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Outcast for game of the year?

Kodaichi Kuno

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Originally posted by Desslock


Its not that. Its actually fun at LANs :)


Vehicles will play a large role in JKII, but I have my doubts that they will be fully controllable like HALO or Renegade. Dont know for sure though.


Yeah it will be interesting to see, that pcgamer uk review mentions things like couple of brief Starfighter-style arcade sequences and

TIE-Fighter battles though we could be on the ground battling TIE-fighters.

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe




JK2 wont hold a chance for GOTY. No matter how much anyone says, graphics coupled with NEW gameplay make the best games. Let's think, shall we?



Old Graphics, Standard Gameplay (except Jedi Knight, but the Force and lightsabers can't save it for GOTY. Also, the realism/pseudo realism of the two latter titles will work against each other in terms of sales. (BTW, I HATE ALL EA TITLES. THEY CANNOT PROGRAM! I HAVE NOT HAD A SINGLE EA TITLE WORK CONSISTENTLY ON ANY MACHINE, AND THEY ARE NOT CONSISTENT IN STORING FILES OR ANYTHING ELSE. DIE MOH!)



New elite graphics (It will blow everything away until D3, end of discussion.), original gameplay (U Ownz J00; heh pun intended)



I'm sorry, but I really doubt that Warcraft 3 will have a candle of a hope for getting Game of the Year. AoM on the other hand, will, although it probably won't get it, because action titles have emperically held the title more often than their RTS counterparts.


I am sorry, but other games truly don't have a place in the PC GOTY position. They haven't done well in the past in terms of sales and popularity (especially in those areas that especially count in terms of a game's life, ex. multiplayer).


Thus, taking all of this into consideration, my pick would definitely be UT2. I pick this over U2 simply because of the excellent showing that UT had, even without a solid storyline, and even though UT2 doesn't necessarily have a solid storyline compared to other titles such as JK.X, the graphics and gameplay are unique, and i think that it will be GOTY. (Keep in mind that UT was GOTY the same year that Q3 was released...hmm....)


[EDIT]: BTW, on my previous comment on C+C Renegade, I truly don't like those games. I am actually just trying to throw out other contenders to AoM in the RTS category. AoM will own everything. Microsoft can do some things right (or at least buy a company that can eg Ensemble)

hehe...anyway, i was not trying to defend C+C...


Exactly ThreePage!!!! UT2 and U2 will not get the award because it has nothing in the new gameplay department at all. Only graphics and do you remember the first Unreal? it was designed to be the game that wiped out the Quake series. It sucked but they did make a good UT which beat Q3 but Q3 was designed to show off the Quake 3 engine.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


Exactly ThreePage!!!! UT2 and U2 will not get the award because it has nothing in the new gameplay department at all. Only graphics and do you remember the first Unreal? it was designed to be the game that wiped out the Quake series. It sucked but they did make a good UT which beat Q3 but Q3 was designed to show off the Quake 3 engine.


So your saying id makes games not to be fun to play but just to show off how great there engine can run? And you tell us Unreal sucked. What are you on?

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Yeeaaa... Matrix is old.. stop accusing companies of stealing from it. Bullet time, the technique, was around before the Matrix. The Matrix just made it famous and appearent. Its like saying the shattering of glass was stolen from Red Faction :rolleyes:


Wallwalking was done in Action Quake 2. Again, Matrix hype is dead.


JK2 is by no means Deus Ex in terms of Character creation. The reason they are creating a linear force evolution so players cant totally own the AI. It makes it no fun. With a linear story line, you have to deal with what the game gives you. That makes it more challenging and fun to some people.


Star Wars has always been about stories. It doesn't have the technical depth of Star Trek, or the grunt action of war movie X. A linear storyline makes sense in that you dont screw up the story Raven is trying to tell you around the campfire.

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As a wise person once said... "Graphics alone does not a GOTY make..."


And I agree. Sure good graphics get a game noticed, but without high quality gameplay and some innovative features, it won't get the critical acclaim for that kind of award.

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Originally posted by Desslock

The reason they are creating a linear force evolution so players cant totally own the AI. It makes it no fun.


No. Linear force evolution is because of puzzles that will require force use. It wouldn't make sense to do it to 'totally own the AI'. You can do that with only the LS or with a few weapons

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Originally posted by TimTheEnchanter

So your saying id makes games not to be fun to play but just to show off how great there engine can run?


Really that's almost true. id is mostly into making new technologies and better graphics to computer games. I don't mean that they just make an engine then a half-baked game but they are mostly into making new groundbraking technologies och stuff like that. That's why Romero left as he believed more in design and that made it hard for them to work together as Carmack was into that tech stuff. That's also Troika Games main goal aswell...

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Originally posted by digl


No. Linear force evolution is because of puzzles that will require force use. It wouldn't make sense to do it to 'totally own the AI'. You can do that with only the LS or with a few weapons


That may be a part of it but I was pretty sure that one of the Raven guys said the reason was so you cant max a force power to the highest tier and run through the level with ease. I think the example used was maxing force jump and bounding through the level.


