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Dismemberment in JK?!?


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You can cut off any enemies arm... with the exception of bosses. Any humanoid enemy, Gran , Rodian , Stormtrooper .. officer , commando, tusken etc.


You just have to do the proper cuts with the light saber , I believe it's the forward and backward slices that allow you to do that.


Anyways... happy dismemberment. And knowing Raven... I'm sure that will be a part of JK 2 aswell.



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I did a Jedi Outcast search on Yahoo.com, and came across an interesting preview from about August. I lost the link, but I'll find it later.


Anyway, there's wasn't really any new info, just a different perspective. But there was one piece of info that I never heard of.


Apparantly we will be able to slice off legs too, which is unexpected. I'll post the link when I find it.

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It's on the IGN preview page, in the July 27 entry:


There are also body-specific hits, so if you tag your opponent in the leg, he's likely to acquire a nasty limp -- that is if you don't cut the leg completely off, a fate we saw befall a few unlucky Stormtroopers who happened to get in Kyle's way.
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In JK, you can cut off the limbs of most enemies. You can cut off arms of humanoids, and you can cut the tails off of those wasp/mynock things.


There's no specific saber swing to do it, it's completely random, inside the AI's COGs I believe.

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Just thought I would let you guys know something funny I noticed that you may or may not know. I for one can't believe I didn't notice it before.


In the E3 video ( the long one with the interview) at exactly :44 into the video, Dan throws the saber at a Stormie, it hits the Stormie into the wall and in the process slices off what appears to be an arm or a leg.


Dan even takes a few swipes at it when it hurls towards him on the ground.:D


Can't say for sure it's an arm or a leg, but I would think so.

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne

In the E3 video ( the long one with the interview) at exactly :44 into the video, Dan throws the saber at a Stormie, it hits the Stormie into the wall and in the process slices off what appears to be an arm or a leg.


i've seen that movie about 20 times but i didn't notice that, thx for pointing that out SlowbieOne. the limb lands in front of kyle's feet.

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i just hope that when dr. katarn DOES proceed to ampuate a limb or arm from his victim... er, patient, there isn't that cheesy smoke trail this time around... i thought that was kind of corny, hopefully in outcast it will be blood squirting around instead. and to all you "thats too gorey... wah wah wah" people out there: if you think that im saying that just because you think that i like to see blood in videogames you're wrong. if you think about it, bloodless dismemberment is not only unrealistic, it just doesn't look right. it makes you wonder whether or not the arm / leg was really attached to begin with!!

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Oh, boy... I know this has been discussed before I came along, and I've talked about it countless times before;


There can be blood involved when a lightsaber removes a limb, but it wouldn't spray all over the place. The saber would instantly cauterize the wound, leaving blood perhaps coming from some gory little torn open spot.

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