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PC Zone- UK March 2002 Edition


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Guest Sarcastic Saint



So that would be 6:30 for me....mmmmm...then i'll check back an hour later...7:30....mmmm these timezones give me a headache.


Oh well i'll just keep refreshing every 5 min or so. :D

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Jedi Howell is right......there is no way they could be imported......its probably best you dont explain, they wont understand anyway, just accept the fact that its impossible to import......which is a shame really because it would be nice to see JK with the amazing graphics of today.


Of course it is possible. Not that it will be done since the good of it will not rectify the work but it's still possible.. Even if JK and Q3 use entirely different approaches on level design.




Uhmm, is it just me, or was the editor confirmed a while ago ??

I remember reading about it a while ago in a german gaming mag...

Yea, it's been confirmed before :cool:

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Originally posted by nykel007

I did say there be a level editor in ther and what? IT'S IN, YEAH!!!!. No matter how small or unreal it might be the fact that Raven/ LA put it in means that they know what we want and try to give us the best. Good show people.


Yup, it shows they are reading the forums and are taking notice of what we're saying :).........good show RAVEN :)

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Yeah, you won't be able to import JK levels into JKII. I'll probably start recreating the JK multiplayer levels in GTKRadiant this week. I bet somebody will make a utility for importing Quake3 levels. If anybody who knows what they're doing in Radiant wants to help, then let me know.

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Originally posted by cj7816

Yeah, you won't be able to import JK levels into JKII. I'll probably start recreating the JK multiplayer levels in GTKRadiant this week. I bet somebody will make a utility for importing Quake3 levels. If anybody who knows what they're doing in Radiant wants to help, then let me know.


I want someone to recreate single player levels, multiplayer levels are the easy option :rolleyes:

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There are several ways to become a Jedi Knight: You could knock on George Lucas’ door and demand a leading role in Episode 3. Alternatively you could go down the pub,sink ten pints of loudmouth soup [He mean’s Lager], and leap from table to table swinging a big stick around claiming to be Luke Skywalker. Failing that you could sit cross-legged in the middle of an RAF [Royal Airforce] base and attempt to levitate a Harrier Jump Jet using nothing but the power of you're mind. However, by the easiest is to wait a couple of months and play Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast.


Do not underestimate…

A mere year in development, JK2 has to be one of the quickest high-profile games ever made. ON one hand this is great new: we’ll have a Star Wars first-person shooter utilising Quake III: Team Arena technology upon us before we can say “Aren’t you a little short to be a stormtrooper?” On the other hand, there’s the distinct possibility that this project may have been just a little rushed.

The fact that the Q3 engine is powering this latest escapade is reassuring, and with Raven software at the helm signs are also good. With the bulk of the code already in place, technicalities aside, all Raven has to so is tweak the game play and create the Star Wars character models and scenery. And even then they’re saving time by re-using levels from previous Dark Forces and Jedi Knight games.

For the more cynical gamers the words ‘cheats’ and ‘rip-off’ immediately spring to mind. Yet cast your mind back to some of the stunning level design seen in Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith and its easy to understand why levels like the Vertical City [Corosant] have been brought back.

Don’t be misled into the thinking this is just a 21st-century remake though.

Admittedly JK2 has it fair share of ‘hand-me-downs’, yet LucasArts has delved deep into the Star Wars mythology to deliver original designs with a familiar feel. Cloud City where Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fought in the Empire Strikes Back is one of the many locations fans will recognise from the films. But if that still isn’t reassuring enough for you, you can always design your own, on the JK2 level editor that will ship with the game [NOTE: PC Zone are not allowed to publish details that are not correct due to copy right and wot not laws here in the UK, if they publish details that are wrong, they can be fined from the Magazine Watchdog.]


Mr Trooper I presume

The plot of JK2 is loosely based upon Star Wars novel covering the events proceeding the ROTJ and of course JK and MOTS. Some without getting bogged down in history, lets just say that, Kyle Katarn is back and must relearn how to use The Force (how can you forget how to use something like that) in order to eliminate one of the menacing threats the galaxy has ever faced.[Oh isn’t it always the same. More powerful bigger and better than Vader, lmoa]

In other words it’s business as usual with hordes of stormtroopers and a cacophony of strange beasts to blast, annihilate, disseminate and destroy in as many ways as you can possibly think of during the 20 levels, futuristic, FPS brutality.

Well mostly FPS. We say mostly because it’s possible to use any of the games 12 Weapons in a third-person view. Generally speaking you’ll properly want to give that a miss; as always it’s the first-person view-point the Q3 Engine excels.

The only exception is the lightsabers – and what shimmering beam of beauty it is too. To truly appreciate the splendour of this devastating tool, the Third-Person view is a must. If you thought the feel of the lightsabers in the first game were special, waits until you get you’re sweaty hands on this little number. The showering display of sparks and amazing sound effect as lightsabers crashes on lightsabers almost bring tears to you're eyes. Equally impressive are the Jedis Training Academy on Yavin 4. You can watch them perform huge leaps, spring of walls, spin, roll, and more, all which you will be able to do you're self eventually – once you have mastered the force.




Next Page in an Hour…

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Some more for you all;


Ground Force?

As in JK, mastering your Force powers is imperative. There are 11 of the them in total including mind trick, lightning, saber throw, heal and jump – all with three power up levels. This is slightly different from the way (The) Force worked in JK/MOTS, as Graham Fuchs explains, ”We’ve forgone the Light/Dark Side stars from the previous titles, Here, as you progress throughout the game, your Force Powers increase naturally. Usually at the end of the level you are told which power has increased/ What we’ve tried to do is have distance level for each of the powers. Rather that just adding another star so that you can run a little faster or jump a little higher, each power-up level does something a little different.

