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blockable force-lightining

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Just a few things...


In JK/MotS, Force Protection completely countered grip (in fact, grip kept going, but it had no effect on the target, thus it wasted the attackers mana). Protection was a shield that could be WORN DOWN by certain attacks, including lightning. Fists went right through it, of course.


Force Absorb completely countered lightning as was pointed out, but grip still had an immobilizing effect on the player. Force Jump and Speed could help a person "get away" and out of being gripped. All that had to be done to get out of grip was to get out of the field of view of the enemy, or damage them (so blinding worked, and so did various dark side powers).


Destruction and other such powers I thought were perfectly respectable. Many of the "JKish" powers that we didn't see in the original trilogy later appeared in EU sources, and even in TPM (speed and push, for example). I don't think that "we haven't seen that in the movies" should even be a consideration with JK2, since it's after all.. not based directly on the movies, but original and EU material.


Destruction itself isn't that far fetched when you think about it. It's basically the same principle as force lightning except it's in the form of fire (and/or heated gas) instead of electric bolts. In 'Splinter of the Mind's Eye' (written between ANH and ESB) Vader throws a bluish white ball of force energy from his hand (Luke blocks it with the force and sends it back at him).

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You know guys I havent read my star wars in a while.

However your right speed, and others were revealed in phantom menace that we didn't know. Moreover about the force destruction, I felt that since it blew people back it could just be made into a powerful force push instead.

MoTS had force push but it was kinda weak with just selecting one person.

Another thing is that in JK ad MOTs you can say that the JK powers were cool but not as realistic to the movies, and comics.

It requires more concentration for more moves of course depending on the level of jedi.


Vadar remember pulled and through all those things at luke because he could concentrate and hold luke at bay at the same time. So it takes time t focuss those force abilities and the more expereince the better. The same should be done in JK2, where the force shouldn't just be instant. Another thing is that this so far IM right, I have never seen someoone else strong with the force gripped yet.

Or at least in the comics they were able to break free because of being able to use the force.


Like you said force destruction is far fecthed.


As for manual blocking . NO

If you have your lightsaber in the area where your getting shot at you should block it.

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Electromagnetic interaction between the blade's energy and the lightning's energy attracts the bolts, which wrap around the blade in a pretty-blue coronal effect before they fade. The saber's flashback suppressor insulates the user from too much harm, though they may get a jolt.


Treknobabble nonsense, but it sounds impressive. LOL. ;)

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Destruction hasn't been confirmed yet. But...


From the PC IGN JkII: JO Preview

And to top it all off, there's even more Jedi tricks to use in the multiplayer mode so there's more to plan and think about.[/Quote]This could be interpreted that there are more Force powers in MP than there are in SP. So while they haven't comfirmed Destruction in Single Player, there is a good possibilty, IMO anyway, that it will make an appearance in mp.


If you wanna check that out for yourself, click this. It's the last sentence on the 27th paragraph.

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two beams of energy, unlike light, CANNOT pass through one another without affecting each other, either temporarily or permenantly, depending on their direction, strenght, polarity, and other things, so physically speaking the lightsaber could be used to deflect the energy but not absorb it.

and in all likelyhood destruction has been removed for something else

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Nicely put. Sounds a bit like 'Treknobabble'. :D But I get it.


Like I said in my last post, it hasn't been confirmed for sp, but we do know that there will be extra force powers in mp. So maybe for us to get Destruction, we would have to do something similar to what you had to do in JK to get Deadly Sight. Sacrifice the neutral powers for pure darkside. But I don't think that's very likely. Yet some previews have mentioned that we will have stars to spend on certain Force powers that we want in Multiplayer. Based on that, Force selection could be identical to Jedi Knight when entering a Mp game.

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In the films, Lightning should not be blockable because it is the ultimate expression of Sidious' amazing power, a truly unique experience.


If, in the game, they are going to let any old Force adept use it, then there must be a counter for gameplay reasons.

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Wow, Ushgarak...that was deep. I agree too to a degree. I think someone like Yoda should be able to do something about lightning, but Obi from Ep1...nah. Like you said, lightning, from what we've seen, is the ultimate DS power. Anyone who's not fully trained shouldn't be able to do anything about it.


But also like you said, in the game, I like the blocking ability.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

I think it should be instant. The emperor never seemed to have any delay with his lightening :rolleyes:



Obviously like I said it is the level of the jedi and concentration, thats the emperor so doubt he was very experienced.

But someone like luke he had to work just to use the energy of the force to move things.

Where as later on it became more easier thats all im saying, powers shouldn't just be instant, plus if someone has a grip then he would have to focuss on that instead of hacking and slashing, unless he has great exp. Just little things like that


Lighting in the movies by GL weve only seen the Emperor use it no one else, it the comic its otherwise, but until we see the next 2 it can only be speculated

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Originally posted by Naphtali



Obviously like I said it is the level of the jedi and concentration, thats the emperor so doubt he was very experienced.

But someone like luke he had to work just to use the energy of the force to move things.

Where as later on it became more easier thats all im saying, powers shouldn't just be instant, plus if someone has a grip then he would have to focuss on that instead of hacking and slashing, unless he has great exp. Just little things like that


Lighting in the movies by GL weve only seen the Emperor use it no one else, it the comic its otherwise, but until we see the next 2 it can only be speculated


Haven't seen the AotC trailers have you?

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Oh, so many things can happen in sci-fi.


But in a cene in which so much accurate information is known about (due to leaked storyboards) it seems odd that no-one knew anything about the use of Force Lightning before that shot in the trailer.


For the moment its existence is still only a possibility, not a certainty.

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