What I meant by totally owning the AI is you having superior powers for that level which was not meant to help you advance to the next level. :)

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i think that the plot and gameplay of a game is by far the most important thing. imo graphics are just a bonus.


i think for me that JO will be game of the year, but many people are graphics and gore crazed and will dislike JO, maybe.

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Hard to see JK2 as GotY as not that many ppl are into sci-fi games.


Lol! That's a keeper! Heck.. video games began in the sci fi genre (computer space, space wars, space invaders, galaxian, etc).. and let's look at the games you listed (even if they aren't your candidates):


Possible GotY games, if they get here in 2002 :


Homeworld 2

Let's see... sci fi



Deus Ex 2


Another sci fi...


Unreal 2


Sci fi again.. wow, do we see a pattern developing?


UT 2


No, it can't be! Sci fi again....


Duke Nukem Forever


Whoops, another sci fi....


No One Lives Forever 2


Hmmm.. couldn't tell ya. Does it have space aliens? Mad scientists? Time travel? Whacko futuristic technology? If so, it's sci fi...


Outcast 2


Not too familiar with the Outcast series, we'll just say for the sake of argument that's two non-sci fi games out of the list, the REST ARE SCI FI GAMES!


Heck, if you look at all the successful games in history, you'll see a huge chunk of them are sci fi based, inspired, or themed. JK2 is no exception... so why should that even be a factor in the decision to make GOTY?

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Originally posted by Desslock

That may be a part of it but I was pretty sure that one of the Raven guys said the reason was so you cant max a force power to the highest tier and run through the level with ease. I think the example used was maxing force jump and bounding through the level.


What I meant by totally owning the AI is you having superior powers for that level which was not meant to help you advance to the next level. :)


I think they used that exapmle to say you wouldn't be able to do that


i think for me that JO will be game of the year, but many people are graphics and gore crazed and will dislike JO, maybe.

Check the poll I started about the voodooextreme poll

JO is beating SoF2 (gore) and Quake4(graphics)

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Originally posted by Kurgan


Not too familiar with the Outcast series, we'll just say for the sake of argument that's two non-sci fi games out of the list, the REST ARE SCI FI GAMES!


Outcast placed you as Cutter Slade where you went through a portal and ended up on an alien world, where a probe resides. Your mission is to find this probe.


Definately Sci-Fi :)

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I have one thing to say to you!





Well, I'll settle with : My bad! :(


You're totally right about the gaming industry starting with sci-fi gaming, but what i meant was purebred, hardcore Sci-Fi. Personally i don't count No One Lives Forever as Sci-Fi even though it contains high-tech agent gadgets and typical Bond stuff, but hey if that's Sci-Fi, hell, everythings Sci-Fi. I mean, not THAT many ppl are into Star Wars as you think. All my gaming friends (from the good old Atari times) aren't that into Star Wars or Star Trek, sure one of them thinks Star Wars is cool but no one else. It feels like people are more into guns and bullets and anti-terrorism and stuff like that (sure I like it aswell) nowadays.


Personally I think they're sick and unimaginative that can't think into that other galaxy far far away.

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outcast wil ldefinately be one of the top games...but im not sure about game of the year..... i mean the graphics are alot better and there alot more things you can do in it, but i hope it can stand up to the original in speed and gameplay, if it is as good as the original but with alot better graphics and maps etc.... then it will win.

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Yes, certainly a lot of interesting points raised so far.


There's a lot of strong FPS competition for JKII...as already pointed out. C & C Renegade was originally on my list of contenders, but just by reading a few site reviews, it's out of the running. The dated graphics don't really bother me...but gameplay flaws are a sure way to commit suicide.


Of course, as someone else pointed out...there are bound to be a lot of GoTY announcements, and I'd be surprised if JKII didn't reach the top of someone's list, somewhere. ;)


I think Unreal 2 has a very strong chance...because it's a lot more than simply a graphics upgrade. I'm also one of those who thorougly enjoyed the original Unreal...a game that still stands the test of time very well, and looks a whole lot better than some recent efforts. Sure, the graphical advancements in Unreal 2 shouldn't make it GoTY...but I think there will be some even more interesting gameplay elements this time around, and the environments will be a lot more varied.


Duke Nukem Forever? The problem with that game is that it will now have to pull a magic rabbit out of the hat and really blow people away, or they are going to give it a royal slating like they did with Daikatana (which, as it happens, is not the steaming pile of Bantha Poodoo many would have had us believe - I know, I played the game all the way through with an open mind, and while fatally flawed, with dated graphics, there was also innovation and a decent storyline. It was simply an average game - and it looks like Renegade's gone the same way...)


Half-Life 2 is just a rumour...


Halo for the PC hasn't even been officially confirmed...besides it's already won awards.


Deus Ex 2 may or may not appear in 2002...but if it did, it would be a very strong contender.


