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Disney's 'The Black Hole'


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Now for those of you who have seen this, you may think I am a wimp, but this is one of the most scariest, darkest films I have EVER seen!



A team of good guys (Yankees of course!), are sent to find out what has happened to a black hole exploration mission headed by some genius doctor.

They get to his ship to find that he is the only living human on the ship, it turns out he has turned the rest of the crew into mindless slaves after they resisted his will to enter the Black hole! He has a small army of droids, headed by a menacing robot called 'Maximillian'.

Now the bulk of this film is pretty generic, but it is the ending that I have issues with. The evil doctor manages to send them all through the black hole, the good guy crew are trapped, in their ship, spinning around in slow motion, with an eeire sound effects.

The film ends with maximillian on top of a rock surrounded by fire, the camera zooms into his eyes to reveal that the evil doctor is living inside of him.


AAARGGGHHH it has no narrative closure, just a dark despairing end!!!


Has anyone else seen it? Do you know what I mean?:(

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I have indeed seen the movie, but if you want to see a dark and disturbing Sci-fi movie concerning Black Holes then see Event Horizon. Now that movie is dark! Gave me chills for quite some time!


I don't know about the Black Hole, I first saw it when I was like 10, it didn't seem to bother me much. Maybe I was too innocent?

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I was thinking about Event Horizon as I was writing the brief synopsis. Fairly similar plots, I saw that at the cinema, and it certaintly gave me the chills to :eek: .


But the thing about the Black Hole is that I watched it as a kid and it scared me then, I've grown to have a phobia about it :( .


Perhaps you werent the innocent and I was?!

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It really was a bit lame for the most part. But then Disney has never been very good with sci-fi anyway.

I always took the ending as a depiction of the doctor in hell, which always seemed way out of place in an otherwise straght-ahead sci-fi movie. I might have been a little creeped-out over it as a kid, but not for long.

Poltergeist and The Exorcist were the two movies that freaked me out when I was a kid.

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Guest Lord Tirion

The Black Hole lame? Uh, no way. The Black Hole was one of my favorite movies of all time. Maximillian makes ANY Star Wars robot look lame. He has such a presence around him and he was the "bad arse" of the film. The music to the Black Hole still remains perhaps the most haunting, best underrated soundtrack ever created and remains one of my favorite.


It was the darkest Disney movie ever which is the only reason it was hidden away from the prime light by Disney unlike so many other sci-fi movies. Disney felt ashamed of such a dark plot in which they are usually familiar with the Frank Capra feel of everything is going to be fine. But then later on, they realized what a great movie it was, they released it once again to be viewed on television and movie channels.


Now as for your question Duder, which is a very good question, I remember seeing a special on it long ago in which they said they wanted the ending to be left up to the viewer to make their own conculsions. However, they did say that the Black Hole was suppose to symbolize the gateway between Hell, Heaven, and Earth.


If you look closely when we are in the Black Hole and you see the rocks burning, you can see the mindless crew wandering on the bottom rocks in single file representing the lost souls of Hell. The fact that the doctor was in Maximillian was a symbolization of good and evil. Dr. Hans Rinehart (sp?) was once a noble, yet egotistical man. But he created Maximillion in an evil represention of his darker self that really existed. Seeing him inside Maximillian was just saying that they were always one in the same and that you were in fact looking at the devil. Maximillian took the stance of the devil with his pincers representing the all too familiar pitchfork.


Then of course, the Palomino crew takes the Black Hole through the gates of Heaven and since they were pure of heart, they were released through the end of it to find their way back to Earth.


I hope this answered your question =)

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They went back to some planet anyways. The film wasn't scary, although the black hole looked pretty good, although scientifically u can't see black holes as in normal vision, but who cares?



What's Event Horizon all about? Another ex-star with strong gravity no doubt?! Pleez tell me, I didn't see it?

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

What's Event Horizon all about? Another ex-star with strong gravity no doubt?! Pleez tell me, I didn't see it?


It's a Sci-Fi horror flick, Sam Neil and Lawrence Fishbourne star in it. Sam Neil plays a Scientist/Engineer who designs a ship capable of travelling great distances extremely fast by "bending" space with it's revolutionary type engine: a Black Hole. As soon as the ship engaged it's black hole engine on it's maiden flight, Earth lost all contact with the ship and it disappeard. 7 years later the ship reapperaed near Neptune, but it did not respond to any hails. A rescue team was sent to investigate the ship, led by Lawrence Fishbourne and the team is accompanied by the Sam Neil (The scientist who built it) who personally wants to find out what went wrong. When they arrive at the ship, they find it empty but their not alone...


from there it becomes your run of the mill horror flick, but here's the catch, it does not involve any alien lifeforms! You really have to see it, but be warned, it will creep you out!

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