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anyone read the review


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probably one reason it got 8 out of 10 b/c this game incorporates features from aok and is not innovative. too early too tell, but i want to see gamespot, pc gamer, and other computer reviews for this game....


btw, i preordered the game already so it should be pretty sweet...one of the better rts games out there at least deserves a 9

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I read the review...obviously the reviewer only knew a bit about the game...


He said that the empire was the most dominant in the air????

Ah...sorry buddy Rebel and Naboo are...


He gave it a good score..


The pics are cool though


Has anyone heard of that site before you knew they had a review?

I didnt

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hmm, I've got a sense of deja-vu, like I've senn this site and I've read this somewhere else already, I wonder if they've created this review from the multiple sources and put it together.


edit - I knew I had read it before and seen the site - it's http://www.pczone.co.uk I read the review in the magazine

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Guest PhantomMenace

That review was pretty awful. Didnt seem like that guy played the game much at all but i loved all the neat screenshots! The hero units look cool, and Boss Gallo looks so funny riding on that kaadu. As big as he is looks like he would kill that skinny little thing. The Trade Federation artwork is awesome and i simply cannot wait to play the trade federation.

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