another game the integrates footsteps, and this goes for computer AI in single player, is METAL GEAR SOLID. enemies hear you when you run around too fast (or see your footprints... but i don't think that will be put into JK) and call backup just cause they know you're there (they don't even wait to see you!!). i think that this will totally one-up the already killer AI.


i really hope that RAVEN has put this "LOUD FOOTSTEPS / WALKING" thing into OUTCAST, or if not, i hope that its not too late to consider it!! i think it will greatly add to the "espionage" bit that they've been talking about... and will make the game all the more challenging, interesting, fun, AND realistic! :)

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I don't know about this as I think those games are more geared towards stealth but in JO it will be more of a neat SP level or two and not influence the whole game as much. MGS2 is designed to be played as stealth it's part of the game makeup and it's one of Snakes specialties. Plus adding Footsteps awarness to AI would be a lot to ask for with Storm Troopers as they're not smart enough.

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In quake 3 , you can hear people jumping and stuff. And it's based off the q3 engine. So I'm guess there will be something like that.


I know in UT you can hear people comin' . Picking up weapons , switching weapons Ect. I think it's like that in JK too.


Most games are like that now. I bet JKO will be left out.

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