The Force Heal is a perfect example of this. You can only the first level heal while standing still; second level can be used whilst running and attacking through it heals over time; and the third level acts instantly. It’s also possible to use combinations of two or more powers at once.

But once again, fans of the original JK will be worried that they will have no influence whatsoever over the way their character develops. This was after all a popular feature of JK that added a subtle, yet albeit distinct RPG to the game.


Multiple Attack

Its not all bad news though, In the MMP the availability of Force Powers as pick-ups means you can still develop you're character the way you want. And while we are on the subject, expect the usual array of MP treats encompassing a dozen maps and 32-Player Capture the flag, DM, and Free-for-all game types. [What no Co-op!!! I’m a truly disappointed :p] And as an extra bonus, LAN and Internet player get to choose their own colour of their lightsaber [WOOPIE! – Give me two days with the coding and you can change it in SP :p ] OK it may sound petty but its something obsessive Star Wars Fans (That’s us right?? :p) having been crying out for. There is a practical use too; it provides online Jedi’s with a totally unique look (Now this intrigues me, does this mean that we can change the hilt of the saber as well as the colour??)

But what other weapons will we be treated to? As previously mentioned there are 12 in total including your standard Blaster (Kyles one I would hope- the Blas-Tec), a stun baton (to pound Grans or Ree’s to death I would hope, lol , :p), a rather tasty crossbow, trusty old thermal detonators, a wicked laser rifle, featuring ûber-powerful zoom, and a lethal disintegration gun that does exactly that. Standard damage also applies, as in a single shot to the head provides infinitely more effective that a dozen or so shots into a stormtroopers foot. You’ll be delighted to learn that all enemies can be dismembered in some way with the lightsaber.

Scum and Villainy

JK2 boasts much more background entertainment than any other Star Wars shooter before it. X-Wings dog-fight with Tie-Fighters over head in huge out door levels, and other Jedi’s and Rebel troops, can be seen engaged in their own little battles against the Empires forces that includes AT-ST’s and Sith Lords as well as the usual stormies. The amount of enemies on screen is often staggering, and with Blaster shots zipping around like fireflies the effects are just dizzying!

Stealth is also just as important with some levels specifically suited to coverts rather than extroverts. What always remains constant though, regardless of the type of mission you are on, is the overriding sense that you are just a small part in a much bigger, bigger event unfolding around you.

Watch out too foraesthetically please touches including , smashing through glass ceilings and the fading screams of you're enemies as they plummet down bottomless chasms. In one level it even has a meteor shower to negotiate.

There are also permanent gun emplacement to make the most of – something all you [Return to Castle Wolfenstein[/i] fans to relish.

AI too is highly impressive with some of the weaker enemies fleeing if they spot you carving one of their comrades with you're lightsaber (WOOHOO!!}; the Jedi’s fearsome reputation escapes no one it seems. Friendly Troops (???) will also assist you if they can, as will OTHER JEDI KNIGHTS, Luke Skywalker offer his assistants at one point, along with other characters like the Astromech Driods.


Still more to come…. :p

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So, from 25 levels back to 20... I don't know what to say... maybe this preview has been done when Raven wasn't yet sure of total amount of levels; as Anakin pointed out they can't publish incorrect info. Then GameStar preview, for example, must be newer one, because it talked about Raven planning to make 25 levels(as we all know), and Kenn corrected one earlier preview simply by saying that there will be "over" 20 levels. Weird... :confused:

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Controversy Will Reign Supreme

All these delights are played out over nine different environments ranging from space stations to vast out door levels. As you would expect, each one of these is painstakingly detailed and in homage to JK2’s predecessor the sheer dramatic sense of size is utterly breathtaking. Couple that with John Willimas’ dynamic sound tracks and the scene is set for one hell of a Star Wars experience.

Controversy and disagreement will not be far away though. Your lack of influence the way Kyle develops will cause friction amongst the reviewing fraternity, and importing old levels from ancient games is another contentious issue. Still, with everything else that JK2 has up it sleeve(There’s more to come??), we cant help feeling that good will triumph over evil, and that ultimately we will be treated to the kind of quality shoot as marriage between Star Wars and Quake III should surely produce. Rock on April



Source: PC Zone, UK Edition March 2002 Issue 113- All Copyright and Crap belong to them :p



Lightsaber Insert


Does Colour Matter??

Only when it comes to lightsabers…


The lightsaber is undoubtedly the star of the Jedi Knight II (Funny I thought It was Kyle), but why is it you can choose its colour in MP games, yet not offered the same freedom in SP Mode? We (They) had to ask…

LucasArts response (Ahh LA only respond to Magazines! Lets make a Mag!!), to this seemingly innocent question is surprisingly nervy.

Tom Sarris (That Surname looks Familiar!), director of public relations offers this explanation. “We have to be consistent with what happens in the films, and choosing the colour of you're lightsaber would represent an inconsistency. While it may be something players want we have to play by the rules. (Wait until we get hold of it!!!)

So presumably when you find you self slicing and dicing other Jedi’s online, normal rules don’t apply?

“Licensing does give us a latitude when it come to MP. When it comes to SP, we have to stick to the rules much more strictly. I know it sounds hypocritical, but in MP there has to be a little more latitude given and thankfully licensing gave us that.”

If that’s the case, what can we expect from SW: Galaxies?Puple Ewoks piloting X-Wings with Neon Tail Stripes, Tie-dyded wookies? Rapping Stormtrooprs? You have to wonder… (Well that’s what the editing community is there for! I mean geez!



There we go, hope youre all now happy bunnies!!

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