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I just got an e-mail from lucasliscensingupdate@lucasfilm.com...



This amazing sequel to Rogue Squadron pushes Nintendo's cool new system to the limit with incredible graphics and intense gameplay. You'll pilot ships from the original Star Wars films in classic scenarios like the Death Star trench run, an attack on a Star Destroyer and the legendary battle on the ice planet Hoth. This game rocks!


LucasArts will soon release two titles for the new Xbox game console. First is Starfighter Special Edition, an expanded version of the best-selling game released earlier this year. Then comes the eagerly awaited Star Wars Obi-Wan. To find out more about these titles or to pre-order, check out http://www.lucasarts.com/.


Hallmark is back with new Star Wars ornaments for the holidays. Already this year R2-D2 has been a hot seller. Also available is young Anakin Skywalker, Jar Jar Binks and the miniature "Battle of Naboo" threesome. You'll find them at your local Hallmark store.


Two new deluxe figures from Hasbro are a must for any collection. The 3¾" Darth Maul shown here - the first ever to reveal the Sith Lord's body tattoos - comes with lightsaber and training droid. A removable Luke Skywalker comes inside a detailed bacta tank along with an exterior control panel.


This fall, specialty stores such as Musicland and Hot Topic will feature cool Star Wars tees with retro poster art like you see here, as well as Japanese manga art. Musicland will also feature a special poster, a hat and a mug with the same poster art. They're great gifts for the true Star Wars fan.


The Star Wars: Jango Fett comic by Ron Marz and Tom Fowler is coming! And if the name sounds familiar, you'll have to read the comic to learn the connection - unless you want to wait for Episode II! Buy it at your favorite comic and hobby store.


The ultimate gift book this season is The Wildlife of Star Wars from Chronicle Books. This lavish coffee table book is filled with stunning original illustrations from Terryl Whitlatch, the principal creature designer for The Phantom Menace. Author Bob Carrau reveals new facts about the Star Wars animal kingdom too. Get it for that special fan in your life or add it to your own holiday wishlist!

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Eets'chula

This amazing sequel to Rogue Squadron pushes Nintendo's cool new system to the limit with incredible graphics and intense gameplay.


I've just got one thing to say. If the first game on a console pushes the system to the limit, then the GC isn't gonna have a very long life. It is like that with every console. The first "generation" of games is always good looking at the time, but if we looked 3 years into the future then we would see what the gamecube (and ps2) can really do.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie

X-Box sure does get the short end of the stick don't they...SW StarFighter


Have you ever played Starfighter, Ferg? It has AWESOME graphics. The ships are super smooth and detailed and the terrain is multi-layered and unique. The entire game is simply gorgeous.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Have you ever played Starfighter, Ferg? It has AWESOME graphics. The ships are super smooth and detailed and the terrain is multi-layered and unique. The entire game is simply gorgeous.


Have you every played it?

It has about half the quality of ROgue Leader...Jedi Starfighter is suposed to have nearly as good a graphics as Rogue Leader...:)

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

yeah but its a change from the contuinual strand of flight sim games lucas arts has made..its a change for the better i hope

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