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how can i...please help...


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please help me if you know the answers!..


1) How can i see Olivia in the day of the dead (i heard she is somewhere after the clown)


2) Where can i download grim fandango's trailer?


3) What there is in the Demo of the game?


4) Can someone post the unknown ("GF2") screenshots? they doesn't work for me.


thanks, Tomer

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1. Dunno. Apparently she can be seen in the trailer, which shows a close-up movie of the carnival. It's not in the full game (or if it is, I've never found it!)


2. Dunno. LucasArts removed it. Those skanks. Hopefully when Mojo *finally* gets settled down, someone will offer it for download. :)


3. Part of Year One - from where you first discover the Lost Souls' Alliance, until you manage to get the eggs from the pigeons. Not much really, but it lets you look around a bit.


4. Dunno what those are. Helpful aren't I?

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Working backwards....


There aren't any GF2 screenshots because there isn't any GF2. The notion that there are screenshots stems from old confusion concerning a 'screenshot of the week' on the LEC page that was actually something used in GF's manual.


The trailer used to be hosted by CNet but is long gone. Huz is right, the only way to get it now is to hope Mojo hosts it.


Olivia actually can be seen at the festival. Click here to see a screenshot. Olivia is highlighted.

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