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PC Zone- UK March 2002 Edition


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lol, there ARE new points in there... mostly some apparent confirmations... here we go:


1. Enemy locational damage: shoot a Stormtrooper in the foot and he'll limp...


2. Lightsaber dismemeberment IS IN.


3. Half Life style scripted sequences, an example is made of an outdoor level where a TIE and X Wing dogfight overhead. Soldiers and Jedi also do their own thing.


4. Film AND expanded universe characters (the Solo kids maybe?) put in appearences.


5. Apparently (but I'll believe it when I see it) you get to Fight alongside a certain Skywalker...


6.The visit to the Jedi Acadamy features students practicing throughout the level. Mention is made of them performing 'huge leaps, spring off walls, spin, roll and more...' (hench my hopes for the Solo kids appearence)


7. One level features a meteor shower that must be negotiated (!)


erm, whoo hoo!


The new shots feature more the Lightsaber duel between Kyle and those goons in the red hoods, Kyle demonstrating Lightsaber throwing again, and a Stormtrooper running away from Kyle and his Saber... lol



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Originally posted by Terribly_Mauled

A couple of points I forgot...


8: You can control gun emplacements


(and take this with a grain of salt, at least until tis verifyed!)


9: The Game will ship with a level editor


They really should update the main JK2 news page with this :rolleyes:..




I think we knew about the gun emplacements.....but the level editor sounds really cool and will make the creation of levels much easier and there will be lots and lots more :)......THANKS for the info Terribly_Mauled :D :D :D :D

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The new shots feature more the Lightsaber duel between Kyle and those goons in the red hoods, Kyle demonstrating Lightsaber throwing again, and a Stormtrooper running away from Kyle and his Saber... lol

At least that last one might be same screenshot we already saw in GameStar preview.


It's also good to hear that we can have Luke as our buddy AI, and controlling gun emplacements will be a cool feature(like in MotS), even though developers already confirmed that in chat.

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