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Here's a hilarious joke!

Guest Thrawn

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Alright, ahem. . .


The year is 2104. A father and son are walking though New York City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for?

"Well son, you see, about a hundred years ago some Arabs crashed 2 planes into the huge twin towers that used to be here. The towers collapsed, and this is a memorial for all of the people who died."

The son thinks about this for a moment, and then casually says, "Daddy, what's an Arab?"


ROTFL! Isn't that hilarious!!! :D :D :D

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Yeah, sure, all arabs in the world are dead because USA invaded Afghanistan. So every time there is a major war against a people that means the whole damn people is destroyed?


Yes, sure :rolleyes:. You know, you're so damn funny. *cough*Stereotypes*cough* *cough*


"This memorial is from the day when the arabs started a war on the Americans."


"Dad? What's an 'American'?"


Not funny? Certainly not. But it's just the same. Just that all those people die doesn't mean that the whole nation does.

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first of all if your talking about arabs then your talking about saudi arabia and NOT AFGHANISTAN so they r not arabs

you could change the joke to terrorists but then that wouldnt be so funny anymore


thats too much stereotyping u cant be aginst every arab(correction afghani) in the world. i can undertsnad if your against terrorism but putting yourself against afghani's.


and once again arabs are not afghani's!!

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The year is 2104. A father and son are walking through Hiroshima City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for?

"Well son, you see, more than a hundred years ago the americans launched a nuclear bomb on this city killing millions of civilians and this is a memorial for all of the people who died."

The son thinks about this for a moment, and then casually says, "Daddy, what's an American?"


ROTFL! Isn't that hilarious!!! :D :D :D

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The death of human beings is never hilarious. Even less when caused by the hand of another human. When it happens to some one close to you that you love a lot, maybe you will be able to understand this.

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The year is 2104. A father and son are walking through Hiroshima City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for?

"Well son, you see, more than a hundred years ago the americans launched a nuclear bomb on this city killing millions of civilians and this is a memorial for all of the people who died."


The son thinks about this for a moment, and then casually says, "Daddy, what's a civilian?" :(

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

hahahahhahahahahahahah ( very sarastic laugh) if you think that the total destrustion of a population of humans is funny well you were probably raise by the manson family

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Guest Hannibal

He did say "Isn't that hilarious!!!" That's a question (sort of). People were replying to the question.


I don't think it was funny either.

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Originally posted by krkode

as somebody wisely said in his signature


Guns, aeroplanes, and bombs dont kill people. People kill people. Weapons only make it really easy


and killing isnt something in my opinion to be proud of


Well that would be mine.. Its not quite the exact thing, its more related to the issue of guns but...


I'm wise! :D


Also, the joke really isn't that funny, but if the kid in it was, say, Ralph Wiggum, then it would make more sense to me

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Oh my goodness...PEOPLE IT IS JUST A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

MAN, all this flaming and fuss over this joke he got in his e-mail...:rolleyes:


GUYS! SAY THIS WITH ME: IT IS A JOKE! J-O-K-E, JOKE! WHAT is the big deal! I never said I made this up! MAN, YOU GUYS TOOK THIS WAY TOO LITERALLY! HOLY. . . Whew, step down from the flaming booth and take a look at what you just scorched to death. I 4 sentance JOKE! WOW! Oivey, it's just a joke. . . Most jokes aren't meant to be taken absolutely literally. . . If only you guys would build up the good stuff as much as you flame the bad stuff. . . :( If it's offensive to anyone I'll delete the thread, ok?

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