Chaser, New World Order and Unreal Tournament II could all be great games, and Kreed (the graphical equal or more to Unreal 2) could have some great gameplay as well. I'm hoping Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter and Falcone: Into the Maelstrom will also make it to PC, because they offer some innovation by combining space ship combat and FPS modes. According to a recent interview, though, they haven't really thought a great deal about Maelstrom for PC...that damned X-Box again. :(


It's pretty much an open field, and will definitely come down to how these games play, and if they really bring anything new to the table.

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Well Star Trek and Star Wars are HUGELY popular franchises, the world-over, that much is undeniable. True, not EVERYONE likes them and not everyone likes them to the extreme degree as some of the fans of those franchises.


However, to limit the notion of "sci fi" to just Star Trek and Star Wars will come as quite a shock (and insult) the fans of the vast body of sci fi inspired stuff out there.


And you have to admit, it's true, that some non-Star Wars fans like some Star Wars games, and some fans don't like some games based on the theme, etc. it all depends. Some people are fans who will get anything with the name on it, others are pickier.


But Doom for example... sci fi... you're going to Mars to fight aliens, that's it in a nutshell.


Soldier of Fortune I wouldn't count as science fiction, but System Shock series, and Deus Ex, Half Life, and Unreal... all Sci Fi.


And not just FPS games are full of sci fi influences.... games like StarCraft and Alpha Centuri ring a bell? Now I wouldn't count something like Diablo, that's more "fantasy" (which tends to dominate the RPG department). A game like Street Fighter I wouldn't consider Sci Fi (more like martial arts).


Basically, if the game follows a plot or theme akin to something you'd see on the sci fi channel, chances are good you could consider it science fiction.


The genre might be hard to define for some (but they know it when they see it) but here's one definition (courtesy of dictionary.com):


science fiction


A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background.

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Personally i think JO is really up there for game of the year. As for C&C Renegade. NO WAY!!!! I played the demo for that thing and the netcode for it sucks big time! I mean, Westwood had to come out with a patch for the demo! FOR THE DEMO!!!!! to fix certain things. IN the end i think JO, or Unreal 2 will be winners



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Remember that the u2 engine will be so HW demanding that probably half of the members of this board wont be able to play it(pure speculation based on the sys. req. discussions a couple of weeks ago).


Nice graphics comes with a prize, upgrading hardware.


That will hopefully be taken into consideration.

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who cares about goty a game i havent bought a game yet were the main decision in buying it was whether it won goty in fact i dont think its even factored into any of my decisions usually its experience of playing the game/demo if jk2 makes me happy i could care less what awards it receives as long as the competition is out there

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

I dont think jk2 is going to be game of the year....or perhaps it will...i can only say such a thing on 1st of Jan. 2003. :D

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Originally posted by SyKoTiCWretched

who cares about goty a game i havent bought a game yet were the main decision in buying it was whether it won goty in fact i dont think its even factored into any of my decisions usually its experience of playing the game/demo if jk2 makes me happy i could care less what awards it receives as long as the competition is out there


Whoa... Take a breath there son, theres only so many words that you can cram into one sentance. :)


[on topic]

JK2 will not be GOTY. Sure, it may be a good game, even a great game, but Star Wars isn't everyones peice of cake. I would say that it would never win a peoples choice award. But, for awards awarded my the journalists themselves, who generally have an open mind, it might have a fair go at it.


As for U2 or UT2, which seem to be sweeping a lot of peoples votes, don't judge it by the fact it has a revolutionary engine and vehicles. Tribes, Tribes 2, Halo, Renegade etc all had vehicles before UT2 and i never saw any of them get GOTY.


On the subject of Renegade, I found the MP mode to be the most fun I've had in a long time. Once you can get past the terrible netcode, it really is an outstanding game, full of variety and teamwork (yes, teamwork, its the only way to win). And, for the last time, the engine isnt as crap as everyone thinks it is. They simply had to scale the game down to lower system requirements. The modders that went to Westwoods lanning convention and mucked around with the engine actually said that it was pretty powerful, the retail game just didn't show it off well.


As for graphics winning GOTY, I give you three examples. Half-Life (Quake 1 engine), Jedi Knight (i think it was the Build engine, not sure), and Deus Ex (Unreal). All sub-par graphics for their time, all GOTY in some way, shape of form. (exacly who are we baseing history of GOTY off anyway? Gamespy? pah.)


As for my vote on GOTY, I think a completely unexpected game, like Half-Life or Deus Ex, will come and blow everyone away. Then, I'll dig this old thread up and rub it all in your faces.



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Originally posted by risod

Remember that the u2 engine will be so HW demanding that probably half of the members of this board wont be able to play it(pure speculation based on the sys. req. discussions a couple of weeks ago).


Nice graphics comes with a prize, upgrading hardware.


That will hopefully be taken into consideration.



oh please...u2 SHOULD raise the bar for minimum sys requirements....i mean please...do you really think that you can continue to function on an oem video card, people? come on..anyway, somewhat related to this, the radeon 8500s are something like $135 ... that is a steal! go get one peeps..

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